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Many poems in this page of spiritual poetry are written by Christians. You can also click through for a page of poems which specifically use Christian metaphor or Bible references.
The guidelines are the same so if you hope to have a Christian poem published, please also read the guidelines below.
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submit your Motivational Poems or Stories
The guidelines are the same so if you hope to have a motivational poem published, please also read the guidelines below.
1. Spiritual poetry about faith from many perspectives is considered. The poetry needs to represent a God of love or themes of Oneness or unity.
This site is interfaith but is run by a
spiritual poet inspired direct from Source but also by
A Course In Miracles. I am a non-duality Christian.
2. Your own spiritual poems are preferred. If you wish to submit a
favourite poem by another, please check that the copyright has expired. The
author must have died more than 75 years ago. Alternatively, you can submit a poem by a living poet with the poet's
3. Your poems must not appear elsewhere online. If I
find out that
they do, I will remove the poems. Search engines penalize those websites
that duplicate content. It it therefore not in the interests of
www.a-spiritual-journey-of-healing to publish spirituality poems already
published. It is not in your own interests either, as your poems are
less likely to be found.
4. Your website address can be included, but it will not be put as a link. Please include your full name so people can search for you if they like your work. Feel free to include a one or two sentence bio.
6. My decision about which work to include is final. Please do not take it as a critique of your spiritual poetry if it is not accepted. I may have to decide quickly. I simply make my own choice. Someone else would choose differently. Please also do not take the inclusion of a poem to mean that it is in line with my own beliefs.
7. Be sure to complete the box to say where you are from.
8. The option is given to include your email address. This allows you to be notified if/when your poem is published online.
This also allows you to be notified if someone later comments on your submitted spiritual poem.
On occasion there have been requests to contact the poet. Without an email address, this hasn't been possible.
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Leaving your email address there does not sign you up to this spiritual website. If you want to stay in touch - and I would like that very much - please sign up here and you will also receive my free forgiveness ebook.
8. Remember to use the copyright symbol if you want to.
9. To submit spiritual poems for this site, please use the submissions box below. Or submit Christian poems here.
10. How do I find out if my spiritual poem has been published.
If you submit your spiritual poem and it is accepted, the poem title and the first lines will be listed in the box at the bottom of this page. I often add an additional title.
Alternatively, I often add a new poem to a pre-existing page on the same topic. (This makes it more likely that your spiritual poem will be found and read.) In this case, the title of the page will be listed.
If you have included your email address, you will be sent a link to your poem. This is the best way to make sure you can find it!
Or you find out if your submitted spiritual poem has been published by searching for it in the google box at the top of each article on this spiritual website.
Thank you for reading the poetry of others and thank you for submitting spiritual poems of your own.
Our poetry speaks of the importance of God, the Divine, Spirit in our lives and in the world.
We are blessed to know a little of God’s Love for us,
We are blessed to feel God flowing through us,
I hold a place for the divine creativity of all who come to this page.
Thank you for reading this article.
And thank you for being here.
With the Love we are,
Katherine T Owen, webmaster at www.a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com
Author of Be Loved, Beloved (Kindle)
Owner of the zazzle HealingStore for delightful customized gifts.
Click to see read my list of my favourite spiritual books, including books of Inspirational Poems
Or move to read visitors' powerful inspirational poems listed by topic
And now for your spiritual poetry published online....
Please submit spiritual poems here. See the submission guidelines at the top of the page.
Click below to see contributions and comments from other visitors to this page...
Spiritual Poems published
A shining light
A pinch of trust
A spoonful of good cheer
A quarter pound that’s all divine
A sprinkle of sincere
A jar of …
Poems about Angels Spirituality
I thought I heard an Angel
Knocking at my door
I must have been just dreaming
The knocking was no more
I thought I heard a whisper …
Poems about Gods love
When all the world has lost its way
Caught up in grief and fear
Stop and take a moment
Just know that I am …
ACIM poems A Course In Miracles
The darkness of the past no longer blinds.
The light has come, and lo', now I can see.
In brilliant clarity, Creation shines.
The light has …
Spiritual companionship, the power of Oneness, poem
Can you come
sit on the floor
with me
Leave our podiums of judgment
and chairs of criticism behind
Do not be …
World is illusion Poems
You have my permission to publish my poem about spirituality and imagination on your fine website if you like.
Sincerely Joe DiMino (Metaphysical poet) …
Non Duality poems
Katherine Owen: I am intrigued by the title of this poem ‘Sacred Feminine’.
I guess that the use of the word ‘bosom’, indicates that the poet experiences …
poems about the seasons spiritual
October Lullaby
Soft rain falling
drops and drops and drops
soft leaves falling
one and then another
and then a handful
and then a burdened branch …
death poem wife
I miss the days we were together,
the joy and laughter of that time.
Now the seasons move a little slower,
yet still the memories …
United In Love
With each beat of my heart and each breath that I take,
on each step of my way, with each mistake that I make,
I shall not fall down, …
Positive spiritual for busy mind
Take A Walk In My Shoes Where shall I roam, if not anywhere but my home. How will the light enter if we stay covered by this dome. Down the path there …
Spiritual Poems about Silence
Sunday Sangha Sitting
Quarter lotus
Floor material
In castle
Feet on
Eyes closed.
Gazing …
Birth of girl poem
IT’S A GIRL© Glenn Johnson
Mother’s birth canal guided
out poked your head
pros and cons weighed
decided this world to explore
Announced …
Christian Hip Hop Poetry
Little Verse, Big Message
GOD has never stopped loving us - not even for a second And nothing has ever topped his divine message And I would be lying …
Nature Poems Spiritual
God's World
It is raining again.
Summer will be over before it gets here
Thunder rolls far away, drops
hit the windshield, the sky turns gray …
God in Everyone Everything Poems
Details of Our Lives
“The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.”
Not a single, small thing misses His ever-searching …
Jesus spirituality not religion poem
Two thousand years off the world stage
Jesus launches his Reckoning of the Rock of Peter tour
His first tour
his humble gift to the world
through …
Surrender to God Spiritual Poetry
Take My Hand Dear Child Rest in Me
I don't understand Lord why must it be?
I don't understand Lord why can't I see?
The sea roars in anger, winds …
Faith in God Inspirational Poems
The God that isn't
is in the hospital
following the gurney
that's headed for the operating room.
The God that isn't
is under …
Comfort Poems Death
Your first step into eternity
The days since your passing are not the same.
To see you again tomorrow has vanished from our eyes.
What you left …
Spirituality in Science Poems
don’t understand me
no numeral of quantity
preacher lady looking
at accusations in a book
saying infinity is proof
of a mathematical sacrifice
that …
Non duality Poetry
Once, Just Once
Once, just once I stilled the torrents in
my mind, the self-centered wishes and
the endless fears. And once, just once
the hawk showed …
Poems about Finding Inner Peace
Hide and- Seek
In the time of very small numbers,
the sun half a world away,I find
I can no longer hide from You.
Surrendering, I am awash in an …
Spiritual healing poems
Pain, cruel burden of humanity?
Creator's punishment for sins?
Divinely paradoxical
Pain Creator’s gift
Vessel of salvation
Peculiar belief? …
Encouragement poems spiritual
(derived from Bible quote Isaiah 43 v. 18 & 19)
Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. …
God's Guidance Poems
This spiritual poem is inspired by the bible quote from Isaiah 50:4 "The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue to know the words that sustained …
Grateful to God Poems
He always hears my needs
I want my life to be worth living
I know God will let my dreams come true
May I always be kind and giving
As He lets my …
Interfaith Poems Published
Poem set to music. You are
a poem set to music. You
pour from somewhere
unknown, Your Melody
sweet and true and
given to all. I but need to
forget …
Self Belief Poems Spiritual
Believe in Yourself
Don't ever run from the truth
Because you can't get away
Just face it with courage
And you'll be ok
It's not who you knew
And …
Awaken Poetry
Cosmic Chuckles
The transforming wave
Ripples across the
face of creation
Nudging hearts
To expand into
The awaiting lands
Full to breaking …
Poem for Christmas
Merry Christmas
Our dreams blow about
on a wandering wind
With a child's unsullied innocence
their journey begins.
They rise over the cities, …
Poems about getting old spiritual
Life is Eternity
I know I’m growing older,
I know I’m not as strong,
But through the years that I have aged,
I have learned what is right and wrong. …
Children’s poem about prayer and noah
Noah Helped the Animals
Noah peeked through algae port holes
a pigeon was upset
coffee was low on the boat
nowhere else to go
the ducks and …
A Course In Miracles poems
You are Heaven.
You alone are Life.
Apart from You,
nothing lives. For
what can be apart
from Life and live?
And what can be
apart from Heaven …
Spiritual Poems Baby
Hi Katherine, I was sorting through some of my old writings and found this one. Not exactly a poem, but I'd forgotten it and it made me smile. Thought …
Psychology Poems
Poems to make you laugh and think
Meeting My Inners by Graham Mummery
On the beach, I laughed, clapped my hands at the in-coming tide. …
Poems for the death of a friend
I wrote this poem for a friend today
This is not goodbye
For Kathryn
Your long fight is over
Your pain is at an end
For peace, it has come …
God the creator poems
THE ONE SUPERNAL LIFE God is not a mind but the cause that the mind is,
not a spirit but the cause that the spirit is,
not light but the cause that …
God Light Spirituality Poetry
You are the expression of God's radiant light.
Release your Spirit on its long and glorious flight.
Free your mind, look into your heart.
Turn on …
Spiritual Mother Poems
My Mother's Last Words
Thinking back to the first years of my life,
I recall a face that cannot be replaced
With eyes …
Poems about prayer
A Prayer to Watch Over you
As I lay down to sleep this night
I ask your protection for those I love till daylight.
Bless them lord with your grace …
Poem for a mothers funeral
I listen to my heartbeat and I'm thankful as can be
for God gave me the power
the power to believe.
Your heart will mend, your …
Mystical Poems
How long will this unconsciousness go on? Yesterday at dawn passing by the Beloved said to me
"You are distraught and unaware.
How …
God Poems
Hail Now You Trembling Kings and Queens
Hail now you trembling kings and queens
self-crowned with plastic scepters waving.
Dare you recount your treasures …
Trust God in Difficult Times
Once In A While Once in awhile, I feel so blue,
I worry and wonder - is my life through?
No use in fighting anymore, I sigh
No use in trying anymore, …
We Are One Poems
I Am
One day I am became reality.
no more illusive shadows slipping in and out of my one act play.
each actor on bended knee
raised holy hands …
Poems about Spiritual Experience
WALKING IN BEAUTY Beauty . . . east
Beauty . . . north
Beauty . . . south . . .
Beauty . . . west . . . spiritual world revealing
Beauty . . . above …
Peace Around The World Spiritual Poetry
'Tis said that men in days agone did praise
the works of God amid barbaric storm
and with humility walked His ways and strove …
poems of doubt poems of faith
Steady Steady
One Heart
One …
Spiritual Time of Change Poetry
THE RISING TORCH The banners of the army of light
have everywhere been unfurled,
the spirit of freedom-justice and goodwill
is racing round the world. …
Ecology Poem
If Only ....
If only, we would look within
search deep into our heart and soul
Send love and light into the cosmos
to save our planet and make …
Poems overcome loneliness spiritual
Three Legs
Struggling to stay balanced, I did not know the cause of my pain
As I aged it just got harder to stay the same
I was missing something …
Poems about the Divine
Three beautiful spiritual poems about the Divine submitted by poet Natasa Pantovic Nuit
After hours and hours of waiting
in silence
a glimpse, a …
Poetry about Death
Dying's Not Living
What would you say, if starting today,
You knew precisely the date
That your life would end?
Just how would you spend …
Poems about Life Spiritual
Madonna, mother, wife . . .
Loved, nurtured, precious guest.
Ethereal conception and fruition.
Humbled, honored presence. …
Love Affair with God Poems
There is a deep pool of sweetness,
In the center of my chest.
Listen to this song.
The words, like a bird wanting to wet its talons,
Gently graze the …
Listening To God Poems
Be the Shepherd of my thoughts.
Nor one I hold alone. But catch
each one, with Holy Hands, that
steals from yonder stones. So
fast …
I Feel Alone Spiritual Poem
Alone the mystic path he trod,
alone he walked the path to God.
Bowed low by every storm and trial,
advancing mile by agonising mile.
Alone, …
Poems about God and nature
Click here for more poems about God and nature .
The vastness of a clear blue sky
our Father decorated …
Poems about immortality and eternity
To kiss...
To kiss the fruit
And caress the flower,
To taste without tarnishing
Humble nature's natural dower,
In this sweet pursuit
I shall …
Poems on the Law of Attraction and Abundance
Poems about Spiritual Reality
The planets wheel
majestically in their orbits
as our Father-Mother sun emits
its life-giving energy.
The solar winds …
Spiritual Encouragement Poems
A baby is born to nourish.
A seed is planted to flourish.
Encourage me to encourage you to speak your philosophy.
My words reach to great …
Epic Poem about the world as illusion
With that invisibility of age
I can fly my life like a kite!
Uninvited and unseen,
albescent, grey, you know what …
Let go of the ego poems
Release now the shackles of ego,
release precious soul and get up and go,
reach up higher, reach out further
and grasp that which is even …
ACIM poems, Non Duality poetry
Sweet Spirit
Sleep peacefully
Upon your journey
Sweet spirit.
Such caring love,
Such strength of courage.
A smile to touch the soul,
A smile …
Poems about honesty and authenticity
Honesty's Kin
Sacrifice to beauty
worship at the altar of love
Surrender to charity,
wear integrity like a glove
Stand up for what you believe …
The Power Of Words Poem
Read God's Words
Read your Bible every day,
It's very important that you do,
Then when you have difficult times,
God's words will get you through. …
Poems by Thomas Traherne
The Improvment
Tis more to recollect, then make. The one
Is but an Accident without the other.
We cannot think the World to be the Throne
Of God, …
poems about jesus
Jesus In India
Jesus went up on a hill
Prayed full day and night.
Seraphim, Cherubim, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel
Listened faithfully:
‘Yes, I …
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My name is Katherine Owen.
Please respect my copyright as the author of this website.
I am delighted if you choose to share on social media, but please do NOT reproduce any of the contents of this page without permission.
© Katherine T Owen
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(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)
For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.
Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.
If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.
Click to preview or BUY
Be Loved Beloved
"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."
Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy