Free Your Mind

by Jane Johnson
(Castle Rock, CO, USA)

You are the expression of God's radiant light.

Release your Spirit on its long and glorious flight.

Free your mind, look into your heart.
Turn on your light, this is how your start.

Hatred and malice will simply float away,
leaving peace and pardon to guide you on your way.

Free your mind, look into your heart.
Turn on your light, this is how you start.

Cherish the moment, it will never come again.
See God's reflection in the faces of all men.

Don't let yourself be frightened by a mission oh so vast.
Be in the present, don't hang on to the past.

Free your mind, look into your heart.
Turn on your light, this is how you start.

This is your moment, this is your song.
Sing it our proudly and let others sing along.

By Jane Johnson

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Switched on
by: Norma

I just found this writing today and it reminded me of a time 32 years ago.

My youngest daughter was seven at the time and asked me 'why can't we see God'
It was winter and the electric lamps were on in my living room.
I went into the kitchen and took a dry tea-towel through to the living room. I removed the light bulb from the lamp and asked my daughter where the light had gone. 'Did you see me switch the lamp off?' I asked. 'No' she replied.
'So where is it?' I asked 'do you think the electricity is still there?' 'Yes' she replied.

I replaced the light-bulb and the light came back.
'We are the light bulbs' I told her, when they wear out they're replaced by new ones. I switched the lamp off. We can choose whether to be switched on or not. What do you like best, the light or the dark. She chose the light.
God is always there, we see him through the ones who have chosen to be switched on. As young as she was she understood.
Thanks to the holy spirit who guided me to teach my child this simple lesson.

Note from Katherine T Owen

That's beautiful, Norma.
I use a similiar analogy in one of the poems in my book, It's OK to Believe.

We are all receivers. :-)

I always appreciate your comments on this website. Your love of God is a delight shared,

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by Robert Gresak
(South Africa)

Let there be light
my soul cried,
let me ride
loves sweeping tide.

Let there be light,
let there be spiritual might
to dissolve fears of the souls long night.

Let there be light,
let my souls sun shine bright
to illumine and bring revelatory sight.

Let there be light
to flow through my consciousness,
to uplift and to bless, no less.

Let there be light
to stream through and along every nerve
and lead me with love, to serve.

Move to a page on a book of spiritual love poems by the author of this site – Be Loved, Beloved

Tags: poetry, spiritual, light, love, consciousness, poem


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Sweet and Clear Poem
by: Dave

Brief, simple and en-lightening ;)
Thank you.

Lovely Spiritual Poem About Light
by: Cynthya

I find this poem so beautiful! Keep writing to fuel your own healing and to spur on that of others.

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Poems about the Light of God

by Hans Lillegard
(Dubuque, IA)


Some have seen degrees of light
Spark the thoughts to
Grapple with white possibility.

In an evening’s incandescence
Partly masked as are mirages
A delicate fluttering thing that
Leaves thoughts wandering in its path.

Lit by some weak bulb,
Have felt a greater presence
Like a joyful punch in the stomach, and so
Have seen degrees of light.

© 2011 Hans Lillegard

Click to see praise for Katherine T Owen’s book of short inspirational poems - the journey to unite our chattering mind with our spirit.

Tags: presence, light revelation, spiritual experience

Photograph added by the webmaster. (c) David Manser. Apologies if it is taken at dawn not evening, but I felt it appropriate to the sense of the beautiful poem.

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Poetry Light and Dark

by Robert Gresak
(South Africa)

The Light And The Dark

Light and dark,
the two are truly inseparable,
both attributes of the Divine Will.

Light is born from the dark
as dark is born from the light,
thus is the cycle of time spun
and the birth of all things won.

One may not reach the dawn save
by the path of night,
as the night may not be reached
save by the way of the dawn.

From the day is night drawn
and from the night emerges
the radiant morn.

Note from

Thank you Robert for your poem. With a non dual perspective, I use a different language. I would talk of the light being of God and the darkness being from our belief in separation not as an attribute of “the Divine Will”.
I agree with the rest. It is often in the dark times that we see the Light most clearly.
I love the spiritual acceptance and patience communicated in your poetry.
With the Light we are,

Katherine T Owen,
Spiritual Poet and Writer

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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