Prayer for Healing -
especially when you feel too ill to pray

This spirituality article gives advice on how to say a prayer for healing (or for faith or love) at a time when you feel too ill or too stuck to pray. Scroll down to receive my prayer for you.

You will find many other prayers for health threaded through the articles on the power of healing bible verses.

prayer for healing ai

Contents for this article prayer for healing

(Links to related articles on faith are at the bottom of the page)

  • Remember others are praying for you
  • My prayer for you
  • Pray for others
  • Can I ask someone to pray with me or for me?

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Remember others are praying for you

A Catholic priest once said to me, 

"...And when you can’t pray, remember that the Church is praying for you."

This meant a lot to me. In times when I felt very alone, or when I didn't feel I had the faith to say a prayer for healing, I thought of his words and they brought me comfort.

In churches, synagogues, temples and mosques around the world, and in spiritual settings of all kinds, people are praying
"God please bless the whole of human kind".
This includes you.
"God please bless all those who are sick or suffering".
This prayer for healing includes you.

You don't have to pray alone. Just by being here, you are already taking the wonderful step of reaching out for help.

In prayer we are all connected.

Allow yourself to receive the prayers being sent out right NOW.

Join in a prayer of agreement for healing with all those who are praying for you. Know that some people have experienced great healing in their own lives and they truly pray the prayer of faith.

My prayer for you to receive faith and healing

Right now as I type this, I say a prayer for healing for you. 

I stop now and I hold a space for your mind and your body to experience peace.

Please stop and receive this prayer.

A Prayer For Faith and Healing

Dear God,

I come into Your presence now.

I ask that any connection I feel with you in this moment adds itself to any connection with you felt by the person reading this.

I ask that Your peace flows through their heart, their mind and their body.

I hold a place for their faith even if they do not feel able to touch it for themselves.

Your peace is the entitlement of all Your children. On their behalf I claim it for them now.

Your healing is the entitlement of all Your children. On their behalf, I claim it for them now.

Feed us, my God, feed us on Your knowledge and understanding.

Give us the words we need to reach out to You.

Give us the peace in our minds we need to hear You.

Guide us in how to pray to You.

I ask this for the person who reads this, for myself and for all.

I praise You for Your ability to touch us wherever we may seem to be.

I know we are always at home, held in Your love.

Thank you. Thank you.


Say a Prayer for healing for someone else

Sometimes it can be easier to pray for someone than for yourself. It is also a good way to remind yourself that others are praying for you, unless of course you are the only one doing it, which is unlikely :-)

A Poem About Prayer

Someone Is Praying for You

To pray for others
is to realise
that someone somewhere
prays for you,

For the lonely, the ill,
for all the human family.

Will you be included?
Will you receive their prayer? 

It's OK to feel sustained by knowing that you are not dependent only on your own efforts. 

"[Your patients] will be sent in whatever form is most helpful;
a name, a thought, a picture, an idea,
or perhaps just a feeling of reaching out to someone somewhere.
The joining is in the hands of the Holy Spirit.
It cannot fail to be accomplished."
(P-3.1.3, A Course In Miracles)

© Katherine T Owen

Spiritual poems by the author on this site

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If you know how to pray to God you have an important job to do.

And if you are setting out to learn how to pray, even during your most difficult times, then you are doing something wonderful.

Someone else can guide you in a prayer for healing or pray with you

Why ask someone to pray

If you find it hard to know how to pray and you know of someone who prays, then ask them to pray for you.

A prayer of agreement for healing works whether you hear it or not. But if the person is willing, ask them to pray with you as well as for you.

When someone prays for you in your presence, it reminds you of their love for you, and strengthens your own commitment to prayer. 

And, who knows, their faith and their words may remind you that you too know how to pray to God.

I signed up with an organisation that said a prayer for healing for me at set times, and asked me to join in (the Seekers - a UK ministry). It was difficult to find the discipline to pray at set times, but I couldn't ask them to do something I wasn't doing myself, so I made the effort. It really strengthened my prayer life.

If you are researching this topic on behalf of a loved one who seems too ill to pray, then thank you for your love. And remember, your prayers for those you love are extremely powerful.

More prayer for healing

Move to the next page:How To Pray for healing when you feel too sick to pray. This includes:

  • Pray out loud
  • Pray the words even when they feel meaningless

There are many prayers for healing included in the articles of scriptures for healing. For example:

On the Healing Scripture page:

  • A prayer to let go of specialness
  • A Short Prayer For Health - let him who hears say 'Come'.

On the Jesus heals page:

  • Prayer for Faith for Healing - to overcome disbelief

Or move to a How do I Pray article which includes:

  • Action Points for How Do I Pray?
  • A Short Prayer to Bless you
  • A prayer forum where you can SHARE your own wisdom or experience on prayer

Or click on the link below to visit the home page of

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

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"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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