Forgiveness of Self and Other

Forgiveness of self and other has been and is so important to me. You may understand why if I tell you a little of my story:

When I got ill, I did not have the help I needed to rest and recover. I had to go against the advice to rest in order to continue to look after myself. I got more and more ill.

ACIM quote forgiveness

I ended up living severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, bedbound for 14 years. I felt that my deterioration was unnecessary and I felt hurt that no one stepped forward to ensure that I got enough to eat.

I also felt guilty for feeling hurt and guilty for having an illness!

I developed the simple yet powerful forgiveness exercises of the release which you can read about in my FREE ebook - Releasing Judgment.)

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As we learn to be willing to forgive each challenge, instead of shutting down in pain or self condemnation, we keep our heart open.

Or perhaps more realistically when we do shut down in pain, we practice the little willingness that allows us to open up once again.

We meet the challenges of life with less fear and increasing confidence.

The bumps of life become an unending stream of guidance.

Our lives go in the direction of becoming richer, bigger and more joyful.

This summary page links to a selection of articles on this website which offer advice on forgiving. Please follow those which call to you.

I ask you to join me in the following little prayer.

"I see myself and all who come here feeling soothed, restored and at peace.

Thank you so much.

With my love, Katherine

Katherine T Owen, webmaster at

Articles on Forgiveness:

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Click through for an article on prayer for self forgiveness which includes a spiritual prayer to ask for and receive forgiveness for yourself 

Another article on Forgiving oneself includes the following:

* Does God Forgive, Or Not?

* Self Forgiveness Exercise to do with A Friend

* A Child’s Self Forgiveness Prayer

Move to read famous Catholic prayers for forgiveness along with a discussion about whether they bring guilt or release.


Articles on how to forgive someone else are as follows:

*A spiritual forgiveness prayer - A Step in How To Forgive Someone Else

*Don't try to forgive on your own - Forgiveness Quotes

* How to forgive a cheating husband - an answer to a visitor's question


  • Move here for famous forgiveness quotes, some that are less famous but powerful! along with quotes from A Course In Miracles. This article includes pinnable forgiveness images.
  • A forum provides an opportunity to SHARE your own stories of forgiveness and receive the wisdom of other visitors.
  • Click through for definitions of forgiveness from the book, A Course In Miracles
  • God Says You Are Beautiful
    In a moment when we accept our own beauty and God's love for us, our need to attack or defend is diminished.
    There is no competition for Love. There is enough.
    There is no need to earn Love. You are entitled.
  • Some of my spiritual poems (Katherine T Owen) about forgiveness
  • An article on finding inner peace through the practice of forgiving self and other.

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

What's New?

  1. Spiritual Poems about Flowers

    rose yellow
    These poems about flowers speak of their beauty as a sign of hope and their fragility as a reminder to seek God in the present moment.

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  2. Prayer for Protection including St Patrick & against verbal attack

    prayer of st patrick celtic
    Say a prayer for protection. Spiritual protection quotes, bible verses. Includes St Patrick's, Christ be beside me. i arise today. Also against verbal attack.

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