Make Own Website Using
SBI Website Tools

Contents for Make Own Website With SBI

Natural SEO Website Design

How To Use Keyword Placement And Quantity

But Hang On. Can't I Create a Free Website?
Excellent Website Support. Pay It Forward

SBI Is An Ethical Company

I Love SBI!

SBI Provides The Webtools To Build A Successful Website

SBI Keeps You Up To Date

Is SBI The Website Provider To Help You Make Own Website?

Do I Need To Pay To Advertise My Website?

My Personal Experience With SBI

I started making my own website as a complete beginner.
I love SBI so much that when it came to building a second website, I chose SBI again!

And if you want to pay someone to make a website for you - one that people visit - SBI can offer that service too.

Affiliate Disclosure and Bonus Offer

Work From Home With SBI!

If you sign up to make your own website using the SBI tool, via one of my links on this page I receive a commission for that sale.

SBI supplies a truly wonderful action guide to talk you through making a website that gets traffic.
I suggest that once you are signed up you start watching or reading the action guide.

If, you then wish to contact me I will be delighted to offer you a checklist with over 30 steps to take when building a page to bring more visitors to that page.

The bonus checklist includes questions such as:
* Does the SBI tool say you have used your keyword as advised?
* Have you included a picture?
* Do you have any outbound links?
* Have you made the picture easily accessible to those using pinterest?
* Have you advertised on the page or will you do so in future?
* Have you tweeted the page or linked to it on facebook?
... and many more points that you can tick off to provide a really useful article that gets found by your visitors.

Thank you so much for signing up via my link.

Katherine T Owen, author and webmaster

Why Make Own Website Using SBI?

Natural SEO Website Design

What does SEO stand for?
Search Engine Optimised

“There is no passing traffic on the internet.”

When building a business in the outside world, as long as you are somewhere visible, people will notice you and come in. On the internet, if the search engines (google, yahoo, bing etc) don't know you are there, that’s it, no one else will. You need SEO website design to get traffic (visitors) to the website.

"There's a spirit to the Site Build It! community that takes the journey to a whole new level. Not just in terms of the website you create, but who you become and the LIFE you create in the process."
Michelle Schill

Click to learn more about working from home with an SBI site

Many users who make own website using SBI have previously had websites that had little traffic and made no money. With SBI they have turned that around to create money making websites.

What is the point of making a great looking website with great content if no one finds it?

SBI stands for Site Build It. But SBI is about much more than just building a website. It teaches you how to make a website that others will find.
How does it do this?

Why Make Own Website Using SBI?

How To Use Keyword Placement And Quantity

Who do you want your website to please?
SBI teaches you how to make a website where keywords are in the right places and the right quantity to allow the search engines to answer the question: what is your website about?

(Website definition: What is a keyword?
A KEYWORD is a word(s) that indicates the subject of your website. For this website the main keywords are spirituality and healing. For this page the main keywords are "make own website")

Too few keywords and the search engines don't know what the webpage is about.

Too many, and the search engines will think you are trying to trick them – even if you are not! – and will reject the page.

SBI websites are not trying to pretend to be something they are not. They genuinely provide the content that they communicate they provide.

If you sign up for having ads on your website the search engines can place adverts that are likely to appeal to visitors who are interested in your subject.

  • The visitor to your website is happy because they find what they want in the content of your website or in the related adverts.

  • You are happy because you draw in an audience who are genuinely interested in what you are offering, and earn money from the adverts or from the products or services you are promoting.

  • The search engines are happy because the audience are more likely to click on the adverts that interest them and they get paid for the adverts.

Why Make Own Website Using SBI?

But Hang On. Can't I Create a Free Website?

SBI! Proof

You may ask:
"Can't I Create A Free Website?"
In other words:
"Can I get all the website tools SBI offers for free by other means?"
No, is the simple answer!

Learn: How does SBI compare for results to a wordpress site?

What do you want a website for?
If you just want somewhere to send your clients to find out a little more about you, then to create a free website may work for you.

If you want people to FIND your website without you sending them a link...
If you want to make money by website...
then you need to set the website up in a certain way.
SBI gives you the website tools to do that.

This website is now not only free, it pays for itself and makes some money.

Why Make Own Website Using SBI?

Excellent Website Support. SBI Is Friendly.

The website forums for SBI users are incredibly active and full of experienced people who generously give advice on how to make money by website and how to get traffic.

SBI has a motto of pay-it-forward: receive from others and then give in your own turn. Ken Evoy – the founder of SBI regularly posts in the forums himself and sends out a monthly newsletter.

Many website tools are anonymous; if you have questions, it is difficult to get a response. SBI is very different. Very friendly.
Where can you go for help on how to make own website once using SBI?

  • You can look in or ask in the forums.

  • You can use the Find It tool.

  • You can email website support at sitesell.
You can get a taste of the friendliness of SBI by

joining SBI on facebook.

Why Make Own Website Using SBI?

SBI Is an Ethical Company

I have heard many stories about how someone has been given a website for a cheap rate, only to have the fees hiked up the following year. You are then obliged to pay the fee or start all over again.
I don't want to spend a huge amount of time learning how to use a certain website tools, only to have to begin again.
I don't want to see my site rise in the rankings, only to have to lose all that benefit by starting again from scratch. (The search engines favour older sites.)

The founder of SBI, Ken Evoy, keeps himself very visible and is always friendly and helpful.
I guess the price must go up some time as it has not gone up for years, but I am confident there will be no huge rises in the annual fee.

Why Make Own Website Using SBI?

SBI Provides The Website Tools To Build A Successful Website

SBI! Tools

When you go into the SBI tool, these are just some of the website tools provided:

Brainstormer – to find the keywords for the subject of your website, or to explore different subjects to choose one that is profitable for you.

Image Library – to allow you to upload images to your site

Content 2 library – to allow you to set up windows on your site to allow others to submit their own information

Look and Feel selector – containing numerous templates for the design of your site. You can choose a new one at any point, or – if you are technically able – you can just upload your own choice.

Add a Sitebuildit page – Where you add a new page to your site, with instructions on how to do that.

Traffic Stats – look up how many people have visited each page of your site and which keywords they have used to find you.

Search Engine HQ – how each of your pages is ranked by the Search Engine.

All of these website tools have information available on how to use them. There are many options I haven’t used yet. When I am ready to do so, I click to get a page of advice. I can also visit the forums for more information.

Why Make Own Website Using SBI?

SBI Keeps You Up To Date

The SBI newsletter says:
“No need for you to read 100+ Net-marketing e-zines, blogs & feeds -- we ...boil it all down and report only the important material you need to know.”

It has taken me a while to realise just how beneficial this is. There is a deluge of offers out there about how to draw traffic to your site, how to make money by website. We can spend a huge amount of time being drawn by people’s promises of great content only to listen for an hour and get one good tip.

How great to know that I am part of a company that keeps abreast of the new opportunities and lets me know how to apply them to my site.

Previous advice given by SBIers in the forums is archived and available.
If someone writes something especially useful, it is highlighted in the monthly ezine. And/or it becomes incorporated in and referenced in the Tips and Techniques section. The information available to SBI users is always growing and staying up to date.

Why Make Own Website Using SBI?

Is SBI The Website Provider To Help You Make Own Website?

SBI is very worthwhile if you want to make money by website or want your website to pay for itself.
SBI is for you if you want a website with traffic that generates itself.

To set up an SBI is like investing in a small business:
You invest time and effort, you let it build. You may pay out more than you bring in for the first year.
Some time in the first or second year, you should see income grow consistently whilst your cost stays the same.

Why Make Own Website Using SBI?

Do I Need To Pay To Advertise My Website?

Which would you prefer:

To spend money and time investigating the best way to advertise to get people to visit your website?
To spend time writing articles about your favourite subject?

If you advertise, what happens if you stop advertising?.. The traffic stops.
When you rely on advertising, you are committing yourself to paying out money to get people to your site.
You will need to track which ads work best. What works will also change over time.

The idea of that doesn't appeal to me at all. I have no adverts to get people to my site. They find it because they are searching for something they want and I provide it.

Why Make Own Website Using SBI?

My Personal Experience With SBI

Your biggest assurance that I am happy with Solo Build It is the existence of this website.
At the time of writing the site is less than 2 years old.
I get 1000 visits to the site each day. The numbers rise each month.

A Blessing I receive a great deal of feedback from people that they find encouragement, blessing and inspiration from the website. I am blessed in being a blessing.

Am I Making Money By Website? This website more than pays for itself.
Now it is established, I can look out for products I really believe in that I am happy to promote on the site.
I have a writer’s platform from which to promote my current and future books.

Freedom To Work When and If
I continue to manage the illness ME/CFS. Having a website is perfect for me; I can work on new pages as and when I am able.

I look forward to continuing to expand my own website.
I love the Solo Build It website tools and ethos.
I recommend Solo Build It very highly indeed.

Click here to learn the reasons to make your own website with Solo Build It

Why use Solo Build It to make own website?
Questions and doubts about Solo Build It and the answers!

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

Buy the paperback on Lulu

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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