Buy Psalm 91 Gifts

Are you asking
"Where can I buy Psalm 91 as a poster, a card, a mug, or on clothing such as a t-shirt?".
Perhaps you want these words on a gift to inspire yourself.
Perhaps you want to buy an inspiring present for a loved one.

I hope you will find what you are looking for on this page and in
my Zazzle HealingStore.


Scroll down to see an image of each gift in turn.
Or click on the gift category that interests you the most.

Buy words from Psalm 91 on

Or add words from Psalm 91 to

My Zazzle HealingStore
and how you can use it

Mugs, t shirts, posters...
These are the gifts available to buy on this page with a Psalm 91 theme for yourself or for a family member or friend.

My HealingStore on the Zazzle website offers many other gifts which can also be personalised with a name or message.
Cushions, doormats... These are gifts shown on this page and available to adapt to a Psalm 91 theme.

When you click on a link here and go through to the Zazzle website, once there please look at the top of the page to see if there are any current discounts.
You will need to enter the discount code at the checkout.

To buy from the UK and countries other than the USA

The links on this page are to my USA Zazzle HealingStore.

For the UK, or for countries other than the USA, once you click through look for the flag. Select the flag for the country where you want your Psalm 91 gift delivered.

Zazzle delivers personalized gifts to:
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, China (诗篇91), France (psaume 91), Germany (Deutshland), Salmo 91(Italia and España).
And many many other countries.

You can change the words on a Psalm 91 gift to your preferred language.

Psalm 91 is so important to me. It is important to have the words available in my mind at the time when I need a sense of spiritual protection or strength.

I hope that having the words on a gift around your home will help you to write these powerful words in your mind and on your heart.

Thank you for being here.


Katherine T Owen, webmaster,
Author of Be Loved, Beloved (Kindle)

Buy Psalm 91 Print Out On
A Poster

Large, medium and small size posters may be available.
Check the size option once you click through.
(If the design is not big enough for a larger option, a warning will let you know.)

Psalm 91 Poster Can be Personalised
Psalm 91 Poster Can be Personalised, USA link

UK Link Psalm 91 Personalised Poster

To buy this Psalm 91 print out gift from a country other than the USA, once you are on the website click the flag for your country.

 Click above to buy a poster with a personalised version of Psalm 91 to say as a powerful prayer of protection over your life.
You can choose to add your own name to the poster.

Psalm 91 King James Christian Poster, USA link
Psalm 91 King James Christian Poster, USA link

To buy this Psalm 91 print out gift from a country other than the USA, once you are on the website click the flag for your country.

Above and below:
A poster of the original words, KJV version,
from Psalm 91 in the Bible.

You can still make this Christian wall art personalized by adding your own name.

The poster will start with the words...
I, YOUR NAME, pray Psalm 91 over my life

Psalm 91 King James Version Add Name Christian Poster, USA link
Psalm 91 King James Version Add Name Christian Poster, USA link

Larger size poster

Buy Psalm 91 Greetings Card

Psalm 91 for Protection | Spiritual Encouragement Card, USA link
Psalm 91 for Protection | Spiritual Encouragement Card, USA link

To buy this Psalm 91 print out gift from a country other than the USA, once you are on the website click the flag for your country.

The Psalm 91 greetings card above has an extract of the psalm on the front.
Inside the card are the full original KJV words of the psalm.
(They are in font size 9. It was quite a tight fit to design!)

Make sure to personalise the card inside with:
1) your name
2) the name of the person receiving it.

Buy Psalm 91 T Shirt

With each of the t shirts below, you have the following options:

  • Have the t-shirt imprinted with any other quote from Psalm 91 (or any other quote). To do so, do the following
    Choose your favorite/favourite color/colour.
    Once you click through, click on the personalise it button to change the quote.
  • As well as a woman's t shirt, you can also buy the angel design t shirt for a man, boy or girl.
    Look next to or beneath the image for the Style box.
    Click on "see more".
  • Different coloured/colored t shirts are available.
    The colour/color of the angel will stay the same.
Gold angel themed, In God We Trust T-Shirt
Gold angel themed, In God We Trust T-Shirt, USA link

To buy this Psalm 91 gift from a country other than the USA,
once you are on the website click the flag for your country.

Buy this aubergine purple-spectrum clothing with the words
"In God we trust".

The words "In God we trust" appear on American currency.
The origin of the words is likely to lie in Psalm  91.
Here is the quote in context.

Today I say of the LORD,
You are my refuge and my fortress:
my God; in You I trust.

If you want the words "In God we trust"
but prefer the color/colour of one of the T Shirts below
simply replace the words on another colour with these words.

On the back of this clothing are three smaller gold angels
in a beautiful diagonal design.

Buy Blue Angel Gift, Christian theme, imprinted T-Shirt
Buy Blue Angel Gift, Christian theme, imprinted T-Shirt, USA link

The words on the blue t shirt above are from Psalm 91:
"Angels lift me up".

The original Bible verse is as follows:

"For he shall give his angels charge over thee,
to keep thee in all thy ways.
They shall bear thee up in their hands,
lest thou dash thy foot against a stone"

On the back of this imprinted item are three smaller blue angels
in a beautiful diagonal design.

Buy Psalm 91 quote on this light brown, creme T shirt. The quote is "My Refuge"

Click to buy from the Zazzle HealingStore in the USA

Click to buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

From Canada.

Buy Psalm 91 Gifts
are also available to buy from other countries.
Click a link above. Then select your country.

The Psalm 91 quote on this light brown, creme T shirt is
"My Refuge"

The original Bible verse is as follows:

"I will say of the LORD,
He is my refuge and my fortress:

my God; in him will I trust. "

The bible quote can be changed.
Or replaced with someone's name
or with a word on a spiritual theme such as

On the back of this design are three smaller gold angels
in a beautiful diagonal design.

Psalm 91 Quote, Gold Angel Theme, White T-Shirt
Psalm 91 Quote, Gold Angel Theme, White T-Shirt, USA Link

Buy the Psalm 91 white T shirt shown above with the words:
"In the secret place"

The original Bible verse is as follows:

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

On the back of this design are three smaller gold angels
in a beautiful diagonal design.

Green Angel Gift, Peace T-Shirt
Green Angel Gift, Peace T-Shirt

Buy the long sleeved green T shirt shown above with the word:

You can of course customize the clothing and print
a quote from Psalm 91.

On the back of this design are three smaller green angels
in a beautiful diagonal design.

Buy a Psalm 91 mug

Buy Psalm 91 Gift, Gold Angel Coffee Mug
Buy Psalm 91 Gift, Gold Angel Coffee Mug, USA Link

The design on this imprinted mug is the following quote from Psalm 91.
The quote appears on either side of a beautiful gold angel.

You give your angels charge over me,
to keep me in all my ways.
They bear me up in their hands,
lest I dash my foot against a stone.

Bible Quote Psalm 91 Gift, Purple Angel Coffee Mug
Bible Quote Psalm 91 Gift, Purple Angel Coffee Mug, USA link

Purple angel on one side of the mug.
Quote from Psalm 91 on the other.

You give your angels charge over me,
to keep me in all my ways.
They bear me up in their hands,
lest I dash my foot against a stone.

Printable Travel Mug, Gold Angel, Add Names Travel Mug
Printable Travel Mug, Gold Angel, Add Names Travel Mug
by healingstore

Printable Travel Mug with Gold Angel.

The angel is on a brown theme.

The message on the printable travel mug is:

“Darling Sean
May angels guide you
and protect you"

“From your loving wife,

If you prefer, you can change the quote.
You could, for example, print a direct quote from Psalm 91.

And of course you make it a personalized mug when you:



These customisable gifts allow you to
add words from Psalm 91

If you find a design you like which doesn't already feature your favourite/favorite words from Psalm 91, once you are on the Zazzle website in my Healing Store
click on "
personalize this template" to change the words to the quote you prefer.

Psalm cushion - home accessories

Prosperity Scripture Psalm 1 Cushion
Prosperity Scripture Psalm 1 Cushion
by healingstore

To buy it as a Psalm 91 cushion,
you can replace the words of Psalm 1.

A brown themed angel is on the front with the words
"Psalm 1"

On the back of the cushion are
these powerful words of abundance from Psalm 1:

"I am like a tree
growing by running water
I yield my fruit in season
Even in the severest drought
my leaf does not wither
All that I do prospers"

The gold themed cushion is also available in and cheaper in a smaller size.

I have this cushion in my sitting room and it beautifully matches my brown curtains.
You have the option to choose a different bespoke colour/color for your cushion.
The angel will stay the same colour.

To change the colour, log in to the zazzle website.
Click on the "personalize this template" option.
Once you are logged in, you will see that 'Customize' has appeared.

Christian Doormat

Green Door Mat, Customizable Bible verse Christian Doormat
Green Door Mat, Customizable Bible verse Christian Doormat

An unusual green Christian doormat.
If preferred, you are free to replace the quote from Deuteronomy 28
with an extract from Psalm 91.

The current words of Christian (and Jewish) welcome are:

"You are blessed when you come in”

The original Bible verse is as follows:

You will be blessed when you come in
and blessed when you go out

This is a personalized doormat.
There is space for you to have printed the names of the people who live in the house.

"Welcome to
if this is a gift doormat,

Thank you for any purchases.
They will go towards the cost of running this spiritual website.

Whether you buy or not,
may you be blessed with
the powerful prayer of protection that is....
Psalm 91.

You might like these

Move to read the personalized version of Psalm 91 along with the original words from the KJV version of this powerful psalm.
Perhaps you will find another favourite/favorite quote to put on a household item.

Receive daily inspiration...

Receive daily inspiration by putting
your favorite (favourite) quote on
an item you see daily around your home-
a mug, cushion, postcard, coaster, T shirt etc.
You will find my zazzle gift store at (USA)

Use one of my designs or start from a blank. (UK)

Thank you so much for supporting this website

Advert for personalised gifts with a spiritual or healing theme

My name is Katherine Owen.
Please respect my copyright as the author of this website.
I am delighted if you choose to share on social media, but please do NOT reproduce any of the contents of this page without permission.
© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

Buy the paperback on Lulu

Click to preview or BUY
Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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