Scriptures on Healing

Healing Bible Quotes, Stories  & Examples Where Jesus Heals

Scriptures on Healing Shift Our Beliefs To Allow Us To Receive Physical Healing

There are various beliefs we may choose to help us in receiving physical healing from illness.

On the following pages I introduce you to some of these beliefs and the healing scriptures that encourage us to adopt them.

Scriptures on healing have been a huge part of my journey towards healing from severe ME / CFS.

I have written the headings in such a way that most of them are powerful affirmations for health.
Whether you hold these beliefs or not, as you read and practise them, they have a positive impact on your peace of mind and your ability to receive healing.

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With love, Katherine

Who Are These Powerful Scriptures on Healing For?

To gain most benefit from these pages on scriptures on healing it will help if you take the Bible to be a possible source of Divine Truth. These pages are probably most relevant to Christians or others pursuing the spiritual journey who love or follow Jesus.

However, you certainly don't need to be a Christian. if you are open to reading the Bible, please persevere and see if anything here speaks to you.

I am not sure I considered myself a Christian at the time I started using healing bible quotes, though I was very much on a journey with Jesus.

You may be surprised by the power of the words. I know I was.

There are many other pages on this spiritual website about how our thoughts and health are connected.

If you are a Christian with ME/CFS you may be especially interested to have found someone who claimed healing through scripture about healing.

Though I still live with the illness, I experienced significant healing.

A List of Healing Beliefs - with the stories from the bible that are on each page

Click on the links below to find out where these bible verses appear in the Bible.

God’s Will Is My Health

  • The bible story of Jesus healing the man who is demon posessed and blind, mute.
    Jesus says it is God not the devil who brings health.
  • A Christian healing book review.

God Has The Power To Heal Me

  • Old Testament healing bible verse - psalm 103, "He heals all my diseases"
  • Prayer for healing - God, I am willing to believe Your strength is bigger than any weakness I now feel.

God Can Heal The Illness I Have

  • The story of healing of the blind man, Bartimaeus

No Illness Is Too Small To Bother God With

  • Bible quote in which Jesus promises abundance. Illness is the thief not abundance, therefore illness is not from God.
  • Scriptures on healing: how Jesus healed them all

There Is Nothing Which Sets Me Apart. I Can Be Healed

  • Various healing scriptures which say that Jesus healed them all

Jesus Healed. And He Still Heals Now

  • Bible verse on how Jesus is the same now

It Serves God To Ask For My Healing

  • An example of Jesus healing: Bible story about healing Peter’s sick mother in law

Healing Is Possible from long term illness

  • A bible story of physical healing: Peter heals the lame man.
  • "How long oh lord" bible verse

picture_jesus_christA photo I took in the London Catholic Cathedral

Immediate Healing is possible

Do I Need To Be Christian To Receive Healing From Jesus?

  • The bible story of healing the Centurion’s servant

I Choose Life

  • Choosing life and death scripture

I Am Blessed And A Blessing

  • The prayer of Abraham and of all of us

I Can Affirm I am Worthy When My World Seems To Say I Am Worthless

  • The Old Testament story of the healing of Hezekiah

The Bible story of when Jesus heals the son when the father chooses to believe. "Heal my disbelief"

  • Includes a prayer for healing and faith.
  • Includes a link to other stories of Jesus healing the sick.
  • Self Healing in the Bible or God Healing?

I Don't Have To Wait For Healing "by his stripes you were healed".

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Releasing Judgement, the FREE ebook

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Bible verse: "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works"

The True Blessing Of Healing Is A Stronger Relationship With God

The bible story of the one leper who returns to praise God.

Articles soon to come:

I Have The Power To Heal

Someone Else Can Help Me Receive My Healing Today

Bible verse: "...these signs shall follow them that believe".

In other healing articles on this website I also explore the following:

How To Believe For Healing?

Fear And Faith Definition

Healing Bible Quotes: O LORD my God, I called to you for help
and you healed me.

Faith For Healing

The bible story of healing about the woman with the issue of blood who touched the hem of Jesus' garment.

"If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole"

What Do Scriptures on Healing Tell Us About How To Heal?

On the same topic of faith and healing, please see my answers when a beautiful visitor to a-spiritual-journey-of-healing shares both her frustrations and joys in claiming her healing.
The article links to her testimony of a gift greater than physical healing.

Thank you for receiving these powerful healing bible quotes.

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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