How To Pray To God-
Do You Need To Believe in God?

Contents List for How To Pray To God :

Keep reading
for the article on this page, or click through to the other relevant pages.

1. You Can Learn To Pray

2. Do You Need To Believe In God To Pray?

3. Setting A Timescale For Learning How To Pray

Or move to another article on How to Overcome Doubt which includes:

4. Faith Is A Muscle

5. Do I need to believe in God for my prayer to work?

6. Even faith-filled people need to overcome doubt

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And finally on the same subject move to this page to find the following:

7. Can I ask God for help with believing?

8. Persevere even when you feel prayer makes no difference

9. Action Points About Prayer

10. A Short Prayer For You From Katherine T Owen (me!)

Other articles relevant to How to Pray

Other relevant faith articles:

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1. You Can Learn To Pray

When speaking of faith, we tend to think we either have faith or we don’t, we either know how to pray, or we don't. The truth is we can learn how to have faith, and how to pray to God in the same way we can learn to do anything else.

I was asked recently: “Katherine, how do I pray?” 

What a great question.

If you have found this page on a search engine then you have taken a step which is so important in learning anything new. You have asked the question “How?” How can I pray? How can I pray effectively?

When I was ill, I chose to believe that I could learn how to pray to God, and I did.

If I learned how to pray to God, you can learn too. 

2. Do You Need To Believe In God To Pray?

Can I pray if I don't believe in God?


You don't need belief in God to pray. In fact, if you don't believe in God but you want to believe in God, prayer is a great place to start.

Here is an example of how to pray if you don't believe in God, but you are willing to have an experience that will change your mind: 

How To Pray For Belief In God - A Prayer For Faith

Dear God,

I am willing to know there is something larger than myself. 

I am willing to know there is a bigger picture. 

I am willing to open my mind to you. 

I ask you to communicate with me, and I am willing to spend time in silence to hear this communication. 

I recognise that if I have spent my life blocking out such communication then it may require time and effort to become able to receive it once again.

I am willing to learn how to pray.

Prayer has worked to open others to knowledge of you, so I am willing.

(I will give it a go/I am giving it a go for _____ (name a time period).

I will say/I am saying the following prayers ________ every __________.

I am committed to sitting in silence once every ______.

I am willing to hear you.

I am willing to see evidence of your Love and Guidance in my life.

Lord, teach me to pray.

Thank you.


Once you have said this prayer for faith a few times, and if it feels OK for you, then cross out the words "am willing to". It then becomes an affirmation and a stronger prayer to overcome doubt.

A Prayer To Believe In God - An Affirmation For Faith

Dear God,

I know there is something larger than myself. 

I know there is a bigger picture. 

I open my mind to you. 

I ask you to communicate with me, and I spend time in silence to hear this communication. 

I am learning how to pray.

I know it has worked for others such as.... (think of a holy person in the faith you follow, or someone you know and feel inspired by.)

I am giving it a go for _____ (name a time period).

I will say/I am saying the following prayers ________ every __________.

I am committed to sitting in silence once every ______.

I hear you.

I see evidence of your Love and Guidance in my life.

Lord, thank you for hearing and responding to my prayers.

I trust in you.

Thank you.


Do you feel the difference? 

Do you feel how it is a much stronger prayer for faith?

Say whichever prayer for faith feels right for you. 

3. Setting A Timescale For Learning How To Pray To God

Where the blanks are in the prayer for faith above, you may wish to enter

  • what prayers or type of prayer you want to commit to
  • a timescale for which to experiment with prayer
  • how frequently, you want to commit to sitting in silence (this could be in nature or anywhere)

When the timescale for experiment is up, ask yourself such questions as:

  • Am I experiencing any benefit from prayer?
  • Do I believe I am learning how to pray to God?
  • Am I willing to keep going with prayer for longer?
  • Do I want to continue with the same prayers or change some?
  • Do I need more support to learn how to pray to God?
  • Do I need more support to commit to prayer?

If you are willing to keep going for longer, set yourself another timescale after which you will assess the results of prayer.

When we are learning how to pray to God, it can be easy to give up. Setting ourselves a time period in which to practise prayer can be a useful discipline to keep us going.

Just remember though, if you do not always pray at the times or with the frequency you decided, be gentle on yourself.

You are willing. You are turning up.. at least sometimes. Well done. 

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

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"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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