10 Tips For Finding
Peace of Mind –
Spiritual Relaxation Techniques
To Rest in God

Here are 10 Tips for Finding Peace of Mind:

Tip 1. We Choose Stillness And Silence

Tip 2. We Are Willing To Know Stillness And Silence

Tip 3. We Say Affirmations for Stillness and Silence

To explore the other tips for finding peace, click though to other spiritual articles on this website:

Tip 4. We Say A Prayer For Relaxation, Rest and Peace of Mind

Tip 5. We Use Spiritual Quotes To Rest In God

Tip 6. We release judgement to find self acceptance and acceptance of the other (Free ebook available)

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With love, Katherine

Tip 7. We pray to forgive others

Tip 8. We pray for self forgiveness

Tip 9. We pray the serenity prayer to know what we can change and what we need to accept as it is.

Tip 10. We take up meditation techniques

Why Learn Spiritual Relaxation Techniques?

It is so important to learn how to relax. Before I was living with illness, I had no ideas of all the methods available to help you learn how to rest and relax.

Above, this page links to 10 tips for finding peace through spiritual relaxation techniques that you can apply right now.

Spiritual relaxation techniques serve not only to bring physical, mental and emotional benefits, but also spiritual benefits.

You are quietening the monkey mind. The monkey mind is the mind clings to how things are, and how things should be, and what it all means. It jumps from one thought to another.

You are taking a break from this separate identity that seems to be you, and allowing yourself to experience the sense of freedom and unity that comes from knowing you are part of All That Is.

You are entering God’s rest.

You are creating a space in which God can enter and guide you.

Spiritual Relaxation Techniques For Finding Peace:

1. We Choose Stillness And Silence

When I became seriously ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, I became sensitive to noise.

I resented my need for silence. I wanted to listen to the radio or the television. I wanted to make noise.

I was forced to lie still for most of the time.

I resented my need for stillness. I wanted to keep busy. I had things I wanted to do. And I wanted to distract myself from the unpleasant thoughts in my mind.

I was living for the 5 or 10 minutes in the hour where I was able to be a little active.
I was living only part of my life.

Of course, many people choose stillness and silence:

Some people choose to live in a monastery or a convent.
Some go off and live in a spiritual community that builds times of silence into each day.
Many more people simply build silence and stillness into their life whilst continuing to live a more conventional life.

Others find out how to be still and silent. I knew it must be possible for me to do the same.

In fact, if I was serious about my spirituality - my relationship with God, I realised the times of stillness and silence may well turn out to be the most important times.

I had been ill for many years before I realised I needed to choose stillness and silence.

Spiritual Relaxation Techniques for Finding Peace:

We are willing to be still and silent:

If we knew how to find peace, we would have done so.

A prayer to rest in God and know God’s peace is a prayer of surrender.

It is a prayer that recognises we don’t know how to set about finding peace. Instead of trying, we say a prayer of willingness and invite God to guide us.

Audio of prayer for finding peace

Willingness Prayer for Finding Peace

I am willing to be still.

I am willing to be silent.

I am willing to believe there are gifts to be found in stillness and silence.
I am willing to receive these gifts.

I realise that in this stillness and silence I may meet myself.
I am willing to meet myself.

I believe that underneath anything that seems to be myself, is my real Self.  
My Self is Love and my Self is Innocence.  
It is safe to see my Self.

I realise that in this stillness and silence I may meet God.

I believe that underneath any false beliefs I may have about God, there is the real God.  

God, you are Love. God, You are Innocence.  
I am willing to believe it is safe for me to meet with You.

I am willing to meet You.

I may not know how to do this. I do not need to know how.
I understand that my willingness is enough for the next step to be revealed to me.

Dear God, please guide me.
Thank you.   

Spiritual Relaxation Techniques for Finding Peace:

Affirmations for stillness and silence

Once the prayer for willingness is easy for you to say, you can tweak the prayer to become affirmations for rest:

I am still.

I am silent.

There are gifts to be found in silence and stillness.
I receive these gifts.

In this stillness and silence I meet myself.
I welcome all I see about myself.
When I see darkness, I invite the Light to heal the darkness.
When I see fear, I invite Love to heal the fear.

I see Light and I celebrate the Light that I am.
I see Love and I celebrate the Love that I am.

In this stillness and silence I meet God.
I choose to meet God.
I rest in God.

Thank you. Thank you.

Other articles relevant to 10 Tips for Finding Peace

Other Articles on Finding Inner Peace

  • When I have trouble finding peace and find it hard to rest, it is sometimes because I don't know how to accept myself as I am. Click here for a poem on how God sees you as beautiful.
  • If you felt a resistance to saying the prayer for rest above, you may enjoy this spirituality article on my journey to overcome resistance to God.
  • I find practices of acceptance and forgiveness essential for finding peace of mind.
  • Go here for relaxation techniques  I used while living with severe ME/CFS, including a comments box to tell me about relaxation techniques that have worked for you.

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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