Contact Katherine T Owen

The spiritual website A-Spiritual-Journey-of-Healing is designed and run by myself - Katherine T Owen.

I am a poet, author and webmaster living in Swindon, Wiltshire, England, UK.

website owner

The website provides companionship, guidance and validation on your journey with spirituality and healing.

To contact me

To send me a message via the contact box, click here. Or scroll down the page.

Please note that if your enquiry is a request for personal advice, I am unlikely to be able to answer, or at least not in detail. My apologies for this.

You are more likely to get a reply if you ask a question in the spirituality forum /guest book, or in any one of the guest-contributor boxes listed on that page.

You could for example ask,
"Do you have any information on one of your websites about...." Then I can post the link to any relevant spiritual or healing articles.

Contents on this page

  • Books by Katherine Owen
  • Katherine Owen as speaker and podcast guest
  • Find Katherine Owen on social media
  • To share your wisdom or give feedback on the site
  • How can you help
  • Katherine T Owen. Click here for the contact box

Books by Katherine T Owen

My small but powerful book Be Loved Beloved is very affordable and available on Kindle.

To buy the paperback at, click on the link below.

Poems by the author of
this website

Paperback of
Be Loved Beloved
also available in various currencies

Click for the paperback

Or see below for my book:

It's OK to Believe, A Journey with Faith and Reason

This is not officially published as yet!
The book is however available in paperback at

Katherine T Owen is webmaster at

She is author of

    It's OK to Believe  
A Journey with
Faith and Reason

It's OK to Believe by Katherine T Owen. Book Cover

Katherine T Owen as speaker and podcast guest

Sadly, due to illness I am rarely available to give talks at the moment.

Click through for a selection of interviews including poetry readings.

A list of some of the themes of talks I have given and would be happy to give again online if well enough.

Cover for the forgiveness book available as a pdf via this website.

To receive Releasing Judgment, a FREE ebook
or just to keep in touch, sign in below.

Your email will definitely not be misused
and you can unsubscribe at any time.
With love, Katherine

Find Katherine T Owen on social media

You can share any article on this website by clicking on the "share icons" somewhere on each page. Probably on the left hand side and at the bottom of each page.

Any purchase of
an angel themed gift helps to pay for this website.
Abundant thanks, Katherine

To Share Your Wisdom Or Give Feedback On The Site:

If you want to give feedback on this site, you can go to the spirituality forum, see what others have said, and add your comment. I would love to hear from you.

Thank you so much for the lovely comments and contributions. They mean a lot to me.

How Can You Help

One of my favourite prayer affirmations is: I am blessed and I am a blessing.
Thank you for blessing me with any help you give.
Thank you for being blessed by this spiritual website and thereby blessing me with your receiving.

1. Tell People About The Free Ebook

Let your friends know that they can receive the free forgiveness ebook - Releasing Judgment - Forgiveness Exercises for Self Acceptance and Inner Peace. They just need to follow the link above and enter their email address in the box.

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the FREE ebook
Releasing Judgement

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Follow me on Twitter and retweet your favourite pages to your followers.

3. Buy from my Zazzle HealingStore or Click on Adverts

I run the Zazzle HealingStore. I've designed various cards and gifts on a spiritual and healing theme.
My house is delightfully full of inspiring quotes - on cards, mugs, cushions and towels.
I get a percentage if you buy any one of spiritually themed gifts.
You will find an advert at the bottom of each article on this website.


When you click on any advert on this spiritual website, I receive a small commission. Please don't do so though, unless you have some interest in what they have to offer.

4. Buy A Book From My Recommendations

Books have been so important to me on my spiritual journey.

Whenever you buy a book from amongst my favourite spiritual books in the Amazon bookstore, I receive a small commission. You pay the same amount.

5. Receive a blessing

Some of you who use this spiritual website live with very Severe ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). I lived with severe illness myself for so long.
Some of you have let me know that you rely on family or carers to read the website to you.

Please know that by receiving you are giving.
When you allow me to be a blessing to you, you are being a blessing to me.

When any of us engage in spiritual practices that open our minds and hearts to God, we are increasing God's access to ourselves and to the world.

If, right now, you are fighting to keep your faith strong and your heart open, please know that you are doing something wonderful.

To stand in the dark of illness or difficulties and know the truth of God's light is to help us all.
Thank you.

6. Let me know about Typos And Blips

By the way, I am always very grateful when someone lets me know about typos, or links naughtily taking you where they are not supposed to go.

If you are from the USA, watch out for the UK spellings of words. For example, practise (when a verb), behaviour, realise, judgement, saviour, humour, favourite, colour. :-)

Thank you so much for being here.
I bless you on your journey.

With the Love we are,


Katherine T Owen, webmaster,
Author of Be Loved, Beloved (Kindle)

PS. When you submit a comment, your email details are not kept.
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of future additions to this spiritual website, please sign up for the FREE forgiveness ebook.

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Receive daily inspiration by putting
your favorite (favourite) quote on
an item you see daily around your home-
a mug, cushion, postcard, coaster, T shirt etc.
You will find my zazzle gift store at (USA)

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Thank you so much for supporting this website

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My name is Katherine Owen.
Please respect my copyright as the author of this website.
I am delighted if you choose to share on social media, but please do NOT reproduce any of the contents of this page without permission.
© Katherine T Owen

Free forgiveness ebook

To receive
Releasing Judgment,
a FREE ebook

or to keep in touch...

Please be assured - I will NOT pass on your e-mail address to anyone else.

Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

Buy the paperback on Lulu

Click to preview or BUY
Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

What's New?

  1. Psychology And Spirituality - the similarities, the differences

    psychology and spirituality
    Psychology and spirituality – what are the similarities, the differences, potential conflicts. Includes a personal take on how I include both in my own life.

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  2. Christian Easter Message - Prayers, Surrender The Ego, Gratitude

    this cup i will drink
    The Bible Christian Easter message guides us to spiritual surrender. Jesus holds to his innocence in God. Easter prayers for God’s guidance in hard times.

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