Poems on Belief

The Book - "It's OK to Believe"
A Journey With Faith and Reason

The narrative and poems on belief in the book It’s OK to Believe take the reader on the author's journey to unite her questioning mind with her faith.

This is no dogma or doctrine but a personal spiritual journey. The book serves as a thought-provoking and poetic guide to allow the reader to ask and answer their own questions of faith and clarify their own beliefs through comparison with Katherine's own journey and findings.

It's OK to Believe is published by Presence Publishing.

Cover for the forgiveness book available as a pdf via this website.

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With love, Katherine

Praise For It's OK to Believe ...

"I am grateful for this book. It is bright with healing and freedom. I know that many who read it around the world will find an open door of permission to explore the infinite possibilities of grace and God in new ways.

I hear the musical clank of chains falling to the ground and a chorus of liberated laughter rising loud from the souls of humanity everywhere.

Thanks to Katherine T Owen for inquiring so deeply into the nature of Life– for asking questions with her own experience which many are too afraid to consider.

This author is herself a refrain of the great glad tidings resounding in our ears from All That Is. She brings to mind the words of Hafiz: "I am a hole in a flute that the Christ's breath moves through ~ listen to this music”."

Jacob Nordby, author, The Divine Arsonist

Click to buy It's OK to Believe.

“Do you want to view reality from a fresh perspective?
If so, Katherine T Owen’s book It's OK to Believe is a must-read.”

Stephanie J Hale, Literary Agent at Oxford Literary Consultancy

Interview with Katherine T Owen (extract)

Out of 250 authors going through out of the original 3000 in the Next Top Spiritual Author Competition, Joanne chose five to promote only 5 books. I was honoured that It's OK to Believe was amongst them.

"Unique. That's what I'd go with. Her voice and life story are so compelling, it's hard to come up with comparisons. Katherine could have gone the memoir route and simply told the extraordinary healing journey she's made for body, mind, and soul during a 14-year virtually immobilized illness challenge that most of us could never imagine.

But, no. Instead, she just tells us it's OK to believe, in the things we can see, and in the things we cannot see. That would seem to take up only a simple sentence, but not so.

Through a blend of narrative poems, release statements, and quotes from the Bible and A Course in Miracles, Katherine blows right past your mind and into your soul, which starts saying "Yes!" right away. The resonance was immediate." .

The only comparison that came to mind from the first poem was of Khalil Gibran. A gentleness with ancient text-like authority, perhaps due to the biblical and ACIM influences.

Joanne Sprott is a spoken-word poet and essayist on spiritual topics. She hosts the radio show Beyond Words on BelieveInTheMoment.

Poems by the author of
this website

Paperback of
Be Loved Beloved
also available in various currencies

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“This is amazing. It’s got colour. A chromatic mandala.”

Stevie Gilmore, English Landscape Artist

“I keep a copy of 'It's OK to Believe' beside my bed to end the day.
I like the style - very direct and simple whilst containing well thought through content. It is always apposite, always uplifting.
Maybe there is still hope for an old sceptic like me!”

Jennifer Button, Author of The Haunting of Harriet

“Katherine T Owen is a lady to look out for.”

Andrew Brewerton, Presenter on Radio Station - Swindon 105.5 and Strawberry Green TV

(Scroll up for a Youtube interview  with Katherine T Owen (extract) on Strawberry Green TV.)

“I was very ill, I was in bed for about a month. Your book came at the right time to help me. Even just holding it, I found the energy from it very comforting.”

Carol, Reiki instructor

"It's OK to Believe illuminates fundamental truths about the spiritual journey. It is an intensely personal, deeply moving, wise and heart-warming book, and deserves a wide audience.”

Cathy Jeffrey, Lightworker, Five Rhythms Dancer

“It is amazing. It gives another point of view and people want to hear that...
“It's OK to think life has no meaning”. I don't know why but that release makes me feel very emotional.
I love the way you give permission.”

Alex Strange, no particular faith, Carer

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It's OK to Believe
poems on belief, faith and reason

“I like your words [from the introduction] – “On reading the release, we relax in the understanding that we are accepted as we are” etc, and “Once we release judgement we gain an ability to accept, see and therefore judge the behaviour more clearly.” I like the idea of loosening the knot – it’s so true it becomes apparent what you do next....
This has a lot in it to benefit others. Congratulations. Very thought provoking.”

Kate Sweeney, Universalist, Retired Physiotherapist

I have a sense of you being on a journey and I am going with you, asking questions and looking for answers.
It helps me clarify my own beliefs somehow – a feeling of the penny dropping...
I expected it to be difficult, but it is really accessible...
I like all three parts to the page – the poem, the release and the quote...
I have read it a page at a time and now I am re-reading it.”

Mark Pugh, Secular, HGV Driver

Well written, perceptive and feeds the spirit...
You have a message of love and hope that people are in need of...
I love it. I will now re-read it slowly to do it justice as it is the sort of book that stands as a reference point to life and belief...
I so admire how out of a big problem in your life your spirit has created something so impressive.”

Teresa Davey, Free-thinking Christian (Catholic), Swindon Poet and Writer

More praise for It's OK to Believe - narrative accompanied by accessible yet deep poems on belief, faith and reason

The review in the following image is repeated below in print:

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It's OK to Believe
poems on belief, faith and reason

"I have been asking spirit vehemently for days to send me the answer to something I have been trying to figure out. Last night they told me guidance would be coming in human and spirit form.

This morning, I was so tired from frustration I took the kids to school and went back to bed. I never answer the door when I am asleep, nor my landline but keep my mobile next to me as an alarm.

My stepfather rang me and woke me up, asking if I would be practicing later. I said yes and was about to go back to sleep when I had a strong sensation I was being woken up for something else. One minute later someone knocked on the door and your book turned up.

Thank you so much for writing the book. I think there will be many more things in there I haven't yet thought of!

Much love

PS. The answer to my problems was on page 40."

“I like It's OK to Believe very much. I don't like books much, but it was left at a salon I was working at. I started to look it over several weeks later and I was unable to put it down.

Candice V posted on your Wall, Los Angeles, USA

I bought your book then and there, and read it in short order, enjoying it very much, and being very inspired by it. I have not suffered in the same way as you have, but I have also been in great need of healing.”

Hugo J, Copy of It's OK to Believe purchased in Rainbow - Swindon Christian Bookshop, Catholic

“The one page format embracing poem, release and spiritual quotation and preceding explanatory notes enables a quality of focus, encouraging one to turn the corner of a page that ‘speaks’.
The excellent text combines depth of content with accessibility; it is relevant to both experienced Christians and those people who are responding to the innate need in all of us to seek.

Paul Sunners, Former Headmaster, Christian

“Dear Katherine,
Having read your wonderful book, It's OK to Believe, I have to say that I am surprised how much I enjoyed it.
As a non-believer it became apparent that one does not have to share your faith to enjoy the book. Every inspiration you write in it says something new
, but knowing your history I am not the least surprised. You yourself are an inspiration. Keep smiling.”

Tom Bryer, Author of Terror on the Tracks: A Rhodesian Story

“It's OK to Believe has inspired me to trust my own creative way in conjunction with ACIM.
I like the way the book delightfully 'lightens the way and brings in the permission for things to be as they are". A great book to have by my bedside.
(whoops I sound a bit like an advert don't I - but I am only just saying how it has been for me!!)”

Linda H, student of A Course In Miracles

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

Buy the paperback on Lulu

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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