Be Loved, Beloved
15 Spiritual Love Poems –
God Love, Self Love

A Spiritual Gift for a Friend
or for yourself

Contents List for this page

Poems by the author of
this website

Paperback of
Be Loved Beloved
also available in various currencies

Click for the paperback

Katherine T Owen (the author of this spiritual website) spent 14 years severely disabled with ME/CFS, living with inadequate care.

At times when life seems against us, how can we love ourselves?

In a series of spiritual poems, the book

    Be Loved Beloved,
    15 Spiritual Love Poems -
    God Love, Self Love

takes the reader with Katherine T Owen on her journey to know God’s love and self love.

Be Loved Beloved is published by Presence Publishing, registered as a publisher account in 2013.

A beautiful little book to

remind us we are loved and

we are not alone

How to Buy the Book

Available globally on kindle. Go here for Kindle.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

Buy the Paperback of Be Loved Beloved Online

I recommend the paperback rather than the e-book. It is deliberately designed as a small book, perfect to hold in your hands whilst allowing yourself to receive God's love.

The beautiful abstract painting on the cover adds to the power of reading from the book during your quiet times.

Several people have reported receiving healing from the book, just by holding it against their body.

The paperback of Be Loved, Beloved is available online globally.
At the time of the writing, the price of the paperback book online is UNDER £6 or $6 or €6. Other currencies are also available.

Postage is, I think, £2.99 OR $ Or € equivalent.

Be Loved, Beloved Interviews

Talking to Jennifer Alhasa on the Get Glowing Radio show Katherine talks of a practical spirituality that encourages us to reach for Love in the midst of difficulties.

She reads spiritual love poems from Be Loved, Beloved.

Katherine T Owen's quotes on spiritual love from the programme include the following:

"We are on a journey to undo the blocks to the awareness of God’s love."

"Instead of depending on the other for love we look to God. When we receive God's love we know better what love feels like. We are freed up to allow the other person to love us."

"We build our life on the love that glows behind everything."

"In the moments of falling into God I didn't care about getting better."

"Sometimes it takes the body not functioning to remember we are spiritual beings."

"The trick is to hear God’s invitation without needing to create drama in our life before we listen!"

Advert to buy my small beautiful book of spiritual love poems on Amazon Kindle

"God turns cartwheels of delight. It's OK to enjoy being enjoyed."

"The spiritual journey is the move from independence to dependence on God."

"Sometimes when we are ill we feel we are not contributing, but to let God in is an amazing service to everyone."

"Dear God, I allow you to love me."

"Let go of trying to be loved. Just step into the Love that is here."

"And now there is no need for words. I feel His Love. I am Love."

Who is the book Be Loved, Beloved – 15 Spiritual Love Poems for?

  • An excellent book if you are asking the questions:
    Does God love me? How can I love myself?
  • For those who seek to know God's love and to learn how to love yourself.
  • A perfect gift for someone living with illness and learning self love.
  • A spiritual valentines gift to a friend.
  • A gift for your partner.

Poems by the author of
this website

Paperback of
Be Loved Beloved
also available in various currencies

Click for the paperback

These spiritual love poems are simple, yet powerful. Personal, yet universal.
The releases remove the blocks to allowing yourself to be loved.
The poems and quotes about God's love take you further into receiving God's love.

Be Loved, Beloved – 15 Spiritual Love Poems
What's the book about?

This collection of spiritual love poems takes us with Katherine T Owen on the journey she has made to know God’s love and move towards self love.

This journey was triggered by the testing circumstances of fourteen years living with the illness CFS / ME combined with inadequate care.

With little speech or movement, fighting to survive, she explored spirituality to find peace.

She would not trade those difficult years for the knowledge gained of God’s love.

In the tradition of the mystics, Katherine T Owen writes about direct spiritual experience.

The poems take us with her through both her resistance and surrender to the love that brings true healing.

Katherine T Owen is a Christian Mystic and a student of A Course In Miracles. She recognises many paths to God. She says: “Go deep enough into God and we are One.”

Each of the spiritual love poems in Be Loved, Beloved is accompanied by both a spiritual quote about love (Bible verse or A Course In Miracles quote) and a release about love.

Extracts from Be Loved, Beloved, 15 Spiritual Love Poems - God Love, Self Love

A Journey Towards Love

“God is love. On some level I knew this. If I felt unloved, the fault did not lie with a God who did not know how to love me. It must be my own beliefs that were simply blocking out my awareness of that love.

I set out to identify and replace these beliefs with ones to open my heart to God..."

Here you will find love poems to God, love poems from God, love poems to and from myself.

I pray that this book serves to open you a little more to the Love that waits for us whenever we are willing to receive it.”

One of the spiritual love poems in Be Loved, Beloved

Ears to Hear

“I love you,” He says,
calling me by my name.
I hear Him,
feel a deep, hidden sorrow
rise to the surface.

I realise He has said this all along.
I haven’t listened,
won’t listen again;
too busy looking to others
to say it,
to mean it,
when He is always here
loving me;
wanting so much for me to
recognise His love.

“I love you,” He says.
I hear Him again–
a little louder,
a little more real.
And again the remorse,
threatening to match the love in its intensity,
make me block it out as
a punishment for my ingratitude.

All He asks is that
I take this love,
receive it.

Will I do that for Him?
Will I receive His love?

It's OK to find it hard to receive someone's love.

“For still deeper than the ego's foundation, and much stronger than it will ever be, is your intense and burning love of God, and His for you. This is what you really want to hide.”
(T-13.III.2, A Course In Miracles)

© Katherine T Owen, 2009.

For an explanation of the releasing judgment exercise– It’s OK to...

For a discussion on how to use spiritual quotes.

Praise for Be Loved, Beloved – 15 Spiritual Love Poems

“From [Katherine’s] sparse words emerges the picture of a woman who had the wall between God and herself removed, one revelation at a time. One poem at a time.

One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. Her poems come from the heart.

It’s a short piece, easily read in half an hour, but the beauty of poetry is its ability to be fresh with each reading, like listening to a favorite song over and over. Be Loved, Beloved is a precious little tome to be revisited time and again.”

Read the full review by Dana Taylor, author of Ever-Flowing Streams Of Healing Energy, USA

Beautiful and poignant.

"Ears to Hear" had a strong impact. I cried a lot reading it. I think I was crying from the part of me that feels unworthy of God's love. Like it's almost fantastical that His love could be so huge it could encompass all my faults.”

Cathy J, London, UK

"This little modest pocket-book is packed with tiny, illuminating gems!"

Barbara-Pearl Robson, Inspirational Speaker, Bankside, London, England

“Through her traumatic journey and her enlightened response to adversity, a divine spirit has developed Katherine's charismatic personality into a consummate teacher, a caring spiritual guide, with an ecstatic message of hope, freedom and love.

Her book 'Be Loved Beloved' shows how God loves us....and that is all the love we need.”

Shaun Butler, visitor and contributor to

“15 poems – all so delightful and complete in themselves... Love of others must begin, as the poems indicate, with proper love of self.”

Malcolm Dragon, spiritual group leader, Swansea, South Wales, UK

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

Buy the paperback on Lulu

Click to preview or BUY
Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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