Spiritual Blog UK

Unity, Love, Forgiveness, Blessings, Poems, Articles

Welcome. I have called this page Spiritual Blog UK as it occasionally shares time-sensitive information that relates to spiritual or religious programs on UK Television, or to spirituality events in the UK.
I (Katherine Owen, author of www.a-spiritual-journey-of-healing) live in Swindon, England, UK.

Most of the information is not UK specific.

This is a summary page, linking you to the various spiritual blogs on www.a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com.

Please look at the links below to find a topic which speaks to you.

Cover for the forgiveness book available as a pdf via this website.

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or just to keep in touch, sign in below.

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With love, Katherine

Recent Spirituality Blogs


Do you know a couple in trouble with children or without. Or perhaps you are currently in trouble in your own relationship. Say a prayer for God to guide you to peace.

Move to read a full list of prayers on this spiritual website.

Spiritual surrender

Why do those on the spiritual journey speak of surrender to God as a positive, even essential step.

What do we lose when we surrender, and what do we gain?

Spiritual Beliefs

One common spiritual belief is that we are spiritual beings, rather than physical beings.
Read more about this belief and how it can bring purpose to our life.

Spiritual Blog UK

Spiritual Loneliness

There is a spiritual loneliness that comes from the unnatural belief that we have separated from God.

The spiritual journey is one to claim our Oneness, to shift the emphasis from looking to another person to fulfil our need for love and company and look to God first.

Click though above for the main article, or here to read quotes about loneliness to validate and comfort you.

Spirituality in Illness

Peace and purpose.

Illness may initially seem to reduce your chances of finding either.

However, going deeper with spirituality in a time of illness can lead you to these, as well as to overcome fear and find self love.

Illness may tear your world apart, but a new world is waiting for you.

Psychology Religion Spirituality

On a journey of self growth we may follow practices from psychology religion and spirituality or any combination of the three.

In the places where they differ, we may experience self conflict and confusion.

In this article I clarify a few of the differences so that in any instance you can more easily identify your favoured approach.

Spirituality Definition. Religion Definition

For the purpose of this site I give my own definitions of spirituality and religion. You are of course entitled to define them differently!

Fellow author shares AA Spirituality

Author Mal Duane shares her experience of using spirituality to overcome alcohol addiction through the 12 steps program of Alcohollics anonymous.

Previous Spiritual Blogs, by Topic

Spiritual Poems

Spirituality Blog

Click for a list of spiritual poems online by Katherine Owen - author of this website, www.a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com

Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

Katherine T Owen's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Click to read more on Be Loved Beloved
Support independent publishing: Buy the paperback on Lulu.

Click to preview or BUY
Be Loved Beloved

Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine was severely disabled with ME/CFS, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

Support independent publishing: Buy the paperback on Lulu.

Click to preview or BUY
Be Loved Beloved

Be Loved Beloved

A lovely Spiritual Gift for a friend or partner.
My book Be Loved, Beloved is published.

Journey with me and know yourself as loved by the Beloved.

Available in kindle (which can be read on the PC) and in paperback.

A prose poem about the Christmas story

How does the Christmas story of Mary, Joseph and the birth of Jesus (the Nativity story) provides spiritual guidance for our journey?

Inspirational Poems of Faith by Topic

It took a while! but I have put together a list of spiritual poems by topic - just some of the wonderful spiritual poems submitted by visitors to the site. I love how these poems speak of your spiritual journeys, your love of God, your doubt and faith. Thank you so much.

Interfaith blogs

Christian Interfaith Quotes

I am very much a believer in unity consciousness - we are one whatever our spiritual or religious path. Here I include bible verses that say the same.

The Peace Council – A Beautiful Picture of INTERFAITH HARMONY from a team who celebrate our Oneness.

A Course In Miracles Quotes on Many Paths to God

ACIM is a spiritual book that is fundamentally interfaith - recognising many paths to God and believing that all the holy books teach the same thing...
...in our essence, as one with God, we are innocent.

Other Spirituality Articles by Webmaster
Katherine T Owen:

What is the definition of non duality?
Combining non duality and Chrisitianity.

Exposing ourselves to positive news about the world and about ourselves can shift our frame of mind. But what is the really good news for those of us on the spiritual journey?

Spirituality in Relationships - what are the benefits of asking God to guide us in our relationships with those we meet?

Finding Peace

Seeking Inner Peace through forgiveness exercises. This spiritual blog looks out how I became convinced that I was contributing to world peace even though I was trapped in an ill body in a bedroom.

10 Ways to Finding Peace - Spiritual Relaxation Techniques

Christian Spirituality Blogs

Spiritual Blog

Jesus Crucifixion Poem

Just in time for Easter we have this amazing poem about Jesus which is loyal to St Matthew's Gospel in the Bible. An astounding piece of work suitable for children of all ages!

It has taken me time to read through and prepare it for the site so in this Holy Week my head is now full of Jesus in rhythm and rhyme!

If you find reading the Bible hard going this is a perfect way to learn the story of Jesus cruxifixion.

Christian Easter Message - Jesus Did Not Give Into The Ego

My message to you this Easter time.
The Bible verses on the Easter story and the example of Jesus encourage us to hold to love in a difficult times. To have faith in our innocence/our righteousness and to hold the same for others. A personal interpretation of the crucifixion story based on my experience of illness.

Christian Poems from visitors to the site

Some poems use Christian symbols and language to convey Christian Spirituality. I have now given these their own page on the site.

Am I a Christian? - God's reply to me :-) when I asked this question!

Article about the beauty of a modern day christian martyr and a prayer for someone who has died.

Inspirational catholics in action. Includes quotes from ordinary people after spending time in silent retreat.


Science and Spirituality

A few mini spiritual blogs pondering on the connections between SCIENCE and spirituality.

And now for your turn to comment or share on the Spiritual Blog UK...

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The Spiritual Blog UK?

This is your chance to share your thoughts, your challenges, and your wisdom. Thank you.

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to Spiritual Blog UK...

Evidence of God? 
Katherine I have been studying YouTube debates recently between Atheists and Christians trying to justify their beliefs within the rational evidence …

Science and God 
In 1936 Albert Einstein said to student Phyllis Wright: "Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit …

Opposition To Spiritual Beliefs 
Dear Katherine Well, hearty congratulations with your book,'Be loved, Beloved'. It sounds wonderful and I love the title. I guess as spiritual seekers …

Grace Vs Knowledge of Being Blessed 
Dear Katherine, How do you stand on the state of Grace being a gift from God, and is this knowledge of being blessed sufficient to achieve transformation …

Spiritual and interconnection 
Ubuntu ngmuntu abantu Here in South Africa the local black Africans have a wonderful humanitarian saying in their own language:- "Ubuntu ngmuntu …

Spiritual Encouragement 
The other day I happened to be watching a TV documentary on prison life and as I watched scenes of rehabilitation programmes and the various corridors …

Jesus Is The Way - We can transform the world 
God can meet out some "rough treatment" sometimes to awaken our sensibilities to a proper view of How to live our lives. In my own case I knew the life …

Free Guided Meditation Script and Tips 
Any advice on how to start meditating? Set Aside Time for Meditation My sister has a set time...either morning or evening, sometimes both when …

Is God Religious? - Religion Vs Spirituality 
Is God religious? You may think that an odd question. Maybe you have never thought about it. You may have inadvertently connected God with religion. Religion …

John Wesley - Qualities Of A Life Lived in God 
John Wesley, while studying and contemplating his theological doctrines at Oxford would rise early every morning celebrating the glory and mystery of a …

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My name is Katherine Owen.
Please respect my copyright as the author of this website.
I am delighted if you choose to share on social media, but please do NOT reproduce any of the contents of this page without permission.
© Katherine T Owen

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Releasing Judgment,
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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

Buy the paperback on Lulu

Click to preview or BUY
Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

What's New?

  1. Psychology And Spirituality - the similarities, the differences

    psychology and spirituality
    Psychology and spirituality – what are the similarities, the differences, potential conflicts. Includes a personal take on how I include both in my own life.

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  2. Christian Easter Message - Prayers, Surrender The Ego, Gratitude

    this cup i will drink
    The Bible Christian Easter message guides us to spiritual surrender. Jesus holds to his innocence in God. Easter prayers for God’s guidance in hard times.

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