Jesus Is The Way - We can transform the world

by Shaun
(SWINDON, South West England, Britain)

God can meet out some "rough treatment" sometimes to awaken our sensibilities to a proper view of How to live our lives.

In my own case I knew the life of Jesus as stories for nearly forty years before the various signals, indicators, friends belief, coincidences finally resonated in one spectacular day when like John Wesley my heart was "warmed" to the personal fact that God was there for ME!

In your own difficult but fantastic story Katherine he gradually converted that wonderfully adaptive intellect which YOU possess to teach you a gospel of TRUTH.

Your insights are a personal revelation of divine LOVE.

I think you are very special indeed to God.
Not only that, but when I met you person to person there is something about your presence, your aura, your 'touch' feeling, empathy, call it what you will but the quality of your "peace of mind" really transmits towards now possess a healing nature.

Thank you for sharing your life with those around you prepared to listen. The message is one of knowing there is a clearer perception of God's will.

We live in a beautiful world. We are God's creation. And he wants us to be happy within it. That is now ~ this moment we can open up and let Him in.

Jesus is THE WAY. His life the ultimate example.
When we grasp FAITH maybe those around us who are sceptical, critical and quite hard on us can gradually 'come to terms' with a more open attitude.

We may have more influence on them than we imagine ~ just represent our Christian instinct with all our heart, faith and personality we can muster.

We can transform the world and certainly leave our conscience clear and full and free for God's power and GLORY.
WIth Joy to all,

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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