Poem About Surrendering To God

by Suzanne E. Murrey
(Oklahoma City OK, USA)

Take My Hand Dear Child Rest in Me

I don't understand Lord why must it be?
I don't understand Lord why can't I see?
The sea roars in anger, winds plow through the land
The mountains tremble, crumbling to sand
The sun and the moon no longer shine,
The stars that sparkle are no longer mine
Pain wrenches the body, takes hold of the mind
Where is there hope? Where are the kind?

Take hold of my hand child and I will lead you
To life everlasting to my love divine
Only have faith child as a mustard seed
I have not left you distraught in your need.
I am here dear one in the dark of the night
You must, you must give up the fight
It is not yours, it is mine in the end
Rest dear one, surrender it all
I will give you comfort, I am answering your call
Rest, rest, dear child I won’t let you down
There awaits for you a glorious crown.

Note from Katherine T Owen
This poem is awaiting approval of the edits by the poet

tags: surrender to god, trust in god, Struggling in life simply survive, where to turn, spirituality, poems,

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We need God Poem

by Maria Rose Learned
(Mexico, NY)

You say

You say you trust me
Then why do you fear

You say you know my voice
Then why don't you hear

You say you want to follow me
But you wont let me lead

You say you love me
But do you know me

You say you understand it all
But won't you take my hand before you fall

You say you're waiting for me
Can't you feel me near

You say things are fine as they are
Then why aren't you content

You say things can stay the same
Then why are you looking for a change

You say you're not afraid
But let me show you the way

tags: need god, surrender, guidance, wisdom, spirituality, poetry

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Spiritual Surrender Poem

by Kate Ashman
(Riverdale, NY)


Find Your Relief
There will be relief
You will see it in the clouds
In the eyes of strangers
In the way you wait
"You are weak"
"You need help"

There will be relief
If pardon is your tendency
For those who have hurt you

If willingness fills your skies
You can fly past
and through
These distractions
The delays within

Will be the product
On every shelf
In every store
In all that you see
In all that you do

Violins that whisper
and great orchestras
will play at the opening
Found in your open heart

Surrender !
Believe !
Proclaim !

Great art will be the messenger
Belief will expose your strength
Your beauty will shine forth
It will illuminate

Hear the calling !
Hear the calling !
Hear the calling !

The voice is waiting for you
Open the door
It's got your name on it

There will be a prize
The biggest one you have ever seen
You've been waiting for this

Take It !

Begin Again.

Move from Spiritual Surrender Poem to an article on Spiritual Surrender.

tags: spirituality, spiritual, surrender, poem, poems

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If Time Were Mine

by Chris Roe

Your love is the space
In which I exist.

Your truth and inspiration
Drives light
Into the darkest corners
Of my life.

If time were mine to give,
I would give it all to you.

Be Loved, Beloved - Poems on a journey to know God's Love, by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com. (Amazon Kindle UK. For USA, click the icon on the right.)

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AQUARIAN SERVER - open our hearts to Spirit

by Robert Gresak
(South Africa)

God does not ask about our ability,

he asks about our availability.

To play our part in the new Aquarian reality.

The brothers of light call upon us now

to play our part - to open the heart

to the streams of Divine Love.

The brothers of light call upon us now

to step away from and bow

out from materiality to accept Spirit's totality,

open our souls to Aquarian energy.

The great cycle of time is approaching its peak,

now my brothers and sisters is the time to seek,

to widen your soul's reach

with focussed intent, thus to breach

the inner and outer worlds.

Not my brothers and sisters for self

or to alleviate stress

but for Universal Spirit awareness

to aid in the work of the Great Ones,

to teach and to bless.

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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