Spiritual Experience poem

by Frank Cavano
(Bluffton, S.C.)

Once, Just Once

Once, just once I stilled the torrents in
my mind, the self-centered wishes and
the endless fears. And once, just once
the hawk showed me how to fly and the
lark how to sing. And the dove taught me
tenderness and the owl how to live in
darkness. Then, while bathing in such
glories, the Fox appeared to teach me
that You were so much more and that
I should explore this silence further.

And once, just once I listened to a voice
not my own, slipping into a space free of
time and a time free of space. Oh, then
oh then the Silence gave birth to Peace.
The Peace was both deep and wide and
covered the parenthetical world. Now I
could not see the fox but he was there!
Now I could not hear the lark but he was
a note in Music's Song. And I was there
too and everyone, everything with me.

Now we knew nothing of loss or pain or
confusion or fear. No noise filled our
mind but only the Song, the Song the
Father was singing to us, the Song we
returned to the Father. And now I was
grateful that I was so much more than
me and you so much more than you.
And we gave thanks to You, Who, in
turn, thanked us for accepting Truth.
Once, once again the world was joy!

Note: with thanks to A Course in Miracles ( see the Forgotten Song etc.) and the allied pamphlet
Song of Prayer both published by The Foundation for Inner Peace.

Hi, Katherine. Happy holidays! May you have a healthy and productive new year. Frank

tags: spiritual experience, the holy moment, a course in miracles poetry, spiritual poem, spirituality, non duality, god is everything, peace, silence

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Unchanged and Pure

by Anatoliy Schneider

A Brother stands in front of me,
In light, in perfect holiness I see
Him standing still, secure –
Unchanged and pure.

My love extending towards him,
God’s Love, not ego’s fleeting whim,
Of one thing I am sure –
It is unchanged and pure.

The lies you hear
So intricately ringing in your ear,
They’re difficult, they change,
For they’re designed to derange.

The Truth is simple, it’s your cure,
The Truth you’re destined to reclaim –
Forever same,
Unchanged and pure.

Comment from webmaster KTO

Beautiful poem to inspire us to spiritual relationships with those in our life.
I love the way the line repeats – unchanged and pure. The simplicity and repetition echo the meaning of the words.
I don’t know if you are a student of A Course In Miracles but I think you might be. Either way I hope it is okay to add this poem to a page of poems compatible with the Course.

Peace be with you.

tags: forgiveness poetry, spiritual relationships, love, God, spirituality, ACIM poem

Comment from Anatoliy

Thank you, Katherine,

Yes, I am a student of ACIM, I am glad it shows in the poem. You can read more ACIM based poems at http://spiritual.advance.life, if you are interested (feel free to delete the link from this comment, if it violates your website policy).

Please note that there is a formatting issue in the poem, in my browser it show 4 blank lines after the first line, "A Brother stands in front of me,".

Thank you for your beautiful website, I explored it more and really enjoyed the poems and articles you have posted here.


Comment from Katherine

The poem looks fine in my browser Anatoliy, and there are no html breaks in the text after the first line, so I am hoping it is okay now in yours too.

Thank you too for your kind words about the website. They mean a lot, even if words are only symbols of symbols :-)

I think you might be the first visitor submitting from Mexico. How lovely.

With the Love we are,

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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