Poem about Autumn Rain

by Kathryn Timpany
(Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA)

Autumn Leaves in Rain

Autumn Leaves in Rain

October Lullaby

Soft rain falling
drops and drops and drops
soft leaves falling
one and then another
and then a handful
and then a burdened branch
lightened and eased
like fears dropping away
from our anxious hearts
like enemies forgetting to hate
like death becoming light
and warmth settling like a shawl
around cold bones
just life circling and cycling
and sometimes so gentle
so gentle so gentle
you almost believe in love
after all and after all is said
and done and finished
love remains

Kathryn Timpany is retired from ministry and lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

tags: autumn, fall, seasons, spiritual poem, falling, fear, circle of life,love

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Poem about the season

by Jill Brown
(Monessen, Pa)

The Beauty of Fall

The leaves are changing to an autumnal color.
The air becomes crisp, we discover.

The Lord makes everything beautiful in due Season.
You and I become more in His image for a reason.

We love the Lord and He loves us much,
our Savior created us as such.

This season enjoy God’s creation outside.
Nothing could be more majestic if He tried.

I find a place with a view to Speak to the Lord—
What could be better – a day with such rich reward.

tags: Fall poem, seasons, autumn, christian, nature, poetry

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Poem about Patience

by Norma
(England, Great Britain)

Winter in Wiltshire

Winter in Wiltshire

Today its snowing but then I remember that it's almost time for the Blossom....and I'm smiling.
I wrote WINTER in 1984.I hope it will make you smile.


As the earth lies silently waiting
beneath its frozen veil,
Remember the flowers
you thought had died last year,
will soon break through again.

Just as the earth has its seasons
so mankind you have yours.
Your hopes you think have died for good
are merely taking their course.

So don't despair for the hopes
you planted long ago,
they will break through
allow them time to grow.

The winter may seem bleak and cruel,
and your life may seem bare just now,
only watch the earth in the spring again
and the trees with new buds on their bough.

The miracle of life is here every day,
yet you feel winter hides it from you.
Listen - the next time the north wind blows,
try and hear what she wants you to.

That's the caller's voice
to the sleeping earth,
to stir her from her rest,
and start the seeds she's nurturing there:

Soon - she'll nurse them on her breast.

(Ecc 3:1 - There is a time for everything and a
season for every activity under heaven.)

tags: patience, hope, perseverance, encouragement, god, spirituality

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Poem about Spring

by Floriana Hall
(Ohio, USA)


Spring has finally arrived
I know it's here.
Daffodils and forsythia bloom,
The sun kisses me softly.
My garden can be anywhere
Sitting in a lawn chair
Midst the cracked asphalt of the driveway,
Under the tree of heaven
Drinking in the warmth
Of the brim filled cup.
My garden holds the seeds planted
In my heart, soul and mind
Where spring blooms.
A sanctuary to meditate
And encounter spiritual overtures,
First hand experience
Keeping alive precious moments
With precious cargo,
My garden flourishes,
Captured in between self and universe,
Relaxing and consoling.

Floriana Hall

tags: poem about spring, poems about the seasons, nature poetry, flowers

Comments for Poem about Spring

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Your Garden Is A Gift
by: Terry Shuman

Floriana, Over the past two years, I have heard you read many of your poems, but I don't recall this particular one. It is beautiful in its simplicity, commonality, imagery, and power. "Between self and the universe" certainly underscores each of our own abilities to catch glimpses of what God has in store for us when we continue our lives made perfect by death. Such beauty stimulates, reassures, and inspires. My life has been enriched through yours. May your garden be lush and pacifying now and forever.

Best Wishes,

God Grows In Us And Through Us
by: Katherine T Owen

Dear Floriana,
Your poem motivates us by helping us to find the beauty wherever we are.
I love that you have included the cracked asphalt of the driveway.
As ACIM says, ?God is in everything we see.?

We are the garden. God grows in us. ?My garden can be anywhere.?
Fantastic. I read your words and feel the warmth of the sun/the Son.

With the Love we are,

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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