Bereavement Poem for Mom

by Rosemary DiFlorio
(Mississauga, ON)

My Mother's Last Words

Thinking back to the first years of my life,
I recall a face that cannot be replaced
With eyes so blue as the deep blue seas,
And as bright as the stars in the heavenly space.

My mother was beautiful from her head to her toes,
With an aroma of perfume like a sweet wild rose,
Her skin was so smooth, like the best woven silk,
And as pink as carnations, mixed with pure white milk.

I remember her smile, oh so clear.
When I rest and think, I feel her so near,
I still feel her kisses,
I still feel her touch,
And the hugs and embraces that I miss so much.

I remember her voice so gentle and kind,
As she sang a lullaby and eased my mind.
I loved her words so firm and strong
That directed and taught me right from wrong.

But most of all, I remember the way
We knelt together at night to pray.
She’d ask God to bless me and then gave me a kiss,
Then said goodnight with the voice that we all miss.

Although she is gone I am sure she still guards me
The way that she did in those days bright and happy.

My mother was more than a Mother to me,
She was also a friend, the best there could be!

tags: mothers poem, mother, mum, bereavement, death, loss, spiritual

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Mother poem spiritual

by Rosemary DiFlorio
(Mississauga, ON)

The Greatest of Love

The greatest love in the world I am told,
Begins when a child is one day old.
The Mother and the babe come face to face,
In a miracle that would be impossible to trace.

Before God’s eyes, a Mother is Love,
Roses and lilac, white as a dove.
Pressing her child close to her breast,
Isn’t this the love you found to be best?

The Mother of God was given to us,
To caress our souls with the embraces of Gold.
She walks beside us all of our lives,
Loving and caring whether we are young or old.

Without her no man can find love here on earth.
She is the Mother of all Mothers,
God gave us from birth.

Copyright (c) Rosemary DiFlorio 2014

tags: spiritual mother, mother poem, mother of god, spirituality, poetry

Comments for Mother poem spiritual

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Inspirational poem
by: Anonymous

Very deep and inspirational poem.

by: Anonymous

Thank you for sharing your mother poem, Rosemary.

It is beautiful and inspiring.

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Divine Mother Prayer

by David Bradford
(Grafton Ma)

This Divine Mother prayer, named by the author as the Samadhi Prayer, has arrived the day before International Women’s Day on the 8 March.

I don’t know if this is deliberate on David’s part but I thank him for such a well timed opportunity to connect with and give thanks for the feminine qualities of God within us.

Interestingly, yesterday I looked up the word Ruach, the word in the Old Testament for breath, wind and Holy Spirit. Used in the Creation story in the Bible, it is a feminine noun.

For those of us who have had difficult relationships with our earthly mothers, it can be all the more powerful and healing to allow God to nurture us in the way we need.

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget,
I will not forget you!
(Isaiah 49:15, mother bible quote)

Thank you, David for this beautiful Divine Mother prayer.

With the Love we are,
Katherine T Owen, webmaster, author

The Samadhi Prayer

With my roots penetrating deep into Mother Earth
With my Hridayam opening wide
To love and serve all beings
On all planes of reality
With my mind focused like a laser beam
Merging deep into the holy Aum vibration for many years now
Oh holiest Divine Mother
Through thy infinite shakti, grace and compassion
Please grant me Samadhi on this the holiest of days
Thank you Divine Mother for this sacred gift
With thy blessing may I always use it wisely and for the greatest good
To heal and awaken our divine brothers and sisters
Aum Divine Mother Aum

tags: divine mother, prayer, Samadhi, service, spirituality

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Mothers Day Poem

by Deborrah Ann Stenberg

Prayers are answered because of our Mothers

Achievements are awarded . Mothers are teachers.
Brilliance is indicated . Mothers are Goddesses.
Consideration is acknowledged and that comes
from our mothers.

Dominance is symbolized because of our mothers.
Earthly moments are enduring. Mothers keep sharing.
Friendships are treasured . Mothers signify that

Glorified occasions--- once again, our mothers.
Helping to solve things. Who better than mothers???
Immaculate suggestions. Here come our mothers.
Joyful reminders. Mothers smile and remember.
Kindness is mastered. Mothers are gifted.

Magnificence is strong. Mothers choose not to falter.
Natural beauty is glowing. Mothers are radiant.
Over protective is fine. Mothers can do this.
Quiet times are cherished in the company of mothers.
Reminiscing is priceless when thinking of mothers.

Saying nice things always comes from a mother.
Thoughtfulness is blissful as we emphasize our mothers.
Understanding, unique, and universal. Mothers-Mothers-Mothers. Valedictorians in the definitions of life. Mothers are powerful examples.

An x-ray of hearts. Mothers are perfect. That instrument
they possess keeps loving and giving.

Always remember and never forget---

Mothers are triumphant in making everything pleasant.
Ultimate appreciation is thanking them deeply.
To frame each moment and fulfill each memory is a valuable conclusion of loving and caring. God bless all these women
for giving us strength. I compliment their dedicated efforts.

Move to an article on Mary the Mother of God and the Hail Mary Prayer

tags: mothers day poem, spiritual, poetry

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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