Poem by a student of A Course In Miracles

by alex brady


The darkness of the past no longer blinds.
The light has come, and lo', now I can see.
In brilliant clarity, Creation shines.
The light has come. I have forgiven me.

©️ alex brady
Poem by a student of A Course In Miracles

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God and dance A rhyming poem

by Glenn Johnson
(Tucson, Arizona)




Yesterday, a spirit went out dancing,
Thought she’d give planet earth a try.
She heard the place was really something,
She dropped in to see what would materialize.

So remember all you dancing dreamers,
As you move among the stars,
Life is only an illusion,
Like Dorothy in the Land of Oz
Yes, life is only an illusion,
Like Dorothy in the Land of Oz

I like the feeling of stepping in time,
My hand in his hand, his leg next to mine.
Don’t stop the feeling.
Don’t walk away.
Things here keep ending . . .
There’s night and day . . .
night and day.

So remember all you dancing dreamers,
As you move among the stars,
Life is only an illusion,
Like Dorothy in the Land of Oz
Yes, life is only an illusion,
Like Dorothy in the Land of Oz

When I’m sad and I am lonely,
These words, they come to comfort me:
Oh dancing is just a pastime,
I’m only here upon a spree.
Eternity is my birthright.
God’s love sets me free . . .
Sets me free . . .

So remember all you dancing dreamers,
As you move among the stars,
That life is only an illusion,
Like Dorothy in the Land of Oz
Oh Dancing is just a pastime,
We’re only here upon a spree.
Eternity is our birthright.
God’s love sets us free . . .
Sets us free . . .

©Glenn Johnson

Note from a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com

Dear Glen,
I love the chorus and would like a rename of the title to Dancing Dreamers!
I don’t think we have any spiritual poems on dance on the site yet, so thank you for bringing one to us.
To all the dancing dreamers out there,
With Love,

tags: god, dance, spiritual, rhyming, poem, illusion, wizard of oz

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Poem Forgiveness and Non Dual

by Steven B

Out Of Darkness Comes Light

I feel my heart, where is the light?
shrouded in darkness, of being so right.
My eyes see blind, wet with pain
drops they fall, like acid rain.

My mind it races, the jury is in.
She must be wrong, guilty as sin.
Never more right, could I be wrong,
my mind it races, the jury it longs.

The Tears they fall, wet with pain.
carrying my judgment, how it stains.
My mistaken identity, tightens its grip,
White is the knuckle, please let it slip.

Sirens they call, please come home.
The song grows louder, from a Godly zone
But the grip tightens, my egoic fear.
See the world, it cries so near.

I'm not my body, nor my fear.
A siren calls, Love is here
Let go my son, this illusion of pain.
Judge never more, release it the same.

See her eyes, innocent with fear
Know her spirit, loving and dear.
Feel the pain, the anger and all,
Release her victim, and its lonely pall,

See her heart, spirit and soul.
not the victim, exacting its toll.
Release her wrongs, the illusion doth call.
Forgive her sins, they exist not at all.

Cast eyes upon, the sprit within,
the heart is beating, blood rushing in.
Forgive my sins, the illusion and all,
free my spirit, it's grace knows all,

No stone to cast, no anger to temper.
Release thyself, no keys not ever,
The prison is here, rotten to the core
The ego dissolves, the illusion no more

You're a child of God, love is here.
I'm sorry for the pain, the tears and fear,
wet with love, forgiveness is here,
loves spill over, no darkness is near,

Out of darkness comes light, wetter than rain
the illusion no more, the release of pain.
No longer she's right, no longer I'm wrong
My spirit is love, the most beautiful song

From darkness comes light, warm rays of sun
filling my heart, no ego to run.
thank you my lord, for love is dear,
finally my lord, my spirit is here.

Move from Poem Forgiveness and Non Dual to Definition of Forgiveness from ACIM – a Non Dual thought system.

tags: poem, forgiveness, non dual, spirituality, illusion

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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