Spiritually alone poem

by Robert Gresak
(S Africa)


Alone the mystic path he trod,
alone he walked the path to God.
Bowed low by every storm and trial,
advancing mile by agonising mile.

Alone, alone, poured forth his cry,
alone, alone, echo'd the wind and the sky.
In all this vast world no one hears;
in all this vast world none marks his tears.

Except one – his inner master and his Lord
who shall wield love's flaming sword
to shatter the barricading wall
to help him stand free and spiritually tall.

A compassionate helper of humanity – a knower of all;
a master soul heeding the universe's love endowed call.

tags: spiritual, alone, trial, lord, love, spirituality poem

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I feel alone spiritual poetry

by Rosemary DiFlorio
(Mississauga, Ontario)


Press your heart against the Master’s,
Let Him take you in His arms,
Pray with Jesus when you are lonely,
Bless yourself and know no harms.

You know your best friend is ever so near,
Just ask for blessings and they are yours,
Trust in Him, no matter the trouble,
Bless yourself and fear no more.

(C) Rosemary DiFlorio

tags: spiritual poem, jesus poem, god and loneliness, spirituality, lonely

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Poem About Jesus

by David Manser
(Wroughton UK)

My Church at Sunset

My Church at Sunset


Be in my head and in my body,
In my soul and in my mind,
In my life and in my death.
Jesus, be with me always.

Be in my day and in my week,
In my month and in my year,
From my birth and through my life,
Jesus be with me always.

Be in my troubles and in my peace,
In my toil or when at rest,
In my darkness and my light,
Jesus, be with me always.

When I am flying, or on my train,
In my car or on my bike,
Crossing roads or continents,
Jesus be with me always

Be with my friends and with my foes,
In my pain and in my calm,
Be in my life, and after death.
Jesus be with me always.

Note from webmaster of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com, Katherine T Owen

Dear David, this is beautiful poem. I particularly like the third and final stanzas.
The rhythm is comforting. I can imagine people using it as a prayer when feeling lonely – a reminder Jesus is always here. Thank you.

“ Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”
(Matthew 28:20, KJV)

Move to Jesus healed and he still heals now

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Comments for Poem About Jesus

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by: Floriana Hall

I loved your poem and want to add a simple poem of mine:


Jesus will never forget us
No matter where we go
He will always be with us
Because He loves us so.

If we’re down when we are ill
Jesus will take our hand
He will be our comfort still
And help us understand.

If everything is going right
He is walking beside us
In darkness, He brings us light,
His Spirit will guide us.

Jesus will always remember
Our wants and our needs
He will never forget us
Because we are His seed.

Floriana Hall

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Rescue Me Poem

by Jimmy C.
(Conyers, GA, USA)

Rescue Me Faith - Hide Me In God's Love

Life is so very lonely.
Without God I would go insane.
He reassures His love for me
over and over again.
With each hurt or jab I run to the
darkest corner to reprieve.
God yanks me back into the
light, and through His Holy Word
He reminds me that He will never leave.
It is clear that this world is not my home, I’m just passing through.
From beyond someone is missing me,
but for now my faith in Jesus will do.

© JC 2013
tags: God, spirituality, lonely, rescue me, home, Jesus, poetry

Comments for Rescue Me Poem

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Not of the world
by: Anonymous

We are in the world
not of the world.
We're only here for a short time, these periods of loneliness can attack us, they're like a shadow over the sun, blocking the light, testing our faith and endurance............and yet we know without even knowing how we know that 'GOD'S PLAN FOR US IS PERFECT' Every Blessing to everyone who is experiencing this loneliness right now-you are not alone, Keep the Faith.

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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