Listening to God Poem

by Frank Cavano
(Bluffton, S.C. 29909)


Be the Shepherd of my thoughts.
Nor one I hold alone. But catch
each one, with Holy Hands, that
steals from yonder stones. So
fast they fly; one's here and
gone, another takes its place.
Like spinners from a stream-bed
flown. I cannot slow the pace.

Be the Shepherd of my thoughts.
Replace each one with Yours.
Let thoughts of God fly through
my mind. Let forgiveness ever
pour. A healing touch on all I see
Your Holy Vision grant. And
all are blessed by the Shepherd's
Word- the Son of God confessed.

tags: listening to god, poem, spiritual thought, shepherd, god, forgiveness, acim

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A poem for all who listen to God within themselves

by Firestone Feinberg
(New York City, New York)


Then shall we travel not that way?
Our destination guaranteed
As all-but-promised destiny - ? -
Nor shall we travel not that way
To glimpse but once how Heaven lay - ? -
What miracle? What mystery?
What spectral sky? Celestial sea?
Would God such journey turn away?

God hears us all - all - all we ask,
But gives us not for earthly task
To prate of angel - Heaven see -
Far greater labor gives us He:
To work for Peace - for Peace to pray...
Then shall we travel not that way?

Note from the webmaster of a-spiritual-journey-oh, Katherine T Owen

Dear Firestone,
Thank you so much for this poem for all who listen to God within themselves.

With the Love we are,

PS. Thank you. It is done!

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Somewhere between asking and longing I found you

by Stevie Gilmore
(Swindon, Wiltshire, UK)

Loud Silence

How loud the silence is...
It was somewhere between
asking and longing I found you.
`Are you listening?` I asked God.
Somewhere between flying
and falling I caught you and...
fell into your heart.
God watched. I started to listen.

How loud the silence was...
It is somewhere between
loving and laughing you find me.
Do you hear it? You tell me that
somewhere between praying
and calling we travel, you and I...
God welcomed me....too.
I talk to him. He listened.

How loud the silence was...
It is somewhere between
living and dying we find him.
Loud isn't it. God doesn't mind
something between staying
and singing, they travel, you and I?
'Welcome God' we say
and he answers
how loud the silence is`

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poem about compassion and the voice of the Holy Spirit

by Shane Dickie
(Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada)


The Lord speaks to me not in booms of thunder
But quiet whispers; of goods deeds done,
Of good deeds yet done,
Of the story of the homeless
Man who gave all of his change
So the starving man could eat.
Or the story of the poor farmer who had a bad harvest
But gave most of the food away so the hungry could eat.

Or the story of the man, stricken with illness,
With little time left on this earth, who listened
Compassionately to the rich man’s problems;
It is in moments like these, I hear the whispers:
So loud as to make them deafening- so loud my soul
Would have to be dead not to hear these holy visitations,
As loud as a clap of thunder or as quiet
As a whisper of the Spirit,
As quiet as an unselfish
Deed done unobserved.

tags: listening to god poem, compassion, the voice of the Holy Spirit

Comments for poem about compassion and the voice of the Holy Spirit

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Beautiful Poem about hearing Holy Spirit
by: Sharon M. Williams

Beautiful poem. I love how you describe the voice of the Holy Spirit.

My favorite part is the homeless man who was clearly moved by the spirit to give his change to feed the starving man.

Shane, thank you and please keep writing and sharing!

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A Spiritual Poem on
Communicating With God

by William Mckechnie
(Warwick, UK)


To pray to God is easy like
A telephone call but free,
His line is always open
Try it out and see.

A twenty four hour service
You know he's always there,
Tell him all your worries
Let him know you care.

Tell him that you love him
Thank him for this day,
Tell him he's terrific
Here's one way to pray.

Bible is your line to him
Lift it up and look,
How can you communicate?
If phone is off the hook.

He is a caring father
Who hates to see you fall,
So! Do not wait till it's too late
Go now! And make your call.


William Mckechnie

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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