spiritual poem bereavement




Your first step into eternity

The days since your passing are not the same.
To see you again tomorrow has vanished from our eyes.

What you left us in memory is beauty beyond words spoken.
Yet the heart felt sorrow remains deep in your absence.

The passage of time is slow to heal.
Each heart beats differently in time.

Our love for you continues to increase.
Always an empty place remains on earth.

I thank God I was with you at the end.
It was a morning bright and blue.

When I said today is your new birthday.
Today is your first step into eternity.

Beneath the stars

Sometimes when I stand beneath the stars,
I find heaven closer than before.
Across the universe I search,
always looking for heaven's gate.

Behind that gate of precious gold,
I look for you standing near.
Strange it may sound I find myself waving.
A wave not good-bye, just hello.

tags: comfort poem death, spiritual poem bereavement, funeral poem

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Bereavement poem spiritual

by Glenn Johnson


©Glenn Johnson

How long before us, we, our, ours ends?
What is death’s measurement?
What determines its width, depth length?
Measured by what?
Time and again,
unmeasured sentences of we, us, our, ours.

Seek to embrace, trust...
Your measureless eternal love.

Let go! Move on!
More easily said than done.
Let go! Move on!
Is travel beyond absence erasure of you?
Rub to oblivion everything we, us, our, ours?
Seek to embrace, trust...
Your measureless eternal love.

Our life-time together,
a procession of shared moments . . .
one after another to the horizon of your time.
What was shared was shared . . .
forever shared.

Is travel beyond absence erasure of you?
Seek to embrace, trust...
Your measureless eternal love.

How to move beyond the Kevlar fabric of memory . . .
that reappears in fading morning mist?
Let go! Move on! Slips through my fingers . . .
like pools of mercury . . .

descending into every nook and cranny of my heart . . .
only to escape . . .
through hidden crevices of we, us, our, ours.

Seek to embrace, trust...
Your measureless eternal love.

Unknown answer: How long before us, we, our, ours ends?
Prayers to stop the measurement of your disappearance.
A journey begun at the moment of your death stare.
Beyond lost and found . . .

Search continues for Let go! Move on!
Trust prayers, beyond all time . .
will lead to Your measureless eternal love, amen, amen.

tags: bereavement poem, love, loss, spiritual, god

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Comfort Poetry Death

by Robert Gresak
(S Africa)


They know me not who think that I am only flesh and blood,
a transient dweller on the fragile spaceship Earth
that gave me birth.

For I am Spirit
eternal, indestructible,
not confined to space or time.

And when my sojourn here is through,
my roles fulfilled, my assignments done,
I will lay aside this suit called my body
and move on to other mansions, roles, assignments
in our Father's house of eternal life.

So, dry your tears, weep not overmuch for me,
or for yourself.
Set me free in the love that holds us all
and makes us one eternally.

Our paths will cross again,
our minds and hearts will touch,
our souls will shout with joy and laughter,
as we recall
the lives we lived,
the worlds we saw,
the ways we trod
to find ourselves - at last
in GOD.

Note from a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com

I love this one Robert. “I am Spirit eternal, indestructible” YES!

Katherine T Owen,
Spiritual Poet and Writer

Move from comfort poems death to poems about immortality and eternity

tags: comfort poems death, spirituality, eternal, fathers house, poem, spirit

Comments for Comfort Poetry Death

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spiritual travellers poem
by: Norma

I was so Happy to see another one of Robert's poems - they always make me smile (in my heart) He is definitely kindred spirit.
I once wrote a poem for the children which said:

'we're all galactic travellers
on a beautiful planet in space'(part)

This is the first time I read another poem
with a similar view. We're all destined to have different experiences in life, take different paths, yet amazingly some of us seem to have the same views. Although like me Robert loves the mountains......:-)

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A Poem About Facing Death

by Richard John Scarr
(Brighton, England)


Be not afraid, my precious ones,
when your time on earth is through.
Death is but a change of life.
No harm will come to you.

No need to fret or worry,
when transition time is nigh.
Would I create my children.
Just to let them die?

For as your children are to you.
That's how you are to me.
And the precious love you feel for them,
I feel for you, my family.

You are all my sons and daughters.
Every colour, culture, creed.
And I placed you on the earth,
to love and help each others needs.

Though at times you may feel lonely.
We walk together, you and I.
I would never let you walk alone.
I am always at your side.

I share in all your pleasures.
Your heart aches and your pain
as you learn the things that must be learned
whilst there upon the earthly plain.

No good deed goes unnoticed.
No kind gesture made in vain.
You will each receive your just rewards
when I bring you safely home again.

Move from A Poem About Facing Death to read an article on the 7 Stages Of Grief we go through when living with illness or facing death.

tags: death, spirituality, die, interfaith, poem

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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