He makes all things new poem

by Angela Sellers
(Tallahassee Fl)


(derived from Bible quote Isaiah 43 v. 18 & 19)

Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
Focus on the infallible power of Almighty God for He is in control.
What lies ahead for us is brand new, His creations we shall behold.
With prayer and faith we believe, we'll witness God's plan unfold.

Be encouraged, there is nothing that our Heavenly Father cannot do.
He'll make a way out of no way, trust Him for your breakthrough.
Do not dwell on old things past, instead meditate on all things new.
God promises never to forsake us, His love for us is eternally true.

He'll bring us through the trials and tribulations of life's inevitable tests.
A light in our valleys of darkness, our pathway through the wilderness.
Wait on the Lord for His work has already begun, never settle for less.
God is always able to perform and for us He will provide His best.

According to His Holy Word, the dry rivers in the desert will again flow.
Look ahead to all things new, yesterday's gone, trust God for tomorrow.
Keep the faith, believe in God and watch the seed of hope grow and grow.
Rejoice and be glad; Be thankful and praise Him all creatures here below.

(c) Angela Sellers

tags: he makes all things new, bible quote, poem, inspiration, new beginning, spiritual encouragement, spirituality

Comments for He makes all things new poem

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So Thankful and Blessed
by: Angela Sellers

I am so thankful and I feel truly blessed to see my poem in print at your website. Thanking God for the privilege and thanking you Ms. Owen for sharing this poem of encouragement, inspiration and hope with others.
May God continue to bless you and may He bring all of your endeavors to fruition.

Note from Katherine Owen

Ah, Angela I am so glad you found out that your spiritual poem had been published despite my tardiness! And that you saw Norma's appreciative comment below.
I receive your blessing with much gratitude :-)

Bless you
by: Norma

Thank you Katherine, it's always nice to keep in touch :)

Thank you Norma
by: Katherine T

Dear Norma,
I just wanted to say thank you for your comments on the rich and beautiful spiritual poetry which is submitted to the website. It is always lovely to read your words of encouragement and appreciation.

Sometimes the poets don't leave their email address so they may not be notified of comments. I hope they find them nonetheless.

And yes, this page was blogged out so I am sure more people have been reading your spiritual poem, The Journey and will relate to the bumpiness! as well as to the glory of God.

With Love and appreciation,
Katherine (T Owen)

by: Norma

How wonderful Angela, this poem is a beautiful reminder of God's never failing blessings.
The older I become the more wonder fills me, this in itself is a blessing. My poem below this one (The Journey) doesn't hide the fact that at times the way can be extremely difficult, even painful, yet continuing the journey in faith is rewarded in ways we can never imagine. To God be the Glory.

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Spiritual Poem on The Journey

by Norma Tyler
(Whitley Bay Tyne & Wear England)


For a time as travellers we can feel lost.
Our trials appear before us as mountains
to be overcome.
Yet the path before us is our way home
and the mountains are there
to strenghten us.
our love for the real homeland,
and for the 'true' Father.
The Father's love for us
will guide us.
The 'Way' is hard and unmapped,
a mysterious way
designed to test the
'True' of heart.
Between the mountain ranges
there lie valleys for rest.
Blessings pour onto us in the valleys,
Blessings unknown to those
who cannot follow the way.
For a time our hearts sing
as the love pours down for us.
For those who continue the journey,
the mountains appear higher,
and the valleys more rich in blessings.
Each one drawing us closer to home,
and the eternal joy of reunion
with our 'true' Father,
who is in Heaven.

(In your unfailing love you)
will lead the people you have)
redeemed. In your strength you)
will guide them to your Holy dwelling.)
Exodus 15:13)

Move from Poem about The Way Home to Poems by the author of this spirituality website.

tags: the way home, father, love, poetry, spiritual journey

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A Poem About Seeing The Positive

by Robert Gresak
(South Africa)


Cold, blustery and grey
was the day
as people hurried by on their way
with fixed and hypnotic gaze.

From the base of a crumbling wall
peeked a single, luminous gold flower–
brave and bright sentinel
obeying natures inexorable will.

Of the throngs scurrying by
in the city race
how many took notice
of that little flower's lovely face?

How impoverished of spirit
have people become–
how deadened and numb.

Embroiled in materialism's frenetic pace
its illusive and temporary thrills
men on the whole see not nature's little miracles.

The sprig of lovely flowers,
appreciating the fragrance of life-renewing showers;
the cooling breeze-magnificent trees,
the tinkling rivulet and clouds lined and lit
with colours of fire.

Tags: positive, flower, nature, beauty, miracles

Move From A Poem About Seeing The Positive To An Article on Positive News

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Poem Talk to God

by Debbie

We Hang On By A Thread

We sometimes hang on by a thread,
Because of what we're going through,
We feel like we're helpless,
And we don't know what to do.

Then we receive a message
From God in us and God above,
He tells us to believe in him,
He sends us all his love.

He will help us if we take
the chance to talk to him,
He will guide us in the right way
When things are looking grim.

So look up to the heavens,
Your answer will be there.
Give him a chance: he wants to help,
He’ll let you know he cares.

Move to The Serenity Prayer – A Prayer For Acceptance And Guidance

tags: God care, spiritual, poem, help, helpless

Comments for Poem Talk to God

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Good title Hanging on by a Thread
by: Floriana Hall

I especially liked the title of this poem and its rhyme. It is a simple poem which has a terrific message. Always keep the faith, and believe that things will get better with God's help.

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My name is Katherine Owen.
Please respect my copyright as the author of this website.
I am delighted if you choose to share on social media, but please do NOT reproduce any of the contents of this page without permission.
© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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