Spirit cares for us

by Annette Tannetta
(Wales U.K. )


When all the world has lost its way
Caught up in grief and fear
Stop and take a moment
Just know that I am near

For I will truly guide you
Believe and you will see
All the earthly miracles
For this I give to thee

I will walk beside you
I’ll guide you all the way
My light will shine upon you
As you go about your day

I’ll send a guardian angel
Just give them all your fears
Be full of love and kindness
And I’ll wipe away your tears

When all the world has lost its way
And you don’t know what to do
Believe that I am by your side
Always taking care of you…

tags: Spirit cares for us, guardian angel, feeling lost, spiritual provision, poem, poetry, rhyming

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Poem God is Love

by Norma
(Whitley Bay Tyne & Wear England)

I have just found this poem about God’s love. I'd forgotten about it. It came to me during a period of intense pain in my life, my marriage had just broken down and I was undergoing treatment for several illnesses. It came in answer to a question 'What is Love?'
It has proven to be true in my life since then. (written in 1984)


And so what is Love?
Love will find you when you are lost,
when you are bound he will free you.
When you are ill, he will heal you,
when you wander far, he will call you,
Surrender to him, in him you are safe.
O defectors, he waits even for you,
You know him, see what you do.
He feels your trouble, your pain.
You child, wherever you've been,
he has also been.
Your loneliness, has been his,
your tears have been his.
He knows the dark - where you feel him not,
he was there - even in the dark.
You called him, yet you didn't listen,
shush, be still now, Listen.
Hear him, turn and face him.
He always was, and will always be,
yours for the asking, for you and me.
Be not afraid of the Love that you most need.
That which you say hurts and betrays,
was not love, the imitations are many.
What is real awaits you, in him you are real.
What you seek in Love, is there for you,
Service in love will bring your true desires.
What is not gentle, what is not caring,
what does not prove true, are not of love.
Be sure - these things are not of Love.
In your darkest being, he will stay.
Let any who says they are of Love,
and do not have love's qualities,
be told of Love. They also can know him.


tags: poem god is love, poetry, gods love, love never fails, spirituality

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Sacred Poem of Love

by Kimberly
(Springfield, Mo)

What is love?

What is love
Is it a longing or a knowing
Is it a holding or a releasing
Can you explain the essence of
That which is loved
How does love speak
In a whisper or on the wind
Can you verify it to be
Our deepest need
Upon emptying ourselves of Self
Watch as our heart mind soul and body
Become the mirror-image of our truth
And love is radiating outward
Shining in purified brilliance..
We observe that it is rare
Possess it and become it
In the quiet moment of

tags: sacred, love, poem, quiet, empty

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God Is With You poem

by Norma Tyler
(Whitley Bay Tyne & Wear England)

A Child of Grace

I see you down there in the veil my child,
although your true life is here in my heart.
I know when you feel you can't see me,
sweet life, we are never apart.

I know when you say you can't hear me,
yet I greet you with birdsong each day.
I gaze on your face through the lofty trees,
through the flowers that pave your way.

The smile in your heart tells me you know
that as the spring rain falls on your face
you are safely in the presence of love,
those are truly the kisses of Grace.

That small child's hand I placed in yours,
so that you could share in my pleasure,
or the trusting child who leans on you,
as you lean on me without measure.

The veil will move, as a cloud from the sun,
as you see me face to face,
the dawn of that light will clearly show,
you were always a Child of Grace.

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tags: god, grace, loved, with you, with me, poems

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Poem about the Spiritual Experience of God's Love

by Peter Divyendu Jadinge
(Portland, UK)

Sailing on the Darkest Sea - Oh what Brilliant Light I see - song lyrics

You came into the heart of me
Smiling oh so brilliantly
Sailing on the darkest sea
Oh what brilliant light I see

Your eyes they are so full of love
Sweetness touch the sky above
Again I call you come to me
Calling to infinity
Sailing on the darkest sea
Oh what brilliant light I see

No you didn't ask a thing
Didn't want to take a thing
I give you all - what will it be
All I have to give is me
Sailing on the darkest sea
Oh what brilliant light I see

You didn't even tell your name
Mystery you still remain
Though you all my secrets see
Forgot somehow to tell to me
Sailing on the darkest sea
Oh what brilliant light I see

You came into the heart of me
Smiling oh so brilliantly
Sailing on the darkest sea
Oh what brilliant light I see

Peter Jadinge is a friend of mine. I invited him to put these beautiful lyrics on the site.

Peter sings beautifully of God and God's love.
His songs are - I believe - he will correct me if not - in the hindu tradition. As you can see from the lyrics, they are universal to our experience of the love of God who cannot be named - the Love in which we live and move and have our being.

I pray his lyrics and song take you deeper into that love.

You can hear Peter Jadinge sing his song of God’s Love on SoundCloud - lyrics as above.

Move to read a letter and prayer about God's Love from visitors to a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.

Tags: God, heart, spiritual experience, poem, lyrics, dark, light, mystery.

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With Gratitude
by: Katherine T Owen

Dear Shaun, What a wonderful line of your own - a Godful of love.
What a beautiful picture you paint of us all doing our part until the critical mass is reached (144,000? ) and the whole world transforms into God's world - a world of love expressing love.

Dear God, please use us.

Thank you Shaun,
May God always guide us,

All i have to give is me
by: Shaun

I love that line cos the all in question
is full of God.
We can, if we choose participate in giving a Godful of Love to everyone we meet......this becomes a crescendo of faith, a fountain of creative life and a wholesome healing happiness for ourselves and our companions within a loving universe.

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Poem about The Beloved

by Penny

Come My Beloved...Dance

...Come My Beloved...
...in the Joy of Forever...
...into the Joy of Forever Being One...

...where the sea morning mist, infused in One, with the spin-drift, where the last morning star...shines...
...and twinkles, dancing on the diamond shimmering waves...no more mourning...just morning...glories...

...Where He Who Walked Upon the Water...
... will meet us, in golden morning glory...
...and as morning glories, we spin as sufi,
...Dancing for Him, Our Beloved...As One.

...Spring cherry-almond blossoms bow and daub
away the groggy sleeping winter...through silver boughs that hum with new life...Dance...
Come My Beloved...
be not sleeping still in that tower...I wish to see you under that honeyed alter, cloaked in your white raiment, with frangipani in your hair...

...You are in that tower, so high
where so long ago, the enchantment befell you...
...the too high wall around your tower, is thick fast with briars my briared Queen...come, let me alleviate your imprisonment, I will champion You...

...I Will Champion You...I Will remove the briar's my briared One, until not even a Crown of Thorns you wear.
...I Come Unto You, My Beloved, to break the enchantment of long slumber...I Come to You, My Beloved, to take you unto Myself...

...I see you have been working at your briars...you are exhausted...you have been Alone in Your Task ...let me Champion You...

...Come My Beloved...Arise...
...In the Joy of Forever...
...In the Joy of Forever Being One.

© Penny Gordon, 2012

Note from a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com

Beautiful, Penny,
Your poem sweeps us up in divine arms, divine Love.
Thank you. What a lovely Valentine's gift to us all.

Move to read about a book of spiritual love poems by the author of this site.

Tags: spiritual love poems, poems about the beloved, divine love, poetry, god love, ecstatic, mystical, Jesus

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Poem about the beloved - Post-Script
by: Penny (the Author)

...Hi, everyone. I just wanted to add a post-script here. My poem is quite unedited, a bit careless with punctuation, the cadence is a bit off in a place or two.
Also, I should mention I felt I wanted to express the feminine in the first half of the poem...then the male aspect in the second half...thus, I used the title 'Queen' in reference to the object of the 'briar' metaphor, whereas in my final draft I've used the more un-gendered 'One'...which reads a bit more harmonious, not with too much gender 'ambiguity', which might confuse some readers.

I thank you so much...this is wonderful to be able to express and share this way...bye' for now...Grace, Peace, Blessings to you All...Always...Namaste'...

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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