Prayer for a Couple in Trouble
who have children

Please find below a prayer for a couple in trouble in their relationship.

The image is for any couple.

The prayer in the text is for a a couple in crisis who have children.

This prayer asks God to guide these two people to find peace of mind.
It asks for the children’s well-being to be protected from disagreements that arise.

This would be suitable as a prayer for a divorcing couple with children.

If the couple you are praying for have no children, just leave out the sections which don't apply.

If you are one of the members of the couple in trouble, well done for sustaining your spirituality at this difficult time.
You can adapt the prayer to include yourself.
I send you love.

It is natural to feel shocked and upset if a friend or family member is going through difficult times in a relationship or through a separation or divorce.

Their difficulties or separation may also have an impact on your own life.
You may be very fond of the member of the couple who is not your family or who was not initially your friend.
Family occasions may no longer include everyone.
You may have less chance to see the children.
Or you may feel called on to help out by looking after the children more often than before....

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With love, Katherine

Worry is natural but it is not the most helpful state of mind.

A prayer for the couple in trouble helps them. But it also helps you to process your own feelings and allow God to help you.
When you access your own spiritual connection you are better able to hold a place that the couple can access the same connection for themselves.

Prayer for a couple in trouble with children

With problems in relationships there may be times when it is difficult to imagine any solution. When you say a prayer for the couple in trouble and hand over the relationship to God you are opening to solutions beyond those that you can see at the current time.

Prayer for a couple in trouble who have children

Dear God,

I raise to you in faith ______ and ______ (insert the names of the couple).

Speak to their hearts.

At this time when they find it easy to see faults in each other, remind them of the qualities they once saw. Remind them of the love they have for each other.

Give them the strength to set aside their own emotions and differences when necessary to attend to the needs of the children.

Give them the courage to find quiet time alone to process their feelings.

Give them the discipline to learn skills to communicate as well as possible with each other.

Give them the courage to ask for help from others if this is what they need – practical help with looking after the children, and also help with receiving love for themselves and with resolving their issues.

Because they have children there is no option of complete separation.
I ask that whatever the outcome for their own relationship,  ______ and ______ (insert the names of the couple) find it surprisingly easy to reconcile the differences in the interests of their children.

God, if it is your will, guide them to repair their relationship.

I place these two people in your hands.

Let them reach out for new help.

Let them remember to call out to you, or maybe even pray together.

Dear God I see the children encircled in your love and your protection.

Protect the children (child) from any thought that their parents’ problems are their fault.

Guide the children to know that they are made in your image, that they are part of your love, and that nothing can change this.

If needed, give the children of this couple, people in their life other than their own parents who can step in and let them know they are loved.

God, help me to be a friend to this family at this time, either in prayer or in practical help.

Thank you.


Articles relevant to Prayer for a couple in trouble who have children

  • Move to read a page on Spirituality in Relationships.
  • You might pray other prayers to support this couple spiritually at this time.
    For example, you might feel angry with one of the people in the couple and wish to pray for help to forgive them.
    Or one of them may have a level of anger that is affecting their ability to communicate with the other. You might pray that they will find forgiveness and peace.

I hold a place for all of us to touch the peace that passes understanding.

With the Love we are,


Katherine T Owen, webmaster,
Author of Be Loved, Beloved (Kindle)

Owner of the Zazzle HealingStore - Add your name or favourite quote to delightful gifts many on the theme of spirituality and healing. All funds help to run this spiritual website. Thank you!

Articles related to Prayer for a couple with children

Click on the link below to move from Prayer For A Couple In Trouble to a full list of prayers on this spirituality website.

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© Katherine T Owen

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God Love Self Love

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For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

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Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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