Contents for Prayer for the dead
The Eternal Rest prayer is a Christian prayer but often considered to be specifically a short Catholic prayer for the dead.
Many other Christian denominations pray only for those who are grieving, those left behind.
The Eternal Rest prayer is a famous prayer. The other prayers related to death on this page are written by myself. I suggest you adapt them and make them your own.
Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.
We don't have to wait until we die to rest in the peace of God's love.
In honour of those in an earthly body and those who have passed, I now say the prayer above for myself to rest in peace and for you to do the same.
Peace is eternal and eternity includes now.
I choose to rest in peace in this moment of Now.
I choose to believe that on some level we are all resting in peace in this moment of Now.
I honour the one who has died by being willing to know this for myself and for all.
We take a moment to think of those we love who was part of our lives and now has died.
We honour any grief we feel over someone who was with us and now feels missing, and yet lives on in our heart and mind as one we love.
Bring us peace.
God, comfort me in my grief.
I open to receive your comfort and presence.
I am willing to know or know more deeply the Love you give that I can never lose.
The grieving process can be more complicated when the person who has died was one with whom your relationship was not easy.
You may be surprised by your need to pass through the grieving process. The process may be complicated by the multitude of feelings that arise. Pray for comfort.
We honour any grief we feel over someone who was with us and is now gone, towards whom our feelings were complex and still remain unresolved.
Bring us peace.
God, comfort me in my grief.
I open to receive your comfort and presence.
I am willing to know or know more deeply the Love you give that I can never lose.
This is a prayer for one who is facing the death of a loved one with whom they are able to spend time.
If you are praying for someone who is not able to be with their loved one, adapt the prayer as needed.
Dear God,
I place in your hands _____ and their loved one ____.
Let them enjoy, even more than usual, the precious time they have together,
and celebrate the happiness they find with each other.
I ask you to guide ______ in their decisions at this time.
I see her/him held within your love, finding surprising strength to take each day as it comes.
I speak peace to the body of ______ (name the one who is facing death) , seeing it filled with the white light that relaxes, cleanses, heals, and brings peace.
I pause to honour our human pain and know that all our pains and joys are held within a greater reality.
We think of one we know for whom the feeling of someone missing whilst still here is often overwhelming.
We join minds to let God’s comfort and presence be received by them
God, comfort them in their grief.
May they receive your comfort and presence.
May they know or know more deeply the Love you give that can never be lost.
When we embark on finding a change of feelings within such a challenging situation as the recent death of a loved one, we rely not on our strength, but on a strength we can draw on that is beyond us.
A time of loss reminds us that this is a world in which everything changes.
We are willing to put our roots down into the one relationship we never lose.
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With the Love we are,
Katherine T Owen, webmaster at
Author of Be Loved, Beloved (Kindle)
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For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.
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Be Loved Beloved
"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."
Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy