Spiritual Strength Quotes

This faith article shares spiritual strength quotes.

It includes prayers for strength based on powerful Bible verses and quotes from A Course In Miracles.

These words open us to the answer to the following inquiries:

  • How do we draw on a source of strength beyond the weakness of our bodies?
  • In a time when our thoughts and feelings speak to us of weakness, how do we draw on a source of emotional strength?

  • The first half of this article shares Bible quotes about strength.
  • The second half shares quotes of strength from the spiritual text, A Course In Miracles.
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With love, Katherine

Bible quotes about strength

There is a lot in the bible about God being our strength.
Chose one of these bible verses or prayers to meditate on.

Several of these strength quotes say that God is with us.
In the moment when we let ourselves be aware that God is with us, we are strong.

"So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

(Isaiah 41:10, NIV Bible verse about strength)

You are my God.
You uphold me.
I receive your strength and your help.

prayer for strength based on a spiritual strength quote from A Course In Miracles

"God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble."

(Psalm 46:1-3, NIV Bible spiritual strength quote)

Dear God,
You are my refuge.
You are my strength.
You are my ever present source of help.
Thank you.

“Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord.
Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

(Nehemiah 8:10, NIV Bible quote about strength)

“Be strong and courageous;
do not be frightened or dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

(Joshua 1:9, NIV Bible quote about strength)

My God You are with me wherever I go.
I touch the joy that is available to me in this moment regardless of the circumstances.
In You I am strong and courageous.


Quotes about singing and spiritual strength

I love singing. These spiritual quotes convey the idea that through singing we can access God's strength.

“The Lord is my strength and my song”

(Exodus 15:2, NIV spiritual strength quote from the Bible)

“The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusted in him, and I am helped:
therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth;
and with my song will I praise him.”

(Isaiah 28:7, KJV, Old Testament Bible verse about strength)

LORD you are my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in You, and I am helped.
My heart greatly rejoices;
and with my song I praise You.


"Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom;
you are exalted as head over all.
Wealth and honour come from you;
you are the ruler of all things.
In your hands are strength and power
to exalt and give strength to all."

(1 Chronicles 29, NIV Bible)

Move here for more prosperity scriptures.

Quotes about strength from
A Course In Miracles

The following powerful spiritual strength quotes are from A Course In Miracles. (Click to learn 'What is A Course In Miracles?')

These quotes make it clear that we are not asking for a strength which is not ours.
Instead we are claiming the strength that is already ours.
We set our small separate self to one side and know ourselves as part of God.
We know His/Her strength as our own.

“The ego teaches that your strength is in you alone.
The Holy Spirit teaches that all strength is in God
and <therefore> in you.”
(T-8.III.7, spiritual strength quote from ACIM)

“If His strength is in you,
what you perceive as your weakness is but illusion.
And He has given you the means to prove it so.”
(M-29.7, A Course In Miracles)

ACIM prayer

Dear God,
All strength is in You.
No wonder mine has not felt like enough.
I let go of relying on my own strength.
I receive yours.
Thank you.

Dear God,
Your strength is in me, so what I perceive as my weakness  must be illusion.
You have given me the means to prove it so.

I have a little willingness to know this to be true.
So be it.

In the following section, I have adapted Workbook lesson 47 from A Course In Miracles to be said in the first person as an affirmation for strength.

If I am trusting in my own strength, I have every reason to be apprehensive, anxious and fearful. 
What can I predict or control? 
What is there in me that can be counted on? 
What would give me the ability to be aware of all the facets of any problem,
and to resolve them in such a way that only good can come of it? 
What is there in me that gives me the recognition of the right solution, and the guarantee that it will be accomplished?

Of myself I can do none of these things. 
To believe that I can is to put my trust where trust is unwarranted, and to justify fear, anxiety, depression, anger and sorrow. 

Who can put his faith in weakness and feel safe? 
Yet who can put his faith in strength and feel weak?

God, you are my safety in every circumstance. 
Your Voice speaks for You in all situations
and in every aspect of all situations,
telling me exactly what to do to call upon Your strength
Your protection. 
... In this moment, I am willing to reach past my own weakness to the Source of real strength.
.... God is the strength in which I trust.”
spiritual strength quote from ACIM)

Spiritual decision-making

Prayer for strength in decision making

What would give me the ability to be aware of all the facets of any problem, and to resolve them in such a way that only good can come of it?
I cannot do this.
But You - God, Light, Love - 
You can.
You are my strength.
I rest in You.
Please decide for me.

I put my faith in strength
and I feel strong.

A prayer to cope with feeling out of control

At the moment, I can't control what's happening.
At the moment, I can't predict what will happen next.

This lack of control may feel like 'something's gone wrong'.
This lack of ability to predict the outcome may feel like a reason to panic.
But I pause and recognise, I am simply seeing the world as it is.
I don't have control.
I can't predict the outcome.

In knowing this I become motivated to put my roots down into a Source of strength which is more me than this 'me' I seem to be.
I let go of the need to control.
I let go of the need to predict.
I receive your wisdom.
I place it all in your hands.
I take time to open to your guidance.
Thank you.

Spiritual strength quotes - we are supposed to ask

“The light of strength is constant, sure as love,
forever glad to give itself away, because it cannot give but to itself.

No one can ask in vain to share its sight,
and none who enters [the abode of the light of strength] can leave without a miracle before his eyes,
and strength and light abiding in his heart.”

(W-92.8, spiritual strength quote ACIM)

“My chosen channels cannot fail,
because I will lend them my strength
as long as theirs is wanting.”

“The Holy Spirit is your strength because He knows nothing but the spirit as you.
He is perfectly aware that you do not know yourself,
and perfectly aware of how to teach you to remember what you are.”

(T-12.VI.2, spiritual strength quote ACIM)

“The Holy Spirit always sides with you and with your strength.
As long as you avoid His guidance in any way, you want to be weak.


A prayer for strength and guidance

To access strength I need to ask for Your guidance
I need to listen for Your guidance
I need to receive Your guidance
I need to act on Your guidance.

I choose to ask.
I choose to listen.
I choose to receive.
I choose to act.
I have the power to make these choices.
I claim my power.

I let go of the weakness of separation.
I choose the strength of knowing myself as part of You.

Thank you that you are. AMEN

Please join minds with me in seeing that all of us who read this are strong.
We are strong because we are part of the Oneness which IS strength.

Thank you.

Click through for more spiritual strength quotes and prayers.

Articles related to Spiritual Strength Quotes

Move to a list of articles of spiritual quotes on this website.

Or click the prayer link below for another article which includes many Spiritual Strength Quotes.

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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