Trust in God with all your heart

by Kevin Mast
(Logansport, Indiana)

Shelter Me, Lord

I am not strong enough,
For a head on collision
Against this devil's force.
I know it is the enemy who is attacking me,
But power in myself is futile.

Shelter me, Lord against this storm.
Honesty and obedience are my weapons.
But only You are more powerful against this attack.
Shelter me against this storm.

My foot is slipping.
I cry out in desperation.
But my cryer is losing its power.
My heart is fully slung.
As it is bleeding uncontrollably.
Only in You do I put my trust.
But my trust in You is fading away

When there are no more options,
I cry out how long,
But that has been my stance for so long.
Have mercy.
But I believe You have forgotten to be merciful.

All of a sudden, the storm is over.
My stance hasn't changed.
All of a sudden, I am standing on this mountain.
I am an overcomer.
It doesn't make sense.
I gave up in life.
I even gave up in You.

It is all about You.
Nothing about me,
I did nothing but obey.
You just restored me.
So, now I can act in confidence.
Thank you for sheltering me.
When I believed You didn't care

Dramatic video by the writer of this spiritual poem

tags: protection from god, trust in god, giving up on god, overcomer, christian poetry slam, nothing without god

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Follow God's Path

by Kevin Mast
(Logansport, Indiana)

Taking Paths to the Good Life
Inspired by Ephesians 2:10 Amplified Version

Taking Paths to the Good Life

Meaningless, that was my life.
My emotions were full of strife.
I lived empty every day
Nothing ever exciting came my way.

I realized I needed God given dreams.
Joseph from the Bible had this it seems.
So, I asked God for this because I had needs.
Since you did it for Joseph why not give me leads.

I wanted to know what would make me joy filled.
Desiring my life to have Holy Spirit approval sealed.
I wanted a scripture to come into my existence.
Faith on my part would be my assistance.

It said I could take a path of God prepared ahead of time.
Than the good life would be mine
I had to believe that God had a path of escape in every dilemma I got in.
No matter if I was in a heavy duty sin.

Now each morning when I awake,
I want to hear from God which path to take.
What task does He want me to do to make me tick with gladness
I know each day has a specific task, there is no more sadness.

I am living the good life and have visions.
Because I am obeying his decisions.
What an exuberant life I now live.
A joyous heart to God I now give.

Dramatic interpretation of this poem given by the writer of this spiritual poem

tags: life is empty, meaningless, meaning of life, trust in god, modern christian poet

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Is there value in suffering poem

by Kevin Mast
(Logansport, Indiana, America)

Crucifying the Sinful Nature

Knocked Down Again

Why! Why! Why!
This pattern always happens.
I get up from a nasty fall,
And then someone knocks me down in judgment.
Don't they understand they are killing my spirit?
Don't they care about me?
And worse off, He doesn't seem to care.
I know this can't be true.
But sometimes it feels like
He enjoys it when I am knocked down.
He is supposed to be my Helper.
Not my Mocker.

Then the light comes on.
Unless I am broken,
I can't truly be thankful.
I realize there is someone evil fighting against me.
I learn to abhor this gruesome foe.
I want it gone from me with a passion.
I want it gone so badly
That I don't care that I am laid out flat on the floor.
I know that these nasty falls are destroying what I despise.
Fallen states of mind are never pleasurable, or are they?
I am learning to trust Him in sufferings.
Never suffer needlessly.
But enjoying being knocked down.
Because it is killing my harmful self.
The self that would have ended up killing me.

Being knocked down has new meaning.
I am no longer fighting it.
It has helped me.
It produces new stamina.
Oh the joy, of my sinful nature being knocked down.
So, I can stand in freedom.

Dramatic video given by the writer of this spiritual poem

Tags: suffering, why does god allow suffering, is there value in suffering, christian poem, Christianity, sinful nature

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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