Spirituality In Recovery is a supplementary page which supports the page on Recovery From Severe ME/ CFS.
When you pursue spirituality in recovery, or recover through the Lightning Process™ (I did both), it can shake people's belief system. They may consider the possibility that you weren't really ill.
This is understandable.
But I hope you will appreciate that, having spent 14 years of my life drinking through a straw, with a commode by the bed, it is not a discussion I am prepared to spend much time on.
Finding that a greater spiritual connection leads to healing does not mean that the illness is not serious.
If we are spiritual beings, then both physical illness and mental illness can be addressed by deepening our spiritual connection.
We hold out for the possibility that we are part of the infinite and "Nothing is impossible to God."
We may end up finding peace within our current circumstances or we may find that our circumstances change.
However, for now we experience ourselves as physical, and it is important to state that Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is a physical illness.
It's not complicated: if you cannot physically carry out an ordinary activity without it damaging your health or possibly leading to death, then you are physically ill.
(Sprituality is also used very successfully in the 12 Step programs for recovery from addiction.
Author Mal Duane talks about the importance of
spirituality in recovery from her Alcohol addiction.)
To rest in God is to recognise ourselves as a seed of the Spirit that needs the earth of God's love in which to grow.
God's love is the solution to any problem and so spirituality in recovery brings healing on many levels:
We may find inner peace within the same circumstances.
Mental illness may be alleviated or cured.
Physical illness may be alleviated or cured.
If you have days where you are worried that you have lost
the plot :-), know that as long as you are setting out to allow God to
love you, you are going in the right direction. It is simplistic but
true: Love heals.
One of the Doctors who supported me in my journey with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis ( CFS/ME ) was a haematologist who had worked with HIV patients before much was known about the condition.
He told me how a complementary health clinic had been set up near
where I lived, in Crouch End, London, England. It used mind body
medicine and spirituality in recovery - drawing on the work of Louise
Hay among others.
Improvements in physical health were seen.
When the HIV was identified and drugs were developed, the clinic closed down.
Before they identified the H.I.V.,
there was a centre set up locally
for those with AIDS.
Using the work of Louise Hay and others
they learned to love themselves.
They were doing well:
in many cases the illness stabilised.
The centre is now shut.
Who wants to learn to love?
Drugs are easier.
It’s OK that when you are in pain or distress you just want to do
whatever makes you feel better, even if it doesn’t solve the underlying
© Katherine T Owen, 2009.
Other poems about illness on this site.
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I expect the same will happen with those suffering with CFS. Those with CFS are often willing to use spirituality in recovery and be pioneers in the new field of mind body medicine. We want to get well and conventional medicine is not providing the answers. Once drugs are available, many of us will no doubt take the easier route.
I see no reason why people with M.E. should be obliged to use spirituality in recovery or engage in the area of mind body medicine. But for myself, with no other treatment available, my decision to do so was clear.
I do not keep up with the latest research into the organic basis of M.E. But, I know it is out there and is important to many.
If you know a site that has good information on the physical basis for M.E. please let me know and I will include a link here.
Click though to buy the Louise Hay book - You Can Heal Your Life from the Amazon online bookstore. Hopefully it will take you through to your local store. My apologies if not.
Any time you buy an Amazon book through this website I get a small commission which goes towards running the website. (You pay the same price).
Thank you for reading this article.
And thank you for being here.
With the Love we are,
Katherine T Owen, webmaster at www.a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com
Author of Be Loved, Beloved (Kindle)
Owner of the zazzle HealingStore for delightful customized gifts.
Move to read the home page on a practical spirituality- prayer, forgiveness, love.
Or click the link 'Return to Health' below to read more about what sustained me and assisted my recovery from living bedbound with severe ME to a less severe level.
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© Katherine T Owen
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(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)
For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.
Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.
If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.
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Be Loved Beloved
"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."
Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy