Spiritual Experience
Spiritual Guidance

by Jake Hartwick
(Loveland, CO USA)

Is ACIM the True Words of Jesus?

I began my spiritual journey like many others.
You reach a certain point in life (depression, alcohol, etc.) and you finally decide "ENOUGH!" and commit yourself to God.

In my prayers, I asked Him a simple request, to guide me to the right church (because there were so many different ones). I was not quite prepared for what happened then.

In the list of churches I had seen online, there was one odd one that kept popping up in my mind each time (about 4 or 5) I made that simple request, so I finally called and met with the local person for "Eckankar". He guided me there for a specific reason...to learn and understand that my true self was not this body but the Soul. What happened next gets really interesting.

Once I fully understood my true self, my perception of this body and physical world changed 180 degrees and I prayed.
The answer came in a very intense and revelatory event that lasted about two weeks.

I thought I was having what the Bible described as "Communion with God". In early Christian history, it is known as Divine Gnosis. What really occurred was what ACIM describes as the healing of the mind. Although there were strong, specific thoughts, visions and physical vibratory events, I did not fully understand them. My mind was healed, I'd "awoken" from my deep sleep but I still had "amnesia".

To make a long story short, through devout prayer, He led me through the Gnostic Christian tradition and an incredible amount of Christian history lessons.

Although my negative emotions were gone and I was feeling peace, joy and freedom, there still was something missing.

As I was reading incessantly, a particular author mentioned ACIM which I then checked out of the library.
I started reading it (without knowing the background) and besides finding it somewhat odd, there was nothing in the beginning pages that "enlightened" me.
I was about to return it to the library when I felt "compelled" to open the book again. I looked in the index and there was a particular subject that dealt with an aforementioned "strong" thought (the ego).

As I read, I became somewhat "embedded" in it. I went back to where I left off before and continued reading. Finally, I went to my computer to find out more and when I watched the small video clip of Dr. Helen describing how the book came to be, I broke down and wept.

God had touched me again and I knew that these were His Words and I also instantly knew why He chose her to scribe the book. This was the final piece to the puzzle and what happened after that is what we all are seeking.

Now, there are no more mysteries, no more questions. My memories have fully returned. My only purpose is to help others now.

If anyone has any questions or thoughts, my email is hartwickjake@gmail.com and I'm located in Loveland, Colorado USA

Note from a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com

Thank you so much Jake for this heartfelt story of your spiritual guidance received and your spiritual experience.
I know it will be of service to others.
How appropriate that you live in Loveland!

Move from spiritual experience to an article where ACIM students talk about their different experiences of Hearing Gods Voice

Tags: acim, god, spiritual experience, guidance, journey, which church

Comments for Spiritual Experience
Spiritual Guidance

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Aug 09, 2024
Acim in Loveland
by: Elizabeth

I am also a long time acim student and searched "people interested in acim in Loveland Colorado" and your story came up. I hesitate to post much of anything especially my phone number on public media so perhaps you will find me if you look on Facebook for someone named Elisabetsy (that's me). I'm not sure if you will need the last name or not.

Katherine T Owen replies

Dear reader, I did find Elisabetsy on Facebook.
Just to clarify that I am an ACIM student and teacher in England, UK.
But if you too are in the delightfully named Loveland, maybe Elisabetsy would like to hear from you.
The peace of God is shining on us, Katherine

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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