by Who wrote this famous prayer poem? See discussion below

Slow me Down (c) SLGilmore

Slow me Down (c) SLGilmore

Slow me down Lord

Ease the pounding of my heart
By the quieting of my mind
Steady my hurried pace
With a vision of the eternal reach of time.

Give me amidst the confusion of my day
The calmness of the everlasting hills
Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles
With the soothing music of the singing streams
That live in my memory.

Help me to know
The magical restoring power of sleep
Teach me the art
Of taking minute vacations
Of slowing down to look at a flower
To chat with a friend
To pat a dog
To read a few lines from a good book.

Remind me each day of the fable
Of the hare and the tortoise
That I may know that the race
Is not always to be swift
That there is more to life
Than measuring speed.

Let me look upward
Into the branches of the towering oak
And know that it grew great and strong
Because it grew slowly and well.

Slow me down Lord
And inspire me to send my roots
Deep into the soil
Of life's enduring values
That I may grow towards the stars
Of my enduring destiny.

From Butterworth Church service 6th March 2011: Minister, Sandra Wylie

Love and God Bless, Shaun Butler

Note from webmaster of, Katherine T Owen

Who wrote Slow me Down Lord?

This Slow Me Down Lord poem / prayer previously appeared here with the wrong author.

According to Wikipedia, the poem, Slow me Down Lord, is written by Wilferd Arlan Peterson. This American author published 9 books and wrote for "Science of Mind" magazine.
He wrote regularly about the Art of Living and with his wife Ruth collaborated on inspirational writing, essays and poems.

Further on this thread you will see a suggestion from a visitor that the beautiful prayer poem was written by Holborn.

But the mystery seems to have been solved. It is a Hittite prayer, well known in Turkey. See the comment below, and thank you for all your answers and the popularity of this page.

It seems that whoever wrote Slow me Down Lord Prayer was writing something that God has written on all our hearts.
When we read the poem we recognise the truth in them.

Click here for Psalm 91 as a prayer for peace of mind

Click here for a prayer to be Rooted in God

Comments for SLOW ME DOWN LORD

Click here to add your own comments

Mar 17, 2011
Good advice
by: Floriana Hall

Very profound poem that says it all. As one gets older, the slowing down is easier. However, everyone should take time to smell the flowers and appreciate and enjoy each day.

Mar 17, 2011
I've been working on it.
by: Anonymous

Enjoyed the poem and took to heart the good advice. Jane

Nov 10, 2011
poem has history
by: Anonymous

This poem has long been associated with the marijuana culture. Been around and used as a a paean to grass since the 60's. Not that that bothers me. Just thought you'd all like to know...

An unlikely drug poem

Dear Anonymous,

How wonderfully improbable that such a prayer to find our sustenance and peace in God should be used by those seeking to escape the world for a while through drug use.

I pray their prayer is answered. May we find God within the small things of the everyday and lose our reliance on those other things that bring us only a temporary and unsatisfactory peace.

God bless them and us.

May 23, 2013
Loved this Slow me Down Lord prayer for years
by: Anonymous

This beautiful prayer/poem and also Marianne Williamson's "Our Deepest Fear" both helped me to kick alcohol addiction two years ago.

Whenever I would feel my usual self-loathing coming back, I would recite these beautiful prayers and instead of taking a drink, I found myself feeling better.

Not saying that that is all it takes or that it was easy or that the sobriety will always last, but I pray that it will.

I still recite these prayers in my mind.

Also, I send my prayers out to the Oklahoma tornado victims and survivors of 5/20.

Reply from Katherine:
Beautiful comment.

For anyone interested......move to read about the author Mal Duane’s journey with AA spirituality to overcome addiction

Jan 05, 2014
Who wrote Slow Me down Lord?
by: Ann

This very old poem/ prayer, Slow Me Down, Lord , was written by Holborn and NOT (as claimed) by the American, Peterson.

Note from Katherine T Owen:

Thank you Ann,
If you can provide a link or tell us more about Holborn, that would be great. I have just rechecked and the prayer poem does seem to be ascribed to Peterson.

Jan 27, 2014
by: Ann

I am sorry it took me so long to get back to you, Katherine.

All I know is that I was given this prayer by my Vicar in 1954 and I wrote it down in my child's hand at the time. He gave me the author's name as Holborn.

I also believe he told me this prayer/poem was quite old but I have no dates. Do you have any idea when this Wilfred Peterson was born or if he is still alive?

Note from Katherine T Owen:

Thank you Ann.
According to Wikipedia!!
Wilferd Arlan Peterson (1900–95) was an American author.

May 01, 2014
Who wrote Slow me Down Lord?
by: Cinosantancer from Turkey

The poem Slow me Down Lord seems to be a Hittite prayer, coming from 2000 years ago.

Maybe it is composed newly but this is well known poem in Turkey.

This is the Turkish version of Slow me Down Lord:

Note from Katherine T Owen, Webmaster

How interesting.
Thank you so much Cinosantancer for answering the question here about who wrote Slow me Down Lord.

And how lovely that the prayer is well known in Turkey.

I went through to the link, but my Turkish doesn't go beyond being able to count to ten so I couldn't make much out!

Google translate said this page was not secure, but I found another version to translate, here.

And yes, the translation from the Turkish is so similar to the Slow me Down Lord Poem.

Here it is. The translation is clumsy, but it is easy to see the similarities.

"GOD Bani slow

God me to slow down, my mind soothing my heart
Showing the time when the hectic pace my eternity
Today's chaos in me will live forever
Give the tranquility of the hills.
My nerves and tension in my muscles, my memory on
to wash the tune of living rivers, lump.
Sleep it fascinating to hear the power and healing
is help.
To be able to enjoy the art of teaching law instantaneous; a
clicking slowing to look at the flowers, a beautiful dog or
to stop to oxy cat, a beautiful book a couple
line to read, to be able to hunt, fish, reverie to
branch to teach.
Every day, the turtle and the rabbit's tale reminded me.
Note that the speed is always half of the rib
bitirmedig, more than simply increase the speed in my law
I know the important things are.
A close up of the branches of majestic oak tree right
Have them look. I see the look on his
such strong and great to be slow and good growth
It depends.
God of me slow down my roots and soil life
permanent helped me to send the correct values.
Help me that my destiny towards the star more mature
and I will rise as more healthy.
And most of all, my God, I'm degistirebileceg
courage to change the things, I unmodifiable
patience to accept the things, the difference between the two
Give WISDOM to know.

HITITE of these writings before 2000 BC
It is taken from an inscription found in the ruins"

I had assumed that the tortoise and the hare referred to the Aesop Fable, but it is referred to in this poem, and in this case the reference long precedes the time of Aesop.

'Hectic' and 'chaos' are words in the prayer that speak of our modern world and yet 4000 years ago, the Hittite's were feeling the same way.

We are slow to learn that the only rest is God's rest. :-)

It also means that the Slow me Down Lord Prayer does not originate as a Christian prayer or a Jewish prayer.

If it is a well known prayer in Turkey, is there a particular faith or religion which tends to pray it, or do all faiths do so?

Bless your day with the stillness of God.

Jul 30, 2014
by: Anonymous

how fabulist you turk!

Jan 14, 2015
The poem Slow me Down Lord
by: Anonymous

The copy of Slow me Down Lord I found is attributed to Orin L Crain... written in 1957:

May 19, 2015
Poem Slow Me Down Lord
by: Anonymous

Yes, it was Orin Crain who wrote this poem. That is family history and his immediate family has the original. He never copyrighted it and someone else claimed it.

Note from Katherine T Owen:
Do have a look at the reference to a Hittite origin below.
I wonder if Orin Crain was the first to publish the translation into English.

May 30, 2016
Calming Effect
by: BPSagra

Each time I feel the tiredness and fatigue of my human journey I go back to this prayer.

I take a series few deep breaths and keep myself silent.

I listen and feel to the rhythm of my whole body.

I say the prayer again.

I sense a deep calming Effect within me.

I am at home within my true self, resting, rejuvenating, hoping...

Note from Katherine T Owen, webmaster

Dear BPSagra,

Thank you so much for sharing that with us. I am sure you will inspire many people to read the prayer Slow Me Down Lord and to join you in a moment of resting in God.

Dear God, reach through the clutter of our minds.
We ask to touch the peace that passes understanding.
Please let us be a channel of your peace.
Thank you.

Additional comment from Newhaven Recovery Center, Brookhaven, Mississippi

The prayer Slow me Down Lord is part of morning meditation at Newhaven Recovery Center - treatment for recovery from alcohol and other drugs.

Dec 03, 2017
Authenticity of Slow me Down Prayer?
by: haiti renait

I have a copy of the poem printed in the 1960s and attributed to a well known Roman Catholic archbishop.

Could it have been an adaptation of the Turkish piece?

I would like to pursue this authenticity issue.

Note from Katherine T Owen

Yes, it does seem likely to be an adaptation of the Turkish piece if that was indeed written in 2000BC.

It is wonderful that this prayer seems to have been adopted by those of many different faiths and none.

Clearly, from the action on this thread, it continues to be much loved today.

Feb 17, 2018
Older Fella
by: John B.

My Father gave me a copy of this poem - Slow me down Lord - in 1951 when I was running thru life in a rush (doing four years of college in three years).
The copy he gave me was cut out of a Brethren publication called "The Gospel Messenger."

Comment from Katherine

Makes me smile that you call yourself "Older Fella".
Isn't that amazing that the poem has travelled somewhere in your psyche ever since.
Thank you for visiting.
Peace and restfulness to you and all of us.

Feb 25, 2019
Restful Heart
by: Anonymous

Comment on Slow me Down Lord Prayer Poem

Insightful. One can only see the light in the field of darkness.

Aug 12, 2019
No evidence for the origins of Slow me Down poem
by: Anonymous

Sorry friends, but there is not a tiny evidence that proves this poem is from hittites. Only rumours and of course the turkish media.

Mar 16, 2020
Slow me down Lord
by: Brenda Stemmler

How do I get permission to use this poem in a book I am writing about my husband. He died of stage four lung cancer. He had this poem hanging on a pegboard in his work shop.

Brenda Stemmler.

Katherine Owen
Brenda, I am not 100% sure, but I think you are fine. The Poem Slow me down Lord has been around so long that it has no copyright.
I myself did not have permission to publish it when someone first commented.
So sorry for your loss.

Nov 14, 2021
The Truth about the origins of the poem -Finally
by: Stan Rosen

Thank you so much for telling the truth about the origins of the Slow Me Down Lord poem. It's so hard to find. A new age is dawning, NESARA. I truly believe we will find it then.

Dec 28, 2021
Have had a copy of Slow me Down prayer for many years
by: Brenda

When I returned to teaching after 12 years of being a stay at home mom, I quickly realized the pace of my life had quadrupled! All that I had had time to do…the laundry (for 3 active boys it was never ending), the cooking (again, a husband and 3 always hungry boys), the ballgames and church activities, cleaning house ( a never ending job), grocery shopping etc, was now crammed into early pre dawn hours, late nights and weekends. I have never been so exhausted.

I saw this poem printed in our newspaper, clipped it, and taped it to my file cabinet in my classroom so that I could read it everyday. Later I had to laminate and then laminate again. When I retired, I brought it home and it has been a bookmark for my Bible ever since.
I never knew the author until I googled it this morning.

I wish I could say I have completely changed into a calm peaceful person. But I do read this poem frequently and it holds a special place in my heart.
My retirement years have been VERY busy, but in the coming year, my resolution is going to be to slow it down. I am approaching 70 and I am ready to be reminded daily that there is more to life than increasing its speed. I plan to read this poem daily and maybe memorize it like I do with many of the Psalms.
So glad I found this website.

Reply from Katherine Owen

Brenda, I am so glad in my turn that you found the website. Your post has blessed me.

‘laminate and then laminate again’ spoke to me of your commitment to this powerful prayer. It is inspiring.

I wish you well in your continuing retirement years.

May you and all of us find space within and beyond the busyness.

Jul 10, 2022
Hittite Prayer found in Turkey - Slow me down God
by: Sultan Dogan

An answer to 'What is the origin of the Slow me Down prayer?'

Hello everyone,

I am of Turkish origin living in Australia. Today I posted the Turkish translation of the Hittite prayer inscribed on a large rock, dated 2000 BC.

I looked for it in English and came across this website and noticed that the English version (of the Slow me Down prayer) is an adaptation of the original text which was translated into Turkish. İt is a powerful prayer and so timeless. It will exist to be a guide and consolation for many future generations.

With respect to the Hittites and thanking them for carving this prayer into the rock which has survived to date, I now would like to share with you the full English translation for your own use. As mentioned earlier there is no copyright, but it will be fair to mention that it is an Hittite prayer found on a rock in Turkey.


Alternative words to Slow me Down Poem, submitted as a Hittite prayer

GOD, slow me down.
Calm my mind, rest my heart.
Balance my hectic pace by showing the eternity of time.
In the turmoil of the day, give me the tranquility of the hills that will live forever.
Wash away the tension in my nerves and muscles with the melody of the streams living in my waist.

Help me hear the fascinating and healing power of sleep.

Teach me the art of experiencing instant pleasures.

Teach me to slow down to look at a flower, to stop to caress a beautiful dog or cat, to read a few lines from a good book, to fish, to daydream.

Remind me of the tale of the tortoise and the hare every day.
Remind me to know that the fastest runner doesn't always finish the race, there are more important things in life than increasing the speed.
Let me look up from the branches of the mighty oak tree.
Let me see that it is due to its slow and good growth that it is so strong and large.

Slow me down Lord and help me send my roots towards the lasting values of the earth of life.
Help me to rise more mature and stronger towards the stars of my destiny.

And most of all...
Lord, give me the courage to change the things I can change, the patience to accept the things I cannot change, the wisdom to know the difference, and friends to protect me from the blindness and lies of love.

May all your prayers be answered.

Reply from Katherine T Owen at

Th you sd for posting here today, and for leading me to take a breath as I read the ‘Slow me down Lord’ prayer.

I am puzzled by the reference to "a book". I wonder what that meant given that there were no books at the time.

Also, the inclusion of the serenity prayer is fascinating!
With blessings, Katherine

Nov 02, 2023
A Blessing for sure
by: Kristine

It appears that we may never truly know the name of the original poet who wwrote Slow me down Lord.

I recently found a newspaper clipping of this poem among my mother's things. It had been taped somewhere and was very yellowed.

The poem was attributed to O.L.Crain. After that were the words Eastertime 1957.

It doesn't really matter who wrote it as it has apparently been a blessing to many, including myself.

I have found that lately I find myself reading the Bible more slowly, the better to absorb its truths.

Reply from Katherine
Thank you Kristine. A beautiful sentiment.

And it sounds like the Holy Spirit has guided you to "lectio divina".

I too find slower can be better (when my rushing mind allows).

We fall through the words and find God in the spaces.

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