Religious Christmas Decorations

Are you asking where to order religious Christmas Decorations or angel themed stockings, buntings and other gifts?

Even if you do not consider yourself a Christian, you may enjoy having decorations that reflect the history of this festival, or its spiritual theme of Peace on Earth and Good will to all men.

Christian Christmas Decorations

Contents for religious Christmas Decorations

  • Christmas decorations Stockings - various colours/colors. Add Name.
  • Bunting - Red and Pink
    Two themes:
    Peace on Earth
    Good Will to Men
  • Christmas Party Table Decoration
    Table Runner - Pink angel theme
  • Tree Skirt - Pink angel theme

Stockings - Religious
Christmas Decorations

This personalized stocking for Christmas features an angel design,
along with some of the words to the Christmas Carol “O Come all you Faithful”.
The words are: "Sing Choirs of Angels”.

Gold Angel Christmas Stocking

The timing and placement of the notes echo those of the traditional religious Christian hymn “O Come all you Faithful”.

On the back, the Christmas carol is repeated with the additional line “Sing in exultation".
Alternatively the back can be customized with your own design or personal message.

Elegant Christmas Stocking, Gold Angel Gift Small Small Christmas Stocking
Elegant Christmas Stocking, Gold Angel Gift Small Small Christmas Stocking
by healingstore

Or buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Blue Angel Christmas Stocking. Add Name

Enjoy the funky musical theme of an angel playing the lute (as though it’s a bass guitar!)

All the Christmas stockings are available with dimensions 12" x 20" (30.4 cm x 50.8 cm).
They are also available in a smaller size.

Blue Angel Christmas Stocking For Sale Add Name
Blue Angel Christmas Stocking For Sale Add Name
by healingstore

Or buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Religious Christmas Stocking, Pink Angel

Personalize any of the Christmas stockings on this page with the name of the person receiving this unique gift.

This Christmas stocking has the option selected of machine washable polyester.
All the Christmas stockings are available in three polyester different polyester fabrics.

Personalized Stocking for Christmas, Pink Angel
Personalized Stocking for Christmas, Pink Angel
by healingstore

Or buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Green Angel Custom Christmas Stocking, Add Name, Small

You can customize all the Christmas stockings, by adding your own designs or tweaks.

Green Angel Custom Christmas Stocking, Add Name Sm Small Christmas Stocking
Green Angel Custom Christmas Stocking, Add Name Sm Small Christmas Stocking
by healingstore

Or buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Purple Christmas Angel Stocking, Small

This polyester Christmas Stocking is in the small size.
Please note you can also select large. 
The same two sizes are available when you buy any of the Christmas stockings on this page. 

Once you click through to my Zazzle HealingStore, see the drop down menu next to the image to change the size and pricing.

Purple Christmas Angel Stocking, Small Small Christmas Stocking
Purple Christmas Angel Stocking, Small Small Christmas Stocking
by healingstore

Or buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Christmas Angel Stocking, Red, Luxury Large Christ Large Christmas Stocking

You have the option to choose a cheaper single sided Christmas Stocking with a plain red back.
To do so, select the option once you click through.

 A sturdy sewn-in loop allows you to include all these Christmas stockings among your mantel decorations.

Christmas Angel Stocking, Red, Luxury Large Christ Large Christmas Stocking
Christmas Angel Stocking, Red, Luxury Large Christ Large Christmas Stocking
by healingstore

Or buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Bunting - Religious Christmas Decorations

Christmas Angel Decorations, Red and White Bunting- “Peace on Earth”

These red and white Christmas decorations feature an angel quote from the Bible to mark the birth of Jesus.

“Peace on Earth”.

Also available in pink.

Christmas Angel Decorations, Red and White Bunting Flags
Christmas Angel Decorations, Red and White Bunting Flags
by healingstore

Or buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Religious Christmas Decorations, Red Angel Bunting - “Good will to men”

These religious Christmas decorations feature the wonderful religious Christmas message of

“Good will to men”.

Each letter of the quote includes a decorative angel.

There are 16 different flags printed on one side.

Also available with a pink angel theme. See below.

Religious Christmas Decorations, Red Angel Bunting Flags
Religious Christmas Decorations, Red Angel Bunting Flags
by healingstore

Or click to buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Pink Christmas Angel Decorations – Angel Quotes Bunting

The dimensions of the flags are approximately 5.5" x 8"
(For the British and those in the rest of Europe this is 14 cm x 20.3 cm).

The total length of the party banner is approximately 6 foot (1.82 metres)

"Peace on Earth"

Pink Christmas Angel Decorations – Angel Quotes Bunting Flags
Pink Christmas Angel Decorations – Angel Quotes Bunting Flags
by healingstore

Or buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Religious Christmas Decorations, "Good Will to Men" Bunting

The angel themed bunting is plastic and so is the rope.

Good will to men

Religious Christmas Decorations, Good Will to Men Bunting Flags
Religious Christmas Decorations, Good Will to Men Bunting Flags
by healingstore

Or buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Christmas Party Table Decoration, Medium Table Runner

Table runner with the theme of Christmas Angels.

The quote on this handmade Xmas runner is from the Bible Christmas story when the angels appear to the Shepherds.
“A great company of the heavenly host appeared.
The angel, praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will toward men.””
You are of course free to replace this quote with your own personalized message, perhaps a list of the family names.

The dimensions of this medium runner are 16" X 90".
(Or for the UK and rest of Europe 35.5 cm x 182.8 cm).

Three sizes of Christmas runner are available. If choosing another size, please check the preview to see that the design has transferred appropriately.

Christmas Party Table Decoration, Medium Table Runner
Christmas Party Table Decoration, Medium Table Runner
by healingstore

Click to buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Pink Angel Christmas Tree Skirt

Decorate the base of your tree with this pink angel Christmas tree skirt.

The angel quotes in a circle around the edge of this Christmas decoration are from the Bible Christmas story, the King James Version

“...there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Dimensions: 44"diameter (111.7 cm for those buying from the UK or the rest of Europe.)
Alternative sizes available when you click through.
Placed flat, the tree stump opening is 12" (30.4 cm).
Designed to fit most trees.

Easy closure, no snaps or ties to worry about.
Material: 100% brushed polyester. Machine washable.

Pink Angel Christmas Tree Skirt
Pink Angel Christmas Tree Skirt
by healingstore

Or buy from the UK Zazzle HealingStore

Articles and Pages relevant to Religious Christmas Decorations

Are you looking to order unusual, or personalised Christmas gifts online?
Click to move to a page of gifts with the theme of Psalm 91. These gifts can be adapted to include any quote.
Many of the presents are on my usual angel theme :-) .

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Receive daily inspiration by putting
your favorite (favourite) quote on
an item you see daily around your home-
a mug, cushion, postcard, coaster, T shirt etc.
You will find my zazzle gift store at (USA)

Use one of my designs or start from a blank. (UK)

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My name is Katherine Owen.
Please respect my copyright as the author of this website.
I am delighted if you choose to share on social media, but please do NOT reproduce any of the contents of this page without permission.
© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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