Questions about the Lightning Process
by Alice Woolf
(London, England)
Dear Katherine,
First of all thank you for your wonderful inspiring website, I particularly like the healing scriptures and psalms.
I just wanted to ask you a few questions about your recovery with the Lightning Process - questions about actually applying and implementing the LP after the actual course was over.
1) Do you think you were recovering over time anyway with rest and pacing and the LP gave you that final push to recovery?
2) How long did it take for you to recover with the LP?
3) Do you think if you hadn't done the LP course, you might still be ill?
Many thanks for any answers you might be able to give, and here's to God's continued healing for all of us!!
Blessings, alice x
Note from webmaster of, Katherine T Owen Dear Alice,
Thank you so much for your questions. Where appropriate, I will give a link to other parts of the website where you may find more on the subject.
1) Do you think you were recovering over time anyway with rest and pacing and the LP gave you that final push to recovery?
Dramatic Healing “It is important to say that I did not get better in the natural way of things. If anything, I was getting more ill as time went on.” Each year, I would have often have some new symptom: tinnitus, skin abnormalities, electrical sensitivities, new food sensitivities or damage to my mouth from carer’s brushing my teeth with too much vigour.
I was definitely not getting better in the natural way of things. I had a life where I was at such a low level of health that I needed 24 hour care – or at least someone around during the day. Instead, I had 5 hours care a day spread across the day, which mainly went on preparing and feeding me 4 meals. With very little speech and with very bad multiple chemical sensitivities, I had to push myself hard to communicate my needs to each new carer from the council.
In the 14 years of having severe ME/CFS I do not feel I got a single day’s rest. My body felt continuously “active” with the symptoms of illness and I had to work hard to find ways to get fed each day.
This can be the trap of chronic illness. Though we may look as though we are lying still, there is nothing restful about being ill!
“Doing The Lightning Process™ Felt Like A Risk At Such A Low Level Of Health Doing the Lightning Process™ was a risk for me. A life-or-death risk.
With severe CFS /ME, at a level where I could speak little and worked to be fed a meal, I was struggling to keep going with the care I had. Had I been made worse by attending a 3 day event – and this would have been the case if it hadn't worked – then I probably would not have had the support to allow me to recover to my previous level.”
2) How long did it take for you to recover with the LP?
“My healing was dramatic. Literally from one day to the next
my muscles stopped collapsing and I was able to start building up my activity again.”
Alice, I do need to make it clearer on this website that I am not completely recovered from ME/CFS. I
am recovered from severe ME/CFS. I still manage the condition and get worse if I do not do so.
For a long time I said I was “recovered but with symptoms”. I have thought of myself as recovered because the shift from the life of severe disability I lived to how I am now is so wonderfully extreme. It is only recently (as at November 2011) that I have started to use the language that I still have ME/CFS.
My approach to health management is that, whilst I can’t do a normal amount, what I do, I do with as much bounce as possible! When people had previously seen me in a wheelchair, their expectations were reasonable. Now, they just see me looking normal, this can produce false expectations about how much I can do. I need a language that communicates my level when needed.
The miracle of the Lightning Process was that my muscles stopped collapsing. The muscle fatigue that restricted movement stopped. I had a virus last year and I had a very scary 10 days when I went back to finding it hard to get my own meals. Other than that, I have stayed above that level.
There was some immediate improvement in other symptoms, such as the ES and MCS. But not a huge amount. I had to go into situations and meet the symptoms with certain techniques. I saw improvement over time. Again though, I still have these sensitivities and continue to manage my home environment. I am particularly challenged by the ES at this time.
I had spent 14 years bedbound, so I had my muscles were deconditioned and obviously I was not fit! I worked to build up my muscles and activity. At the health I was at before, I had never been able to do this – my muscles just wouldn't take the exercise
Timescale for Recovery from Severe ME/CFS
1 May 2008 Lightning Process
Now well enough to sit up in wheelchair for periods of time so start to leave the house.
5 weeks and I was able to feed myself everything
August 2008. 3 months on I put the commode by the bed into the garage. Able to reliably walk to the toilet next door.
September 2008. Start evening class in NLP. The carer would drop me off outside.
October - November 2008. Stop using the manual wheelchair. (Still using a mobility scooter.)
October 2008. Go out socially for the first time alone.
May 2009. Stop having care for preparation of meals, so now independent for food preparation.
2009 to the present day – November 2011. Continue managing my health and switch at some point from pushing my body so hard to developing life skills - setting up website, writing books etc.
Early 2011. Having done ankle exercises since I started walking again, I notice that they have at last loosened up once more. Mu current daily exercises (at Nov 2011) are working on building strength in my thighs.
October 2011 A lovely improvement in temperature control from doing EFT. As ever, it is so exciting when there is some dramatic improvement. It is also great because I have been able to turn down the thermostat and so I will save money on my bills and be kinder to the planet :-)
3) Do you think if you hadn't done the LP course, you might still be ill?
Yes, I do.
Although it is a strange question to answer in the sense that I feel that the answer of the Lightning Process came to me through building my faith for healing. I felt an answer would have come – I just didn't know in what form.
I think that if I did the Lightning Process again, my health might improve further. But it is a large investment of money. It is one thing to know these techniques, but there is a power from applying them intensely in a certain environment over the 3 day process that enables our neurology and immunology to be positively affected.
Amen to God’s continued healing for all of us.
Alice, thank you so much for your questions and your commitment to celebrating God’s love within this temporary housing of the body – be it well or ill.
With Love,
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Articles on the Lightning Process – A Personal Story