Potential in God Poem

by Norma
(Whitley Bay Tyne and Wear England)

One in All

(poem extract)

You are a vessel of God's expression,
there is no other 'One' made like you.
I am a vessel of God's expression,
there is no other one made like me.
Our full potential lies with the 'One' who designed us.

Pride creates fear, our own pride will block the path
of this potential.
Humility is the freeing of this expression in us.
of our following the 'innate' wisdom, which desires
to lead us through to the fullness of this potential.


esus became our example.
(Hebrews 5:7-8) during the days of Jesus' life on earth,
he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and
he was heard because of his reverent submission:
(Great Humility) Although a son he learned obedience from what he suffered.
(We can never have too much humility.)

In his own words Jesus tells us:
(John 10:10) 'I came that they may have life and have it to the full' By his own example he showed us how we might have this life to the full:-) by following His example.

Are we so content to remain 'stuck' in our little selves.
when we've been offered this chance - to move out-
towards the Greater self.

Jesus showed us the way.
It takes faith to - move out - from the tried and tested limits of our old selves.
It means trusting in God's wisdom to lead us, through our example: His only begotten son Jesus Christ.
Yet he came for that very reason.
Are we for or against Him?
Do we really love God, or just like the sound of the word?
Real love means extending ourselves beyond the boundaries we've created.
It means trusting His plan for us -
not to bring us harm, only good.
It means 'letting go' of our comfort zones,
where we feel safe, where we know and are known.
It takes courage to - move out - into an unknown space
which we've never experienced yet.
How else can God grow into a space, unless we first
exercise that trust and move out and -Give Him that space?

It sounds like stepping off the edge of a cliff doesn't it?
We can see the cliff's boundaries, only the foolhardy
would go beyond!
Yes. When we lean on our own understanding,
it does look that way.
Except that those boundaries are (in us)
God wants to extend those boundaries:
he will extend those boundaries.
(1 John 4:18) There is no fear in love, But perfect love drives out all fear.)
His love for us.
We can never be an expression of another person (however much we might wish we could)
God asks each of us to be who we are, who he created us to be. 'ONLY BE YOU' is all that he asks, because you are
'His Only One'.
He designed each one of us to become a unique form for
'His Expression' Each one of us has a purpose for him, none are a mistake. He gives us choice, we can block him or we can trust him.
He is THE GOD OF ABUNDANCE, His variety is endless.
Through Jesus, God gave each one of us this opportunity to grow into our Greater self.
(Have life and have it to the full)

How Amazing is that? We can become greater givers and greater receivers of love, whilst growing closer to him who is - THE GOD OF LOVE.


tags: vessel, potential, unique, God, humility

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Poem of Surrender to God

by James Patrick G. Cabacungan

YOU & i

I see You in H-U-MBLE, while I see “ i ” in PR i DE
I see You in TR-U-E, while I see “ i ” in PRETEND i NG
I see You in GENERO-U-S, while I see “ i ” in SELF i SH
I see You in LA-U-GHTER, while I see “ i ” in B i TTERNESS
I see You in POWERF-U-L, while I see “ i ”in i NCAPABLE
I see You in TR-U-TH, while I see “ i ” in HYPOCR i SY
I see You in C-U-RE, while I see “ i ” in S i CK
I see You in J-U-ST, while I see “ i ” in B i ASED
I see You in HELPF-U-L, while I see “ i ” in REBELL i ON
I see You in AB-U-NDANCE, while I see “ i ” in LACK i NG

I see You in CAREF-U-L, while I see “ i ” in i RRESPONSIBLE
I see You in S-U-PPORT, while I see “ i ” in APATHET i C
I see You in PR-U-DENT, while I see “ i ” in FOOL i SH
I see You in P-U-RE, while I see “ i ” in S i N
I see You in SO-U-ND, while I see “ i ” in W i CKED
I see You in TACTF-U-L, while I see “ i ” in INSENS i TIVE
I see You in TR-U-ST, while I see “ i ” in INCONF i DENCE
I see You in GRATEF-U-LNESS, while I see “ i ” in D i SCONTENT
I see You in TR-U-EHEARTEDNESS, while I see “ i ” in INF i DELITY
I see You in THOUGHTF-U-L, while I see “ i ” in INCONS i DERATE
I see You in FAVO-U-RABLE, while I see “ i ” in DISAPPO i NTING

When I see "U" & “ i ”,
I see UNiTY
I see “ u “ & “ i ” in VICTORiOUS

“ i ” will not be in EXISTENCE if not because of YOU
“ i ” came from You
“ i ” must go back to You
I need You in everything,
Without You, I am nothing.

Note from a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com

Thank you James.
Most days I say a prayer along the lines: Dear God, you are looking at a very needy person. Please help me. Please be in my thoughts, my vision, my heart. Without you I am nothing. Thank you. Amen.

With the Love in which we are complete, Katherine

Move to my article on my journey of overcoming Resistance to God

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Poem about Overcoming Resistance to God, Let Go of Self Will

by Wayne Osullivan
(Swindon, SouthWest England)

I want to apply for eternity

I want to apply for eternity
But it's not easy for me
Self will won't let go

Thought I heard Jesus
Knock on my door
Thought I had let him in
Thought I had learnt
The true nature of sin

Has this world
Hardened my heart
Thought I was
Walking the path

I know God loves me
No matter what
A little faith is all I've got

Love you just for today
What else can I say
Never felt before
Now I am needing more
When I am foot sore

Learning a new way of thinking
When my soul is sinking

Don't want to miss
When connected to you
I feel bliss

Note from a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com
Dear Wayne,
I love your passion for God that comes across in this poem,
your willingness to replace your will with His,
the knowing that when you are in God you find a bliss that you do not find elsewhere,
the frustration in the times when you feel distant.
I relate to all of this :-)
Thank you for your poem.
God Bless you.

Move to a page on Overcoming Resistance to God – Surrendering Our Self Will

Tags: poem, let go, let god, self will, eternity, faith, bliss, jesus, overcoming resistance, surrender, god

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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