Christian poem hope

by Rosemary DiFlorio
(Mississauga, Ontario)

I was inspired to write this poem of hope 15 years ago after I had a mastectomy. My husband took me to my favourite spot – a look out point at the top of Blue Mountain in Collingwood, Ontario. I was upset as they were deciding which treatment path I would be enduring. I felt I was at a Dead End. That is when I noticed the sign. I took a pencil and paper out of the glove compartment and started writing what I was feeling. The outcome is my poem below:

The Dead End

At the top of the mountain above the Bay,
I noticed a sign - Dead End.

As I looked beyond the sign,
it seemed more like the beginning.

The blue of the sky melted into the water,
blending it into one.

The evergreens stood tall,
stretching to the sky.

The beauty showed that beyond the dead end there is no fear, only a future.

Jesus, take my hand.

tags: dead end, spiritual poem, spirituality, jesus, hopeful poem, overcoming, encouraging, encouragement, hope and faith poems god, christian poem hope

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Jul 30, 2016
Faith is the best
by: Norma

Simple faith is the best. Only a pure heart could say it so simply 'Jesus take my hand'

I loved this poem of hope.

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Life Poem Spiritual

As I Look Out

As I look out into the world
My soul cries out as I behold
A disregard for human life
Wars abroad and civil strife
O' so little I can do
So I take my pen and write
I pour my soul onto a page
And pray it finds a set of eyes
Someone looking for an end
Someone contemplating life
When I start writing God seems far
But as I write more and more
I'm surprised at what I find
God's found His way in every line
In real life I'm one lone voice
But through this gift God's given me
I take my pen and I am more
I can reach someone in need
Life is harsh, I live it too
But with faith I look beyond
A better place, there has to be
A place where hate and pain are not
So if you think you're better off
In the darkness that is death
I'm here to let you know you're not
Read these words and take a breath
God told me to write to you
And let you know He's always there
Even when you think He's not
He can hear your every prayer

tags: choose life, poem of hope, overcome suicide urges, spirituality, god

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Aug 19, 2015
Human condition and spirituality
by: Norma

Suffering is a natural part of the Human condition.
Material wealth is not a lack of suffering, as so many believe.
Physical perfection is not a lack of suffering, as so many believe.
Behind material wealth and physical perfection lies a different type of suffering. EMOTIONAL & MENTAL.
Spiritual growth comes from suffering. Even very young children suffer from the human condition.
Every type of malfunction imaginable occurs to the human body/mind/heart.
MALFUNCTION! not functioning as intended.
God holds the original blueprint for the human condition. Humans, having been given choice, created the malfunction.
FAITH, is being able to overcome all of the obstacles, endure all of the tests, persevere, when there is no obvious reason to persevere.
the alternative is to give up on trusting the process, to give up believing. It's not easy.
Nothing worth having is ever easy. Tomorrow is another day, another day to face the tests of life and enjoy some of its joys. Love is waiting at the finish line, arms will hold you, and the voice you've waited to hear for so long will whisper 'Well done my child'

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God As Father Poem

by Norma
(Whitley Bay Tyne & Wear England)


A child of love will never perish
if it wanders and becomes lost.
The Father who loves the child
will search the heights and depths
to find that child.

A child of love can never be forgotten.
in the anguish of the search.
The Father who loves, will call and call,
until finally, the child can be heard to answer.
For The Father who loves, there is no limit.

Love cannot be contained in time or cost,
it breaks all boundaries.
Although humans cannot grasp it,
it will never cease to be.
Through the sacrifice of our


YOU could be that CHILD OF LOVE.

Only answer The Father's call.

(And I pray that you, being rooted in love,
may have the power, together with all the saints,
to grasp how wide and long and high and deep
is the love of Christ.
Ephesians 3;18, Bible verses)

Move from God as Father Poem to read spiritual love poems by the author of this website.

tags: god, father, child, love, spirituality, lost

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A Prayer For Humility

by William Heckman
(N. Canton, Ohio)

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray to Thee;
Please Strengthen my Heart with Humility.

Grant me Patience, Understanding, and Sensitivity;
So I can Treat Everybody with Compassion and Dignity.

Show me how to Live my Life, with Integrity;
And How to Be the kind of Person that You want Me to Be.

Help Me Gain and Maintain, Spiritual Intimacy;
That I May Someday Love You Lord...
As Much as You, Love Me.


*All Rights Reserved
Notice to Copyright
WPH 5353 Ph.Bill @(330)224-5110

Please feel free to print!

tags: prayer for humility, rhyming prayer, prayer poem, God, spiritual

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Jul 07, 2015
Humility Prayer
by: Norma


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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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