Spiritual Poems about Flowers

These poems about flowers speak of their beauty and their fragility.

We start with a very short poem about a rose, The Rose. 

Through the words of the poet David King, the flower invites us to root ourselves in who we are, rather than wishing to be further ahead on our spiritual journey of trust.

Doubt is normal. Faith will come.

This poem provoked an unusual amount of comment and praise and I have included some of the comments here. (Comments are now closed).

In The Flower the fragility of a flower brings the poet into the present moment.

And in the last of these spiritual poems about flowers, the arrival of The Blossom is seen by the poet as an invitation to remember through the winters of our own lives that This Too Will Pass.

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With love, Katherine

The Rose

A spiritual poem by David King

I asked the gardener to explain
the beauty of the rose,

he said doubt is the soil
in which faith grows

rose yellow

Poems by the author of
this website

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Be Loved Beloved
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Note from a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com 

Thank you David. I love this. 
Simple and powerful. 

With Love to all, 

Comments for A Poem About Doubt and Faith

Sep 07, 2011

Thank You. I love short poems. 

by: Firestone Feinberg 

Thank you for your beautiful poem. I love to read short poems! This one is a gem! Good writing! I hope to see more.

Sep 08, 2011

Beautiful as the Rose 
by: Floriana Hall 

This very short poem says so much in a few words. Not every poet can express so much with so little. Love it!

Sep 08, 2011
THE ROSE - a spiritual poem
by: Robert 
A very powerful and thought provoking poem.
Thanks David.

Sep 09, 2011

the rose 
by: david king 

This is all very new to me but many thanks for all the kind comments about my poem, The Rose. They are much appreciated. 

pink climbing rose flower

The poet finds the spiritual beauty of God and nature in the fragility of a flower.
We are not here for long so let us claim our beauty...

The Flower

by Robert Gresak (South Africa)

I am a flower
I live only for the hours
during which time I shower
with fragrance my surrounds.

I am a flower
I live only for the hour
let me empower
your presence with my vibrant life.

Through my brief days
I am kissed by the suns rays
and lovingly by the wind caressed.
How wonderfully am I blessed.

I am a sculptured chalice for the rain,
I know no pain,
for I am rooted deep in the rich sod,
the outer substance of God.

In this last of the spiritual poems about flowers, the arrival of the blossom is taken by the poet as a sign of hope that This Too Can Pass, whether it be the physical winter or the times of scarcity in our own lives...

The Time of The Blossom

by Norma (Whitley Bay, UK)
a poem about spirituality and trees

The blossom sings in scented wafts,
arrayed in many splendid hues.
All of nature cheers with delight
at this magnificent mass on view.
The sleeping trees are fully awake,
the sky clears to smile on the earth.
Blossom - innocence of life's renewal,
abundance, celebration, rebirth.

The air itself dances with light,
soft breezes calling 'come and see',
Sleepy flowers push back their covers,
laughing gaily at the joy of the tree.
The blossom leads the dance of spring–
vibrantly thriving and strong.
All of nature’s beauty breaks through,
to lend its voice to life's rich song.

Mankind fells life's dance in his soul,
as winter’s bleak months are shaken.
Human hearts thrill to the sights and scents
as memories of past springs reawaken.
Hopes and dreams are remembered again,
gentler days have returned, life's much kinder.
Winter's bleak, barren months have past,
Soft, sweet blossom is the gentle reminder.

Articles related to Spiritual Poems about Flowers

  • Move from Poems about Flowers to read how the author of this website, Katherine T Owen finds strength and comfort in a famous Bible prayer which invites us to be Rooted in God.

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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