Peace Beyond Our Suffering- A Timely Communication

by Shaun
(Swindon, England)

Those last 3 blog entries How do I pray when feeling ill have answered a question I was going to ask.

My mother, aged 80 is continually asking us "When will my legs get better?"

And although i try to give the objective viewpoint, namely that for many elderly people the degree of mobility and independence she has would be greatly appreciated, she cannot seem to shift this "Why me?" mindset.

You must have found those initial years of living with disability Katherine oh so difficult to come to terms with intellectually and emotionally.

For someone who is fit and active physically to contemplate disability and being bedbound must have been frustrating and painful.

The thoughts, words and intention of retaining self-belief and God-belief have to be encouraged and dwelt on to wring the most light and life affirmative inspiration out of a desperate situation.

Thank you Katherine ~ Your life and hopeful messages lift us from depression to hope, from discouragement to a new enthusiasm and from doubt to a galvanised faith in what is possible now in the creation of energy, strength and vitality.

These qualities spring from our soul, through our spirit which means, though physically and mentally we are challenged, spiritually we can actually become more determined, stronger and reach a level of peace beyond our suffering.


Note from Katherine, the webmaster of

Thank you Shaun. These are inspiring words.
There is indeed a level of peace beyond our suffering, in which we witness the suffering and yet know that we are more.

And yes, it was so so difficult to become disabled. I hold a place of knowing the wholeness of all who visit here.

Comments for Peace Beyond Our Suffering- A Timely Communication

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Jun 15, 2011
It's Neither Good or Bad. It just is.
by: Keith

My wonderful Katherine.....

You wrote in reply:

I just want to add that it may be a little ambitious to have "no opinion on the suffering".

Can I reassure people that even if you feel compassion for the person or feel your own pain at the loss of their health, the extent to which you connect with the peace of God as you are with them (and thinking of them) WILL communicate to the person you are with and help them to feel that connection for themselves.

I would say, just let the feelings be. I suspect Keith, you would say the same (I know you are talking from personal experience), I just feel it is important to clarify.

And yes, you are absolutely right. Thanks Katherine.
What I would like to add is that by saying you should have no opinion on the suffering I meant that you should have no opinion on the condition itself or the amount of suffering it creates.

To specify in your thoughts is to grant reality to that which deserves none.

I don't mean deny the problem, because that can only lead to depression and disappointment because you cannot realistically deny that which confronts you.

But, as an example, to sit there wishing that my father in law does not have lung cancer, and then to pray that he be cured of it, only tells an indifferent universe that the disease is real.

The result is that the universe will manifest that as the situations reality for all who expect it.

It's neither good or bad. It just is.

Anything physical is a reflection of everything mental. We need to change our mind about it, thats all.

Jun 15, 2011
Seeing beyond the body
by: Katherine T Owen, webmaster of

Keith, I love your comment (yours too Shaun).

I just want to add that it may be a little ambitious to have "no opinion on the suffering".

Can I reassure people that even if you feel compassion for the person or feel your own pain at the loss of their health, the extent to which you connect with the peace of God as you are with them (and thinking of them) WILL communicate to the person you are with and help them to feel that connection for themselves.

I would say, just let the feelings be. I suspect Keith, you would say the same (I know you are talking from personal experience), I just feel it is important to clarify.

To be with someone and know that, whatever the state of their body, they are not broken, but an innocent child of God is a wonderful gift.

My experience of illness was that some people saw only the illness and could not relate to me. They for the most part tried to stay away. I felt they were not present with me.

Others denied the illness and tried to act as though I was well. This led to anger on their part as I wasn't well.

Much rarer were those who could adapt to the illness and yet see KATHERINE beyond the illness.

I say see KATHERINE and yet it is no coincidence that the friends who did this were people who knew something of their Connection with God, with Oneness. It might be truer to say then that they saw the CHRIST in me, the Christ self that knows nothing of sickness.

Thank you both for your wonderful contributions to this site.

All we need is love....And yes, I am singing! &9835; &9835;

Jun 15, 2011
A Permanent Living Prayer - Tips
by: Keith

Hi folks,

I would like to suggest what I have learned and practice:

I try to remain as conscious of myself and my feelings towards all of life as much as possible, so that I feel that I am a permanent living prayer for others.

I think that only by being permanently aware of my reality as spirit and my non reality as a physical being, and that this is the truth for all of life, can I have any real effect on the collection of particles I see suffering and focus my attention upon.

Unconsciouness does nothing but push time gently forwards towards more opportunities to realise the truth of life and our effects on ourselves and others.

This is all good philosophical stuff, but what I am saying is don't just believe it...LIVE IT!

Force yourselves to feel the love and peace of God inside you every waking moment. When you find you've forgotten for a while, don't beat yourselves up about it, just re focus and carry on.

When you are near someone who is ill or suffering be fully conscious. Have no opinion on the suffering. Simply project love and light. Your conscious presence will have huge, if unseen, effect.

Jesus: 'All thought has effect at some level'

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