Optimum Health Clinic Tapes Helped Me With MCS, Food Tolerance and Sleep

by Donna


Just to say i'm showing significant improvements to my food and chemical allergies. 90% improvement.
I had a phase before xmas of eating only organic food.
But also signed up to the telephone consultation from the Optimum Health Clinic based in London run by Alex Howard.
Using their techniques...relax cds and sleep cds and their other techniques my body in more in a healing state..and i'm amzed by the results.

i seem no longer to react to the Cavity Wall insulation chemicals at my bungalow.and being able to eat anything i want is a complete joy and revelation!!!
last 3 weeks i've eaten choc ev day and pizza and well anything!!
i am calming down abit now as eating this food won't be good in the longer term..but i'm so amazed.

if u can't afford the telephone course u can buy the relax cds and sleep cds..separately from the clinic.

0845 2261762

I've used relax cds before and i really thought the ones from the clinic wouldn't be of any additional benefit.
and because i've always slept really well i thought the sleep cds wouln't be worth doing...but how wrong i was.
u really notice how u have a much better deeper sleep and i always wake up up feeling great and happy.!

much love and best wishes to all who read this,

Also been using the techniques from a wonderful book called The Secret by Rhonda Bynre.

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Feb 28, 2011
The Power of The Mind Over The Body - Food and Chemical Sensitivities
by: Katherine T Owen

Donna, it makes me so happy to think of you eating pizza and chocolate. I am not very careful with my diet since I got better. Isn’t it amazing to have a body that once reacted so dramatically and now tolerates so many things. I appreciate it every day, along with being able to prepare my own food.

We are blessed in knowing the power of the mind and faith to influence the body.

Congratulations Donna for your resilience and life-living determination,

With the Love we are,

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