Comments for Learning How To Pray From The Bible

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Apr 12, 2011
Evolution with God
by: Shaun

OK katherine what about this idea then.
We reach out in supplication and hope and prayer and humility to God who like a surrounding, responding membrane will nurture our longings into the enveloping comfort and security of an evolving response to our personal physical, mental or spiritual difficulties?
In this way, don't our perfectly natural human, loving longings provide a blueprint for the more maternal, forgiving comfort of the divine Spirit.
It also allows us to care for each other and love deeply our brethren and our partners while still preserving the devotion to our creator and living source of our daily deliverance.
Our imagination can invoke the heaven we so surely desire and our passion for God can realise these powers of bringing a perfect reality into being.
Shaun x

Apr 03, 2011
Not Separate From God
by: Katherine T Owen

Dear Shaun,
Is the anonymous comment you as well?

To be honest I don't really follow your comments. :-)

I was talking about our lack of power to separate from God. We can believe we are separate, which we are very good at, but we can't actually separate.

I think maybe you are saying this too.

With the Love we are,

Apr 03, 2011
God's Power/ Spirit
by: Anonymous

It is not a question of power at all.
It is a combination of human spirit with God's spirit in the pursuance of his ultimate destiny. It is this predestination which we go along with but only within the freewill that we choose which replicates the Will which he knows we will
Choose. He knows us better than we know ourselves, so you Katherine will never choose in freedom what is outside the parameters of God's knowledge of you.
In other words, you, and I for that matter will never choose to do something beyond the boundaries of our own personal freewill. We are not capable of acting or reacting to events without God's reassurance of our RIGHTEOUSNESS.
This does not make us self-righteous, only all-righteous to serve God's prompting.

Apr 03, 2011
God in me or me in God
by: shaun

It seems to me though Katherine that by abdicating responsibility for 'self' to what God wills or "brings into your sense of feeling" you are censoring God's achievement in individual beauty (outwardly reinforcing inward Xformation),
Joy and acceptance of His natural inclination towards providing happiness for his creative life-force in human beings.

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

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For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

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