God overcomes fear poem

by Mary J. Gansberger
(Salinas, CA, USA)

There’s no Yeah Buts?

One day I was contemplating my fears.
What kept me from crossing over them and pressing on?
They become so overwhelming a barrier in my mind
They tricked my heart to beat a little faster in no time.

I told the Lord my reasons why I could not and should not,
As well as should be this or that, because of fear you see.
I started with a simple childish argument, “Yeah but...”
Then I thought of My Savior’s words so dear and trustworthy.

There’s no verse where our Lord says,
“Yeah but if you have fear you’re on your own.”
Instead Our Lord says “I will never leave you or forsake you!”
Therefore I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

So, humbly I asked the Lord to hold my hand and together
The bully named Fear had to leave, defeated by His Deity.
He raises his head on dark days, trying to win a battle.
But the Sword and I make Fear shrink by His holy majesty.

tags: overcoming fear, God, Lord, spiritual poetry, excuses, Christianity, I will never leave you

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Addict's prayer

by Thomas

my LORD, my GOD

my prayer is simple
my prayer is true
i put the needle in my vein
then i start to pray
i pour my drink down a drain
my head is spinning
my soul is hurting
a demon has me now
but an angel is on his way
i put my self in this valley
but i'm in a shallow grave
the angel says "Fear not
I am, I am has sent me here"
my prayer is simple
my prayer is true
my LORD, my GOD
i love you

Note from Katherine T Owen:
Dear Thomas,
Thank you for this courageous prayer.
Thank you for reaching out to God to help you.
Truly we are powerless to overcome our weakness.
We do not wait to be good enough to ask for help.
We ask God to be our strength.
A moment that feels like failure can be a moment of our greatest acheivement where we let God take charge.
I don't know if this addict's prayer is current for you or historical, but I join my mind with yours in the prayer that you are healed of addiction.
I ask everyone who reads this prayer to join me in seeing yourself and addicts everywhere as the healed and whole aspects of God they are.
We are all addicts of some kind.
We all need help and prayer.

Dear God, Without You we are nothing.
Thank you that You are a God who listens.
Please help us.
We are willing to be a testimony to your power in our lives.
We are willing to be your hands, your feet, your voice here on earth.
Create in us a pure heart, Oh my God.
Thank you.

tags: addiction, prayer, addict, spirituality in recovery, pray, angel, God, poem

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Jan 24, 2015
God's Love
by: Norma

Dear Thomas
your pain has touched my heart.
May the God of love and compassion
touch your heart, and bring you
the comfort you seek.
You are so precious to him.
Your trust in Him will be returned.
Love will answer your prayer.
Every Blessing.

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I need you God poem

by Jill Brown
(Monessen, Pa)

The Lord’s Help

Lord, I have plans to succeed,
And I know that You are all I need.

I need You no matter what I do.
I also want to be around people who love you, too

Please give me strength when I am weak.
When I am broken it is Christian people I seek.

They pray for me and give me hope.
Then you give me healing and strength to cope.

I need You as do others who call upon Your Name
Without You, I am weak, and others feel the same.

I love You Lord is all I can say.
With You on my side, I will go far one day.
Stay with me Lord, please do not ever go away.

tags: I need you God, help, weak, strong, Christians, value of fellowship, prayer

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Let God help poem

by God is Gracious
(Mass )

Let the Sun in

When the sun shines we have a choice to endure
Taking in its beauty and letting it cure.
Its pure radiance provides warmth and much love
It feels like a hug from God who’s above
To believe in His grasp, power, and truth
blinds the stresses of the world and lets you see through
For the problems of the world will come and will pass
How you handle the issues is what really lasts
You can be a light as strong as the sun
You can channel the rays from the God who you love
Don't be mistaken for it all comes from him
Understanding that truth allows Him to work from within
The true battle lies with yourself and your demons
To hide in the dark only gives them reason
To shine in the sun scares them away
It's a battle we must face day after day!

tags: rhyming poetry, God, need, light, difficult

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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