I Hear God as a female voice ACIM

by Pooh
(Atlanta, Ga, USA)

Irony of “the obvious prerequisite to hearing God is no judgement”.

So I hear God. Literally, which is crazy of course, I know that.

But what gets me is that God has spoken to me in 2 different sounding voices. The first was like a God voice from a movie, kinda human and sounded like rolling thunder.

The second though! It came right after the first and Well God speaks to me in a woman’s voice. I thought it was Wisdom like from proverbs but that’s ridiculous and I also thought that it was an Elohim or splinter of Gods personality essentially, but she keeps making it hard to deny that she is a likely candidate as the one and only “master of the universe” as He-she called Him/herself.

I read that apparently in ACIM it says that the obvious prerequisite to hearing Gods voice is to have no judgement and sure enough that seems to be true.

What more “no judgement” can you get from listening for His voice but hearing Him in the form of a females voice.

God sure does love irony. If you disagree with me that God loves irony, I understand that this is not a common or popular phrase among religious people but if you look at the world and how it works and some of the peculiarities of it then you’ll see that it is true.

But this might be too extreme of a post to really help anyone believe.

A lot of questions in here I know but it’s the Gods honest truth.

Reply to I Hear God as a female voice
First of all, if the writer of the post gets this, my sincere apologies that it’s taken me years to notice that this submission arrived and to engage with your post.

You might be interested in Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh.
He heard a message from God and wrote it down. I listened to the audios. God speaks in both male and female voices, and that was part of the guidance he received.

In the book, The Shack, which was very popular among Christians, I believe God appears as a woman. Might be a black woman. I can’t remember.

As you so rightly point out, in the book of Wisdom, God is referred to as ‘she’. Proverbs too I think.

And God is often referred to in the Bible as ‘the breath’ which can be either a male or female noun in Hebrew apparently.

I enjoy you tracking your own judgement of yourself as you share honestly your experience.

You mention A Course In Miracles, and it is of course a non-duality teaching – a teaching that everything we see with our eyes is an illusion. We see only symbols which invite us to connect with the Love which is beyond symbols.
Whatever words you hear are only ‘symbols of symbols’.

In my books Be Loved Beloved and It’s OK to Believe, you won’t find anything that tells you off for hearing God or hearing God in a female voice!
I receive poems and dialogues in my head, and don’t hear a voice as such. God uses mine. You hear a voice, literally.
We hear God in our different ways.

So here’s my feedback to keep or reject.
Follow your own advice, set aside your judgement of

… whether you're hearing a voice,

… whether you’re mad,

… whether the voice should be male or female,
and listen to its content. I am guessing you already do so.

There are a couple of articles on this website on that subject.
Communicating with God.

Hearing gods voice.

And here’s a link to my books. Beloved is also on kindle.

Thank you for your very enjoyable post.

And sorry once again to have taken years to reply.

With the Love we are, Katherine T Owen

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For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

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