Healing Scriptures
You Are Healed

...Continued from Page 5 of Healing Scriptures

Contents For This Spirituality Article on Healing Bible Verses:

Click on the links or scroll down through the article.

  • You Are Healed Now - You Don't Have To Wait
  • Whether from the crucifixion or the resurrection, you are healed. It is done.
  • Powerful Healing Scriptures
  • So How Do You Believe For Healing?
  • My review of a book on Christian healing
  • Relevant articles

You Are Healed Now - You Don't Have To Wait

You may ask: How long do I have to wait for healing?

You don't have to wait. You are healed right now. This is a really important idea in receiving your healing, and there are many healing scriptures that can strengthen your belief that it is so.

The healing is done.
Did Jesus conquer illness through the resurrection and/or crucifixion or not?

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Perhaps you think Jesus didn't quite manage it.
Perhaps you think you need to be a better person to receive healing.
Perhaps you think there is a ritual you need to engage in, a process you need to go through to be healed.

No. There is nothing.
Jesus either did it or he didn't.
So, you are healed.
We are healed.

“by whose stripes ye were healed.”
(1 Peter 2:24, KJV esword)

Whether from the crucifixion or the resurrection, you are healed. It is done.

Personally, I take this healing bible verse in a different way from many Christians.

For me, my healing comes not from the crucifixion (the stripes), but from the attitude of love and forgiveness that Jesus held whilst on the receiving end of this seeming attack.

I believe Jesus' attitude allows the resurrection to take place -

  • his sinking into the reality of God
  • his choice to continue to love and forgive
  • his choice to believe in a God of love
  • his willingness to believe that God still loved him even when circumstances suggested otherwise.

When we hold the same attitude it allows our resurrection to take place.
And we have an advantage over Jesus.
We don't have to be the first to do it.
We know it is possible. We have a role model that it is possible.
We have Jesus, seated with the Father, to give us his peace and his strength.

(Scroll down for one of the healing scriptures which encourages us to claim healing in Jesus' name.)

Whichever your interpretation, the message is that you are healed.

You are healed because a sacrifice was made on your behalf.

Or, you are healed because Jesus has held to love in the middle of pain, and because he has done it, so can you.

Or, you are healed because Jesus is seated at the right hand of the father and you can claim healing in his name.

Powerful Healing Scriptures

For many Christians... By his stripes you were healed.... is the most powerful of healing scriptures.

So what does this mean?
Am I saying that you and I can be healed in this moment?

Yes, I am.
I write this as someone who has experienced miracles.
And at the time of writing I am also someone who continues to live with illness (thankfully at a level of less severity than before).

But yes, I do believe it is possible for me to be healed in this moment.
I do believe it is possible for youto be healed in this moment.

In his book Healing The Sick (see my book review below), TJ Osbourn talks of people who literally cast off an illness on the strength of this single healing scripture.
For many of us it is a longer journey.

“by whose stripes ye were healed.”

What does this mean for those of us who do not see immediate recovery?
It means that we are already healed and it is for us to hold out in faith for healing to be manifested.

When we feel symptoms, we say:

“we walk by faith, not by sight”
(2 Corinthians 5:7, KJV esword)

In this moment, we can believe these healing scriptures or the symptoms.

Which do you believe now?
Which do you choose to practise believing now?

We are not waiting for God to heal us.
It is finished.
It is done.
God is waiting for us to accept the healing.

God I am not waiting for you to heal me.
It is finished.
It is done.
You are waiting for me to accept the healing.
I accept.
Thank you for my HEALTH.

So How Do You Believe For Healing?

So how do we believe for healing?
One way we can do this is by claiming these healing scriptures.

In the face of evidence to the contrary, we choose to believe we are already healed. This choice creates a space within which God can work in our lives to allow the healing to become manifest.

Prayer based on healing scriptures

I notice a symptom.
I allow it to be as it is.
I notice any thought or feeling I add to the symptom.
I allow it to be as it is.
This is what I see or sense.
It is what it is.

I walk by faith not by sight.
And so I say...
By the stripes of Jesus
or by the example of Jesus
or by the healing of Jesus
or by faith that HEALTH is my entitlement as a child of God.
My words create a space within which HEALTH is manifest.
I receive.
Thanks be.

Go here to see another scripture on immediate healing, and read more about claiming the belief: I can recover immediately.

Or continue reading for a review of a book on Christian healing.

To claim healing through healing scriptures, there is an excellent book available: Healing The Sick by T J Osborn. It played a part in raising my faith for healing.

This book assumes that you find truth in the Bible and that you are willing to believe Jesus heals today - it is full on Christianity, so it will not be for everyone who comes to these pages.

Two Christians I know found it simplistic and preachy at first. They then “just happened” to look at it at a later date and it helped them build their faith for healing. One went on to receive dramatic healing. Another received significant healing.

Click though to buy Healing the Sick from the Amazon online bookstore.

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Any time you buy an Amazon book through this website I get a small commission which goes towards running the website. (You pay the same price).
Thank you so much.

Articles relevant to Healing Scriptures

Return to page 1 of Scriptures On Healing

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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