Gentle and welcoming website

From Katherine T Owen:

Thank you for all of you who take the time to express appreciation for the website or the ezine send outs. It really makes a difference. :-)
Here are some of the kind words you have sent me.

Thank you for a gentle site to visit.

Dear Katherine, Thank you for creating your site, it is a welcome place to be.

A-Spiritual-Journey-of-Healing is a great website which has so much of information and can change the mind set of people and lead them to lead a happy and spiritual life.

We particularly like the physical healing and the forgiveness section.
Warm Regards

S Kundan Reddy


by David Larson
(Cochise, AZ USA)

I have begun reading your wonderful site. Including some fine poetry.

As it happens, my sister has struggled with CFS for years. I just forwarded her your link.

I trust she will appreciate what you have done and what you are doing as I do.

Wishing you joy –


I love the video of you climbing the stairs

by Steve, UK

Thank You Katherine for your website.

I like the `ice cream` colours.

I liked very much indeed the .
`How Scriptures on Healing can Help Us`

I went to `14` within this section and read `we don't have to wait for healing`
This works very well I feel in the way that you are `there` when you are not there, if you will.

The links sitting on the fringes waiting to be accessed I found rather endearing and encouraging too, like an assembly available to endorse or be endorsed and to thoroughly cover any possible need that the searcher on reaching you will find a path thereby.

I love the video (Going to the top - on the home page) and have watched it more than once I must confess.

Your photo shows a spirit of confident genuine goodness that gives a sense of beauty to the site that I, in particular, find I respond to. Thank You.

Steve, spiritual searcher

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Graceful Wisdom

by Shaun
(Wiltshire, UK)

Whether or not we can all recover health in body or spirit I am unsure, but if we look to your example and open our hearts and minds to dedicated consciousness for Good surely this must lead to peace of mind.

I admire your resolve, strength of character and sacrifice of heart. You have been a daily help to me with spiritual guidance, kindness and support. A willingness to provide time, space and zest for life translates your meaningful journey into the minds and memories of those you encounter and blesses us all.

Words cannot express how much you mean to me and to countless other souls who use and accept the graceful wisdom contained in this wonderful website.
Thank you.


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Spiritual Growth

by jem
(new zealand)

Many thanks for a great website.

Healing is indeed a large factor in spiritual growth, my spiritual journey is still continuing lol,

namaste x

Note from

Dear Jem,

I too continue on the journey of spiritual growth - I will no doubt continue resisting and surrendering to God's presence for the duration of this earthly life.

Though, of course, we also make the journey without distance to the place of Love we have never left :-)

Blessings for your spiritual blog,

Namaste x

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Gratitude for Spritual Christmas Gift

by Katherine T Owen
(SouthWest England)

It was a delight to send out the spiritual desktop designs as a christmas gift in appreciation and gratitude for those of you subscribed to

Thank you for your kind responses and your blessings. They mean a lot. I thought I would share some below.

May we grow in 2012 in knowledge of the peace that is always HERE,

With the Love we are,


Thank you for your all lovely collections of words, and images. Your attitude to illness has been truly inspiring to me. Elisabetta (my wife) hosts The Guildford ACIM group and we are gathering tonight so we send you good vibes for your Christmas event !

kindest regards Andrew ( and Elisabetta)


Thanks so much for the beautiful pics. It looks great as my desktop
background. May 2012 be a truly blessed year for you. Blessings.
Robert Gresak

South Africa (Robert has many poems on


Hi Katherine,

Glad to see you are going from strength to strength. I want to thank you for the very generous gifts you've showered us with over the past 12 months, the desktop designs, NLP links, etc.
I really enjoyed the free ebook, Releasing Judgment and found it helpful.

Just remains to wish you a very happy and peaceful Christmas, and continued success with you site and life in 2012.

Keep up the important work you're doing Katherine.

Love and blessings,


Hallo Katherine,

What a beautiful e-zine you sent out! Thank you.

Especially thank you for the lovely Desktop designs. I downloaded the one about being Safe, Healed and Whole.

You are right about temperatures being different. As I am writing this it is a whopping 32 degrees! We are waiting on a typical highveld thunderstorm with lots of lighting, heavy thunder and a fast and furious flush of rain... over in about an hour or so. But the garden gets wet and I love the lightning. the energy is quite empowering.

May your Christmas be filled with love and peace beyond understanding.

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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