Christmas Prayer for Healing

by Katherine T Owen
(Webmaster at

Have a Christ-filled Christmas

Have a Christ-filled Christmas

Katherine here. I run this spiritual website.

I will be at church tomorrow on Christmas day and will be praying for all those who use this website. I will pray by name for all who have asked for prayer.

You can add your name below or add your own prayer for healing, for happiness, for peace, or for anything God speaks into your heart... for yourself or for another.

Jesus said that if we ask for anything in his name it will be done as we ask.

I will pray in the name of Jesus Christ...

I will pray for peace of mind.

I will ask for and see us HEALED and WHOLE.

(Whatever your faith or spirituality, Jesus is available to all of us.)

If you see this in time and want to add your name below, please do so. I will pray again on Christmas evening.

I will light a candle.

I ask all of you to join your minds for peace of mind and healing for all who read this and all who use this website.

In particular I say a prayer for healing for the following people currently living with ME/CFS

Jo W
Sue K
Megan J
Derek G
Daniel D
Joan W
Susan A
Catherine L
Mark F
Michelle H

I say a prayer for healing of tinnitus for all those on
this thread, including the following

I say a prayer for a state of health in the body such that cancer NEVER returns for

It continues to feel amazing to have escaped the life I had. I always felt the spirit of Christmas when bedbound, but it was a tough day for getting enough to eat. Many carers took the day off. New people meant they were late or early, sometimes by hours. Meal times were thrown out and basics could get forgotten. I know how hard it is for those living with severe illness and dependent on help.

I am thinking of all those, at whatever level of health you have who find Christmas day difficult for various reasons. God be in your heart and mind.

Thank you for joining with me in prayer.
Thank you for being a blessing.
Thank you for being here.

May the Christ Light shine bright in you.


With the Love we are,
Katherine T Owen

tags: someone to pray for me at Christmas, christmas prayer, spiritual christmas

Comments for Christmas Prayer for Healing

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Dec 24, 2023
From Melbourne Australia
by: Claudine

Please pray for my son Patrick with a severe mental illness
Please pray for my mother and father so their illnesses are calmed down and they can do daily functions
Please pray for me and my daughter to heal
By the way i watched Netflix program about Jesus. I look at the holy face of Jesus and already miracles happening for us.
In the name of Jesus

Reply from Katherine T Owen
Beautiful to hear that you could see Jesus' face through the actor and miracles are already happening.
Joining minds for ongoing miracles.
Joining minds to place your petitions in God's hands on this holy day of celebrating the Christ. AMEN

Dec 24, 2022
Healing and Blessing From our Heavenly Father
by: Isabella

Dear Jesus,

Please heal my diseased body into good health and bring my wishes for affirmation and heal and help those who are suffering and are in alone to know that you are surrounding them with your Love.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Reply from Katherine T Owen, author of this website
Thank you Isabella.

Amen for you, for me and for all who visit here.
Christmas prayer for healing for us all. AMEN

Dec 29, 2015
How to allow God to Love you
by: Katherine T Owen, webmaster

Dear Shaun,
Please find answers to your question below.

Would you say Love became apparent in your life when you realised the inner peace available within. I.e. it was a process of releasing the ' emotional ' baggage of your life & circumstances?

1. Releasing the emotional baggage
I think this is part of it. I was using the technique of Releasing Judgment all the time through the years of being bedbound. It was my way of handing over the many frustrations I felt and affirming my belief that changeless Love continues regardless of circumstances.

Believe me I am still releasing! I could do with using the technique more often! I have a much easier life so I forget to do so, but always find a gift when I do.

2. An attitude of blessing and being blessed.
Believing that "For those who love God all things work together for good."

3. A willingness to surrender my sense of separatedness and know myself as part of Love. In the moments when we do this, there is no Love to seek, only a knowingness that there is nothing else.

4. A commitment to say the traditional prayers was important to me and the setting aside of God time each morning. I don’t think the specific prayers are important, so much as that commitment and that statement that I want to put God in charge of each day, each moment of my life, however imperfectly I succeed in doing so!

These are only thoughts by way of a quick reply!
What is your own experience of opening to Love?

Please continue to join me in prayer for this week between Christmas and New Year for all who use the website.

With Love,

Dec 26, 2015
inner peace or Love
by: Shaun

Would you say Love became apparent in your life when you realised the inner peace available within. I.e. it was a process of releasing the ' emotional ' baggage of your life & circumstances?
Or was it the case that your free Will chose a journey to accept any offer / blessing of Love which appeared through prayer and well-thinking in your world . Thereby achieving a reliance on the peace acceptable at any given moment.
Or do you think it is a combination or none of these attitudes which guided you at your most desperate time?
With the Love we are.

Dec 24, 2015
Your blessed prayers
by: Terry A. Shuman

I pray a prayer of thanks for you, for your work, and for your heartfelt prayers for so many who have turned to you over these several years. May God continue to hear your prayers and those of all who have demonstrated their faith in the value of prayer. Continued best wishes this Christmas and throughout 2016 and beyond.

Reply from Katherine
Ah, thank you Terry. What a lovely Christmas blessing to read your words this morning.

I am off to church shortly. It is going to be packed. I am taking everyone with me in Spirit!

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© Katherine T Owen

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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