Christian Poem
Revelation Vision Dreams

by Andrae B. Ricketts
(Rosedale, NY)


In the middle of the night I awoke from the most terrible of dreams,
one so frightening and profound that it stripped me clean of my tiredness it seems.
I didn’t quite understand it, but it went along with the topic of Pastor Harrigan's sermon that I watched online as it streamed.
As I struggled to find the meaning The Holy Spirit brought back to remembrance
a method to give this dream some kind of semblance.

It brought me to the influence
of Daniel… To lay my dream before God…pray for understanding
and he will give clearance.

God presents prophecy and light through prophet’s visions, and dreams…..
Wouldn’t you think it mean to give you a revelation, and have it hidden between the seams?
I got on my knees and prayed: Lord please help me understand.
This dream had to do with my soul salvation….. Something about where I should stand.
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks,
the dream was understood, and I became so frightful it made my stomach sick.

My dream began right before the second coming of man,
and it dealt with on what side of the great controversy would you stand….
From my youth I had planned to stay in the world, then right when Sunday law hits… between my soul and sin I would draw a line in the sand.
But from this dream I see that this plan
was so foolish, now thoughts of it I’ve fanned.

I heard a great voice like thunder speak and I fell from my feet…..
But in a gentle manner the voice said… “Do not fear, I come in peace…
and for this you can stand or take a seat. You have strayed far away from me,
and even so your soul I still seek. See, Take and Speak
this vision I give you, and a blessing you’ll keep.”
Then again from fear I bawled
because I saw a hand write on my wall,
I wanted to go and read……. but from fright my legs stalled,
mind confused…. Then the voice called….. it said: “Go and read,
for in it is the explanation of the vision you so surely need.”

So I began to read.

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; these things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God….. then the voice said Andrae that’s me!!!
I continued… I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
So then because tho art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth……..

I cried out: LORD WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!!!!!!!?????

My child by your faith and works you are not fully clean…..
You stand in the lukewarm position and I will show you what this means……..
In an instant there was a change of scene,
and I stood on the bank of a river filled with people farther than my eyes could have seen.
Trying to understand this all turned my face red and my ears blew steam,
for this understanding I craved like crack to a fiend……

The voice said……Hear my voice and I will explain all that before you is presently seen.
Those in the water are cold and don’t know, they are presently lost, their salvation their hearts do not deem.
They hold tight to the world like a married man with no morals to a harloting girl,
to them my spirit I unfurl
so they that are tangled in sin its chords they could uncurl……..
but they don’t hear me……

Those on the bank, my ministering angels who removed themselves from the filth of sin that stank,
and desire to pull others from the heights of Satan’s ranks. They are hot…. On fire for Jesus, those who die daily because their flesh cries PLEASE US……
but by going back to the state of a fetus
they are born again…… their desire… never sin again and from Christ never part again.
Yes to spread the Gospel it is them that I send.
And I chose you as one of them my friend…..
But you’re disappointing me…. Your ways I can’t commend………

I said Lord…… where do I stand, show me…. Help me…. And make me clean………
He said Andrae you stand….INBETWEEN……..
One foot in the water and one on the bank,
and you stand stagnant, your spiritual life has created the greatest of all planks.
You were given a position and in prayer we spoke of the conditions.
You have the truth and are hot but are cooled because my truths you apply to your life completely…..NOT….
You stand one foot in the river and one foot in the bank.
Half Way lost…… and half way saved……… But to be halfway saved is to be Wholey Lost….
You can not serve two masters……It’s either the world or me……
time is running out…. Make your decision faster.

I quickly ran to the bank but then my heart shrank,
for a great wave was coming… so I began shouting warning so stern and frank…..
I warned those who were placed both on the river and the bank,
they responded: We are rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing…..
I pleaded with them… don’t you see the foolish words you stated,
don’t you know in this state you are wretched miserable poor blind and naked????
I beg you find value in faith tested by true weight,
put on linens of white righteousness instead of your Babylonian garments…
I pray your eyes will be anointed and opened to the state of the world from which it is closed……

A few listened and came to the bank, but the majority stayed,……
I then turned my attention to those in the river,
who in its cold grasp they shivered
but kept focus on the calling of their flesh who desires pleasure……
I said run…. A tsunamic wave is coming, make haste you fools…….
They responded: Aren’t you Andrae???? The one who chilled with us and used to do what we do??? Why should we listen to you?……… (My friends has this ever happened to you????)

I said yes it is I, but Christ has wrought a great work in me so that from sin I desire to flee.
Satan’s pleasure might seem fun now but in the long run it’s here to hurt you….. cant you see?????
I found that treasures of this world will be lost but the goodness of God last forever and ever.
So in my heart I have switch the servitude lever
from off or inbetween to completely on fire for Jesus and this time I won’t leave… no not ever…… Come with me I plead!!!!!!
A few came to the bank but others stayed in the river.
And a great pain was felt in my liver
when the gigantic wave came crashing down and all those souls were plown
like the Egyptians who were given many chances but were lost in the red sea for chasing the people that hold on to God’s crown.

From this scene I was thrown to the judgement of the wicked,
where before God their fruits were presented……
the seeds they had sown. There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth, and from those in linden church who to sin were prone cried out to God. “ have mercy.. I didn’t know I was off the bank, if I knew then this love I would have shown you!!!!!”
God said: How didn’t you know….. “I sent Pastor Harrigan to show you”…………….

P.S.: Thank you for your 10+ years of service, the work that you have done for the young people and are continuing to do, and also showing your men like me the proper way to speak and present a Christian like character/example to those that we come in contact with. Your new church is not fully aware of the blessing that they are about to receive.

© Andrae B. Ricketts

Tags: Christian,vision, dreams, daniel, revelations, two masters, lukewarm

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

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"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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