Christian Interfaith
and prayer for the dead

This article started life as being on Christian interfaith and has changed into being mainly about prayer for the dead and prayer for those who grieve.

My apologies for the mixture, and I will probably be back at some point to make it more consistent! 

Love, Katherine 

Contents for Christian Interfaith and Prayer for the dead

  • My definition of Christian interfaith
  • Prayer for the dead - for someone who has died.
    Eternal rest prayer.
  • Prayer to rest in peace - for the living
  • A prayer if you are grieving the death of a loved one
  • A prayer after the death of one with whom your relationship was difficult
  • A prayer for someone else grieving a death 

Eternal rest prayer for the dead

My definition of Christian interfaith

'Christian interfaith' is a phrase which has two uses.

I refer to myself as christian interfaith.

  • I am Christian because I follow Jesus, celebrate God within a Christian (catholic) service and find much inspiration in the Bible.
  • I am interfaith because I recognise many paths to God.

The other use of the phrase is for Christians who believe the only path to God is through Jesus, and yet actively seek a world in which they get along with their neighbours who may be of other faiths or none. There are interfaith groups which meet all over the UK such as my local Swindon interfaith group.

Tolerance and cooperation are the requirements. There is no insistence on shared beliefs - though many are inevitably discovered along the way.

This article is about the modern day Christian martyr, Bhatti. I don't know which definition he would relate to, but I suspect the former.

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With love, Katherine

A Prayer For Someone Who Has Died

Lower down this page, this article marks the life and passing of Shahbaz Bhatti. 

When I first wrote this page I was praying the prayer for the dead for him. 

You may be here to pray the prayer for your own loved one.

You may choose to take a moment to honour those who died fighting for a cause they believed in.

The Eternal Rest prayer is often considered a Catholic prayer for the dead. Many other Christian denominations pray only for those who are left behind.

Eternal Rest give unto them O Lord.
Let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in the peace of your love,
forever and ever.

Prayer to rest in peace - for the living

We don't have to wait until we die to rest in the peace of God's love.

In honour of those in an earthly body and those who have passed, I now say the prayer above for myself to rest in peace and for you to do the same.

Peace is eternal and eternity includes now. 
I choose to rest in peace in this moment of Now.

I choose to believe that on some level we are all resting in peace in this moment of Now.

I hold this knowing for us all. 


A prayer if you are grieving the death of a loved one

We take a moment to think of those we love, and those towards whom perhaps we didn’t feel love who were part of our lives and now have passed.

We honour any grief we feel over someone who was with us and now feels missing, and yet lives on in our heart and mind as one we love.

Bring us peace. 

God, comfort me in my grief.
I open to receive your comfort and presence.
I am willing to know or know more deeply the Love you give that I can never lose. 


A prayer after the death of one with whom your relationship was difficult

We honour any grief we feel over someone who was with us and is now gone, towards whom our feelings were complex and still remain unresolved.

Bring us peace. 

God, comfort me in my grief.
I open to receive your comfort and presence.
I am willing to know or know more deeply the Love you give that I can never lose. 


A prayer for someone grieving a death 

We think of one we know for whom the feeling of someone missing whilst still here is often overwhelming.

We join minds to let God’s comfort and presence be received by them

God, comfort them in their grief.
May they receive your comfort and presence.
May they know or know more deeply the Love you give that can never be lost. 


To embark on finding change in a situation in which we feel there is little chance of change, we rely not on our strength, but on a strength we can draw on that is beyond us.

We learn that God's strength is the only strength we have.

With my love, and every good wish on your journey,


Katherine T Owen, webmaster,
Author of Be Loved, Beloved (Kindle)

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