ME / CFS And Spirituality -
A Spiritual Journey

CFS and Spirituality follows on from Full List of Articles on Living With M.E..

(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.). Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is my preferred term for the illness, but I have been diagnosed with both over the years.)

On this page I share the spiritual practices which helped me to keep my heart open to love throughout over 14 years of living with little speech or movement and very inadequate care.

This is a summary page. Click through to read articles about an area of spirituality which interests you.

Contents for CFS and Spirituality:

  • Why pursue spirituality in a time of illness?
  • My main spiritual practices
  • Psychology applied on a journey with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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With love, Katherine

Why pursue spirituality in a time of illness?

The spiritual journey can be pursued whatever your level of health or illness.

But physical challenges can actually be an advantage in your spiritual growth. They can motivate you to experiment with a source of strength beyond the physical.

    "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
    (2 Corinthians 12:9, KJV esword, Bible verse)

Living with chronic illness, I became motivated to access a strength beyond my own. I needed help to survive, to find peace and hopefully to recover.

Click to read about ways in which spirituality can help when living with illness

ME/ CFS And Spirituality - My Main Spiritual Practices

Here is a list of my main spiritual practices when living with very severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I continue to apply most of these spiritual practices in the present day. Click through to read more about those which interest you.

  • My practice of releasing judgement. This is both a practice of forgiveness and acceptance.
  • I ask for spiritual guidance and aim to hand over to God the immediate circumstances of my life. I cultivate trust that God's guidance is available to me.

    • I read and applied the book A Course In Miracles - it has been especially powerful for me when I have read a workbook card each day for a year.
    • The Bible - When living with severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, I read a daily devotional and listened to Christian radio. Now I go to church each week.
    • I join my mind with others in a prayer of agreement for healing, care needs and housing.
    • I ask for the Holy Spirit to flow through me and use my mind as a channel to help the world.
    • I send blessings. This is especially powerful if I remember to do it in the moment of feeling annoyed with someone!
    • The spiritual practice of unity consciousness - we are one.
    • Praying. This includes actively using quotes from the Bible and A Course In Miracles to open my mind to a shift in perception or a shift in circumstances.
    • I say affirmations

    Below you will find a few psychological practices which can also be considered as spiritual practices.

    Psychology and spirituality can overlap in the benefits they bring. They both have the ability to open your mind to the extraordinary. They both allow you to access resources of strength beyond those which you currently experience.

    Practical psychology in a time of illness

    • Self dialogues
    • Inner child work
    • Guided Inner journeys

    Self dialogues

    I seek to talk to myself in a supportive, encouraging way.

    There is an overlap here with the Lightning Process which teaches a process called self-coaching.

    It is common for a person with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome  / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (or any other illness) to be annoyed at themselves for being ill and for those things they cannot do. It is so important to develop an inner voice that lets us know we are supported and loved. 

    Click here for a page on how to talk to yourself with self love.

    Inner child work

    You may find it easier to be kind to yourself when you picture yourself as the child you once were. Inner child work encourages you to do this.

    Please visit the website for my article on healing the inner child.

    Inner child work is mentioned in many books. My book recommendation for inner child work is a book by John Bradshaw.

    HOMECOMING - Reclaiming And Championing Your Inner Child by John Bradshaw.
    Inner child work is also used in the famous book, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.

    Guided Inner journeys

    When living with very severe CFS, I relied a lot on the excellent tapes of Gill Edwards.

    These guided inner journeys were amazing for allowing me to access my own inner wisdom.

    My physical world was very small due to living with severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Yet, thanks to these CDs (tapes at the time!) I was able to journey far in my mind.

    Listening to the CDs developed my creativity.

    I tapped into the rich resources of my subconscious and the even richer sources of Divine Wisdom.

    (Unfortunately, Gill Edwards' CDs no longer seem to be available.)

    Articles Relevant to ME/ CFS and Spirituality:

    • The Spiritual Blog UK
    • Much of this website is about exploring spirituality when living with CFS / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis so please refer to the navigation bar for other relevant articles to read.

    Or click on the link below to move from ME / CFS and Spirituality to the Contents List for these pages on Living With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-ME. 

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    © Katherine T Owen

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    Be Loved

    15 Spiritual Love Poems
    God Love Self Love

    (by the author of

    For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

    Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
    God's love.

    Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

    If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

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    Click to preview or BUY
    the PAPERBACK of
    Be Loved Beloved

    "One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

    Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

    What's New?

    1. Prayer for healing especially when you find it difficult

      prayer for healing ai
      A prayer for healing and faith when difficult. Remember others pray for you. Why not pray for another who is also living with illness or praying for health?

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    2. Spiritual Poems about Flowers

      rose yellow
      These poems about flowers speak of their beauty as a sign of hope and their fragility as a reminder to seek God in the present moment.

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