Catholic Youth Poetry Rap

by Alexander John

Living Free

1st Verse:

The misunderstood man of redemption

I wish-I-could have had this plan back when I was getting detention

A back pack rapper that has stopped letting the mess in

Still down with hip-hop at the same time learning some lessons

Pulled up to a spiritual pit-stop said some rhymes out came blessings...

The moment I found GOD

Was like the omen was potent to the point I would almost nod off...

For good

Still with raw skills but more bills than I could...


Something took my life off the mantle

Pounded it to the ground and I burnt my own candle...

With nothing left but a bit of wit in my wick

So decided to rhyme some catholic rhymes quick

And resurrected my gift

And became optimistic again cos my pen made that pessimistic in me quit.


This is a story of a guy you may know

The lord is who I give my glory to - it's not my show...

So before you judge a stranger

Learn to protect yourself and them from danger.

2nd Verse:
God is the only artist I look up to

I remember when I lost the harness I was numb-to...

The life I knew before I found truth

So with a mic I could restore myself and speak-to-the-youth

I felt like a new man again but I wasn't reaching-for-fruits...

Cos for a while there I lost the mission

Things piled up I thought it was unfair and it cost me a position

And for years I got lost in the system...

Then one day I opened up a bible

Picked up a pen and prayed the lyrics came out and the words seemed reliable...

I didn't grow up a church guy

I didn't switch my flow up till I prayed on the dirt and a part of me died

But little did I know a part of me flied

The heart inside me sighed...

Cos it was letting in love and I knew it was good

And I was betting on a dove that flew into my life and I knew that I could.

Love Hurts But Hate Kills

1st Verse:

They say love hurts well hate kills

I've been on this earth long enough to know that pain is real

But it can be healed...

I'm just a guy talking

Who one day said I might try to get my life in working...


I had two options either be saved or continue my spiritual slaughter

So I picked up the pen again and this time out came lyrical water

It's a miracle that it's now in working order...

But I know who's responsible and he is looking down

As I flow no-nonsense I'm sick of being that clown...

I have turned over a new leaf because God provided plenty

As my old tree burned down I didn't grieve just knew the light was the remedy...

We are forever changing day by day

I'm re-arranging my life and I love to pray

So I look forward to time with my wife and I hope she knows I'm here to stay.


I've known darkness and light

I've blown a small fortune and put up a big fight

So what I was given by the night

I plan to turn it to compost and turn it to light.

2nd Verse:

My days are made up of love for GOD and people

I've stayed up full of rage in that past but really who needs evil?...

For all the bridges I've burned I plan to make better ones

Forgive me I was hurt but I'm only a man but from now on will never run...

Hope and love

Put down the rope and hug...

Someone you care about and who cares about you

Don't make the wrong move when you’re staring into nothing when ya blue...

I've been through pain

I've seen who came

When I was insane...

Enter Jesus Exit Satan

Gave me reasons to remember patience...

Cos they say all good things come to those who wait

Here are my cloths and please eat from my plate

If you want swing by my church and the priest can teach you about my faith.

Note from Katherine T Owen
Dear Alexander, I found these rap poems powerful and moving. If you ever put anything up on youtube, do send me the link so myself and visitors can hear you performing.
Thank you for your faith and for communicating it to others. I too go to a catholic church and there are not many young people there.
Our poetry may be different but we are writing about the same thing… Without God we are nothing.
Keep writing. Thank you for sharing on, and God bless you.

tags: catholic youth poetry rap, spirituality, modern christian poem

Comments for Catholic Youth Poetry Rap

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Jul 03, 2017
For the glory of God
by: Alexander John

Thank you for you kind words and I'm really glad you enjoyed my poems. I haven't gotten any videos up yet online but plan to in the near future. I will post links once they are done. It is All for the glory of GOD why I write this Hip Hop Catholic Poetry. GOD Bless.

Jul 07, 2017
Christ-centered Hip Hop and Soul Music
by: Ryland from Jesus Peace Radio Network

If you like Alexander John's Hip Hop poetry, you will love Jesus Peace Radio. The two hour programme is filled with nothing but the love of God displayed through music and discussion. Please check out our website at (I'll spell it out, in case this site doesn't support the link: JPRadio[dot]org). We have a full music ministry, complete with a blog site, prayer requests, and soon to come Christian apparel and merchandise.

We pray that your visit to our site will be a blessing that you'll be compelled to share with many others. Thank you for the work you're doing for the Kingdom of God!

Ryland Stephens, Jr.

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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