Angels and Meditation

by Shaun
(Swindon, SouthWest England)

I just started a guided meditation class in Shrivenham at the Centre of Light. The course is run by Catherine B who led us vocally to a deeper consciousness. The initial session was both revealing and rather surprising for me.

Afterwards the subject of Angels was raised and I queried this. I felt Catherine was uncomfortable to explain the term in any substantial way - leaving a door open to allow the space for feelings, emotions, inspirations to evoke their own symbolism into the minds of the fellow meditators.

While the experience was more powerful with an intimate room of open minds to allow a 'channel'
how do I approach such terms as Angels, colours of chakras and other slightly ambivalent terms.

Would you suggest I ask Catherine how she interprets these ideas and go from there?

Note from

Dear Shaun,
As I know a little of you and of the leader, Catherine, I feel able to answer the question.

Catherine B is running a spirituality group with no particular set of beliefs being put forward.
The great plus of meditation is that it does not require beliefs to work, only spiritual practice. This leads to an experience which is often surprisingly and delightfully similar for all of us, affirming our unity in God.

Catherine B may be reluctant to open the group to a conversation that would ultimately touch on beliefs and might thereby divide the group.

I think you answered your own question when you said that she wants to “allow the space for feelings, emotions, inspirations to evoke their own symbolism into the minds of the fellow meditators.”

I would suggest you ask her privately. She can then tell you if she prefers you to ask the question when the group is assembled.

The colours of the chakras are always the same where ever you read of them, so I think she would be happy to answer that question in front of the group. As to where they came from...I am not sure if anyone would know. But they work well.

It sounds intriguing that you found the session ‘revealing’.

With the Love we find in the stillness,

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Mar 22, 2012
Unicorn Meditation
by: Shaun

Interestingly my second guided meditation which was again led by Catherine had different energy levels. Sitting on the ground and only having had a liquid lunch i found it oh soooo relaxing.
Catherine had also been doing an hour and a half teleseminar so i think was very chilled and in need of the quiet time.
This time a unicorn was introduced and while i had no visual perceptions i still found the experience peaceful and engaging. This 'feeling' ran into the evening and even helped with my breathing ~ i have had asevere cough and my sleep pattern was most definitely lengthened probably due to the calmness engendered.
Catherine is also so lovely.
Her voice, her pleasant attitude and openness are truly engaging. I think she has come through some difficult times but her caring nature and concern for the group members is most endearing.

With the Love we are,

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