ACIM Study Groups in South Wales

by Mary

Would you know,if there any study groups near me, for A Course in Miracles? I live in Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan, Wales.

I did try to read the book, but it’s quite heavy, and I think I would enjoy studying it, in a group.........Take care.......byeeee Elaine

Note from

Dear Elaine,
Miracle Worker Magazine lists all the known ACIM study groups in the UK at the back of each edition along with the telephone number of anyone who would like to set up an ACIM study group.

There is one in
Swansea which meets on a tuesday at 7.30.
I won't put the number in case they don't want it online, but will send it to you.

Other ACIM study groups in Wales

Miracle Network also suggests you call 020 7262 0209 if you want to start your own group. They will list you in the magazine. will maybe have more information.

Hope this helps.

People often find the book A Course In Miracles too heavy at first.
For myself, it was literally too heavy! I couldn't pick it up until I was into recovery from illness.

My introduction to A Course In Miracles was the tapes of Marianne Williamson and pamphlets sold through the Miracle Network.

My main forgiveness practice was and still is the release as outlined in the free book offered on this site.

Many people seem to come through to the Course either through the work Marianne Williamson or through the ACIM book Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard.

When I eventually did read the actual book, it was through the workbook cards - as they were light enough! I did the workbook before the text and that worked for me.

Celebrating your innocence and your beauty.
You cannot fail!


Move from ACIM Study Groups to “What is ACIM” with a link through to the Miracle Network from where you can buy the Miracle Worker magazine.

Comments for ACIM Study Groups in South Wales

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Mar 04, 2019
Starting ACIM study group
by: Eleyana

I am interested in starting up an acim study group in Sketty Swansea! If anyone is interested, from the surrounding areas? Please phone me on 07585481262.

Many thanks


From Katherine Owen - Good luck Eleyana. I hope that people in Swansea see this.

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